IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 25 August 2024, Shift 1,2,3,4 Good Attempts and Difficulty Level


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IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 25 August 2024

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection completed Shift 1 of the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam 2024, on 25 August. The IBPS Clerk  Online Exam is being conducted to recruit candidates for the position of Clerk in the various public sector banks. After interacting with numerous candidates who appeared in the exam and carefully analyzing their feedback, our team has provided the detailed IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024. As per the candidates, the difficulty level of the examination was Easy

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 25 August 2024

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 4: Difficulty Level

The overall difficulty level of the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam 2024 held in the 25 August Shift 4 was Easy. While some questions are a bit challenging, most candidates found the paper manageable with a balanced mix of easy and moderately difficult questions.

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 4: Difficulty Level
SectionsDifficulty Level
Reasoning AbilityEasy
Numerical AbilityEasy
English LanguageEasy

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 4: Good Attempts

Based on the analysis, a total of 78-85 attempts with good accuracy would be considered a safe score in this shift. The expected cut-off for the IBPS Clerk Prelims 2024 is anticipated to vary by state, but given the easy difficulty level of this shift, the cut-off might be on the higher side compared to previous years.

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 4: Good Attempts
SectionsGood Attempts
Reasoning Ability26-30
Numerical Ability24-27
English Language22-24

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 4: Section-wise Analysis

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 4 was well-structured, with a balanced distribution of questions across all sections. While certain sections, like Reasoning Ability and Quantitative Aptitude, included some challenging questions, the English Language section was relatively easier. Candidates with thorough preparation and effective time management were able to navigate the exam comfortably. The shift was consistent with previous IBPS Clerk exams, with no unexpected questions.

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 4: Reasoning Ability

As expected, in this section, Puzzle and Seating Arrangement dominated the Reasoning part, with a mix of easy and moderate questions. Other questions were straightforward that were easy for most candidates.

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 4: Reasoning Ability
TopicsNo. of Questions
Puzzle(Comparison) (7 person Height)03
Puzzle (Box-Based)05
Puzzle (Floor Based- 8p)05
Seating Arrangements (Uncertain Linear) (16 person)03
Seating Arrangements (Parallel row – North-South)05
Direction & Distance03
Number-Symbol Series05
Pair Formation (Number based)01
Word Based (Ascending Order)01

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 4: Numerical Ability

In Numerical Ability, two sets of DI, one based on a line graph and another on a table, were moderately challenging but solvable with practice and arithmetic Questions covering topics like Profit & Loss, Time & Work, and Simple & Compound Interest, etc.

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 4: Numerical Ability
TopicsNo. of Questions
Arithmetic (Partnership, Age, Time & Work, CI-SI, Average, Boat & Stream and Mensuration)15
Data Interpretation (Table)05
DI (Line Graph)05

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 4: English Language

As usual, in this section, the passage was straightforward, focusing on Women’s Empowerment. The questions were mainly factual, making this section relatively easy for those with good reading and comprehension skills. Other questions, tested candidates’ understanding of basic grammar rules.

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 4: English Language
TopicsNo. of Questions
Reading Comprehension (Women Empowerment)10
Para Jumbles05
Error Detection04
Word Swap02
Phrase Replacement05

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 3rd Shift 25 August: Difficulty Level

Based on the feedback we have gathered from candidates who appeared for the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam 2024 Shift 3 on 25 August, the difficulty level of the paper was Easy. The question pattern followed a similar trend to the other two shifts held earlier in the day. Below, we have provided a table detailing the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024 Shift 3, 25 August, difficulty level.

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 3rd Shift 25 August: Difficulty Level
SectionsDifficulty Level
Reasoning AbilityEasy
Numerical AbilityEasy
English LanguageEasy

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, Shift 3, 25 August: Good Attempts

The IBPS Clerk Exam 2024 Shift 3 was completed on 25 August. Now, students are concerned about the good attempts, which will provide them with an overview of their performance. To give candidates a detailed understanding of the good attempts, we have prepared our IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August 3rd Shift good attempts.

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 3: Good Attempts
SectionsGood Attempts
Reasoning Ability26-30
Numerical Ability25-29
English Language22-25

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 3: Section-Wise Analysis

The IBPS Clerk Exam 2024 Prelims round consists of three sections: English Language, Reasoning Ability, and Numerical Ability. A total of 100 questions are asked across these sections, which candidates must solve within a specified timeframe. Our IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024 Shift 3, 25 August, offers a section-wise analysis, providing insights into the weightage of key topics in each section.

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, Shift 3, 25 August: Reasoning Ability

According to the students, the Reasoning Ability section of the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam 2024 Shift 3, was Easy. Our team has thoroughly analyzed the paper and prepared the IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024 Shift 3, 25 August, on a section-wise basis. The table below provides a detailed overview of the topics covered in the Reasoning section.

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 3: Reasoning Ability
TopicsNo. of Questions
Puzzle (6 member- Train Length)03
Puzzle (Designation- 8 person)05
Puzzle – Box (7 Person)05
Seating Arrangements (Uncertain- Linear)05
Seating Arrangements (Certain- Linear) (7 person)01
Substitutional Coding01
Direction & Sense03
Number Series (3 digits)05
Pair Formation (Letter- Magnet)01
Meaning Word (Pure)01

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 3: Numerical Ability

The Numerical Ability section in the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam 2024 Shift 3, 25 August, was rated as Easy. Students need to familiarize themselves with the specific topics covered in this section. The IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 3, provides a detailed breakdown of all the topics included in the Numerical Ability section.

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 3rd Shift 25 August: Numerical Ability
TopicsNo. of Questions
Missing Number Series05
Arithmetic (Partnership, Age, Time & Work, Profit & Loss, SI, Average, Boat & Stream, Pipe & Cistern, Mixture & Allegation and Mensuration)10-13
DI (Bar Graph)05

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 3rd Shift 25 August: English Language

The English Language section of the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam 2024 Shift 3, 25 August, was reported as Easy according to students’ feedback. The section covered most of the syllabus topics. Here is the topic-wise IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 3rd Shift 25 August, for the English Language section.

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, Shift 3, 25 August: English Language
TopicsNo. of Questions
Reading Comprehension08-09
Cloze Test06
Phrasal Verb03
Error Detection03
Word Swap05
Word Usage (Idle, Ruin, Gate)03
Column Based01

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 2: Difficulty Level

The overall difficulty level of the IBPS Clerk Exam Shift 2 on 25 August was reported to be Easy. The exam was well-balanced across sections, testing candidates’ speed, accuracy, and conceptual understanding. While some sections were relatively easier, others required careful time management and a strong grasp of fundamental concepts.

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 2: Difficulty Level
SectionDifficulty Level
Reasoning AbilityEasy
Numerical AbilityEasy
English LanguageEasy

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 2: Good Attempts

Candidates achieving scores within or above 78-85 range can be optimistic about their chances of qualifying for the next round, although final cut-offs will determine the actual results. Based on the feedback and expert analysis, the following range of good attempts for each section is estimated:

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 2: Good Attempts
SectionGood Attempts
Reasoning Ability27-30
Numerical Ability26-30
English Language22-25

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 2: Section-wise Analysis

The IBPS Clerk Prelims 2024 August 25 Shift 2 presented a well-rounded challenge to candidates. Candidates who focused on accuracy and practiced regularly topics like Data Interpretation, Arithmetic Problems and Puzzles & Seating Arrangements were able to perform well.

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 2: English Language

The English section was Easy in terms of difficulty level, with questions that tested basic grammar and comprehension skills. Vocabulary-based questions in RC, error spotting, and sentence correction were straightforward. Para jumbles required logical thinking to arrange the sentences correctly.

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 2: English Language
TopicsNo. Of Questions
Reading Comprehension (Fictional- Farming)10
Word Rearrangement06
Cloze Test (Happiness)06
Error Detection05
Match the Column02
Word Usage (Raise)01

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 2: Numerical Ability

The level of difficulty of Numerical Ability in this shift was Easy. Simplification questions were direct, while DI required careful calculation. Arithmetic questions were slightly tricky, especially in topics like Profit & Loss and Time & Work. This section was time-consuming, and candidates who managed their time well were able to attempt a good number of questions.

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 2: Numerical Ability
TopicsNo. Of Questions
 Number Series05
Data Interpretation (Tabular)05
Data Interpretation (Caselet)03

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 2: Reasoning Ability

The Reasoning section was considered an Easy section. However, puzzles and seating arrangements required careful thought and time management. Puzzles and seating arrangements took up a significant portion of this section. Syllogism and inequality questions were easy and helped candidates boost their scores.

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 2: Reasoning Ability
TopicNo. of Questions
Puzzles (Month+Date 7,12)05
Puzzles (7 Days)05
Seating Arrangement (Square- Corner Inside, Middle Ousite)05
Comparison Based03
Letter Series 05
Chinese Coding Decoding05
Blood Relation03
Pair Formation01
Meaning Word01

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 1 Good Attempts and Difficulty Level

Today, i.e. 25 August 2024 is the second day of the IBPS Clerk Exam 2024 with the examination to be also conducted on 31 August 2024. Candidates who had their exam in the 1st Shift should review to analyze their performance in the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam 2024. The IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 1 Exam Review provides insight into difficulty level, good attempts, section-wise analysis, etc.

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, Shift 1, 25 August

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam 2024, Shift 1 was successfully held on 25 August 2024. As per the review received from the candidates who appeared for the examination, the difficulty level of the paper was Easy. In the given table, we have discussed the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, Shift 1, 25 August sectional as well as the overall exam level.

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August 1st Shift: Difficulty Level
SectionsDifficulty Level
Reasoning AbilityEasy
Numerical AbilityEasy-Moderate
English LanguageEasy

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August 1st Shift

Following the exam candidates are eager to determine their eligibility for the next phase of the selection process by analyzing good attempts. Various factors including difficulty level and average attempts by candidates contribute to the good attempts. The table below presents the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, Shift 1, 25 August, highlighting the good attempts.

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, Shift 1, 25 August: Good Attempts
SectionsGood Attempts
Reasoning Ability28-30
Numerical Ability24-29
English Language23-25

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, Shift 1, 25 August: Section-Wise Analysis

After knowing the difficulty level and good attempts aspirants should be acquainted with the section-wise IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, Shift 1, 25 August. A total of 3 sections are asked in the preliminary examination: Reasoning Ability, Numerical Ability, and English Language.

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 1: Reasoning Ability

A total number of 35 questions were asked from the Reasoning Ability section. According to the aspirants, the level of the question was Easy. Candidates can check the detailed number of questions asked from each topic from this section in the table mentioned below.

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 1: Reasoning Ability
TopicsNo. of Questions
Puzzles (Month Based- Jan, Mar, July, Aug, Sept & Dec)05
Puzzles (Box Based- 8)02
Seating Arrangements (Circular 8 person)05
Seating Arrangements (Uncertain)05
Number-Symbol Based Series05
Blood Relation03
Direction & Distance03
Pair Formation (Charity)01
Odd One Out01
Meaningful Word01
Order & Ranking01

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, Shift 1, 25 August: Numerical Ability

In Numerical Ability, 35 questions were asked for a maximum of 35 marks. As per the review received from the aspirants, the level of the section was Easy. In the given table, we have provided the topic-wise weightage according to the IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 1st Shift 25 August for Numerical Ability.

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 1st Shift 25 August: Numerical Ability
TopicsNo. of Questions
Data Interpretation (Tabular)05
Data Interpretation (Bar)05
Arithmetic (Boat & Stream, Partnership, SI-CI, Time & Work, Percentage, Average, Age, Mensuration)15

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 1st Shift 25 August: English Language

Candidates were asked to solve 30 questions for a maximum of 30 marks in the English Language. The team of Dream Big Institution interacted with the aspirants and then found the level of English Language to be Easy. Here, we have listed down the topics and number of questions asked in the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam 2024, 25 August Shift 1.

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 1st Shift 25 August: English Language
TopicsNo. of Questions
Reading Comprehension (Story Based-A girl)10
Para Jumbles05
Error Detection05
Phrasal Verb02
Word Usage (Weigh, Pour)03

IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern 2024 For Prelims

In the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam 2024, candidates have to attempt a total of 100 questions for a maximum of 100 marks in 60 minutes. Aspirants can check the given table for the detailed IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern 2024 for Prelims.

IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern 2024 For Prelims
SectionNo. of Qs.Max. Marks   Duration
Reasoning Ability303020 minutes
Numerical Ability353520 minutes
English Language353520 minutes
Total10010060 minutes


Where to get the complete IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 1?

The complete IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 25 August Shift 1 has been discussed in the given article.

What are the different parameters mentioned in the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, Shift 1, 25 August?

The different parameters mentioned in the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, Shift 1, 25 August are difficulty level, good attempts, and section-wise analysis.

What was the level of IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam 2024, Shift 1, 25 August?

The level of IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam 2024, Shift 1, 25 August was Easy.

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