IBPS PO Prelims Exam Analysis 15 October 2022: Check Here


Hello Dear Aspirants,

IBPS PO Prelims Exam Analysis 15 October 2022: Institute of banking personnel selection conducts the IBPS PO prelims examination on the 15th and 16th October 2022. The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) is a government-owned bank personnel recruitment agency under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance, Government of India. IBPS PO Prelims exam analysis is provided here with good attempts and difficulty levels. Once the IBPS PO prelims examination is successfully completed, we will update the in-depth IBPS PO prelims Exam Analysis 2022 for all the 4 shifts in a day based on students’ reviews. 

The IBPS PO prelims exam comprises 3 sections namely English language, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning Ability. Get to know the questions asked from each topic with the number of good attempts section-wise and overall. The A. Candidates can check the detailed IBPS PO prelims Exam Analysis 2022 in this article. will help you analyze the types of questions from each section. Practicing IBPS PO Previous Year Question Paper PDF will help you prepare from the examination point of view.

IBPS PO Prelims Exam Analysis 15 October 2022

Here we have added the IBPS PO prelims exam analysis 2022. With the help of the IBPS PO prelims exam analysis 2022, you can know the number of questions asked on each topic. Also, we will provide the section-wise and overall good attempts. Along with these details, you can also refer to the section-wise & overall exam difficulty levels. So, refer to the IBPS PO prelims Exam Analysis 2022.

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2022 Shift-3: Difficulty Level

Difficulty Level in the IBPS PO Prelims Exam 2022 depends on the difficulty level of the examination, the number of questions asked in the examination, etc. In the given table we have provided the IBPS PO Section-wise difficulty level of the IBPS PO Prelims examination.

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2022: Difficulty Level
SectionDifficulty Level
Reasoning AbilityModerate
Quantitative AptitudeModerate
English LanguageEasy to Moderate

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2022: Good Attempts

Here we are providing below the average number of good attempts after coordinating with the students who have appeared in the IBPS PO 3rd shift today. The number of good attempts depends upon certain factors like the difficulty level of the exam, the number of vacancies, etc. Here in the given table candidates can check the number of good attempts section-wise.

SectionDifficulty Level
Reasoning Ability26-30
Quantitative Aptitude21-23
English Language22-24

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2022: Section Wise

After getting good attempts & difficulty levels for all three sections, now candidates can check section-wise analysis where we have provided the number of questions asked from different topics.

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2022: English Language

The overall level of the English Language section was Easy to Moderate. There were 30 questions in the English Language section which were to be solved within a sectional time limit of 20 minutes. Here in the given table candidates can check the topic-wise questions that were asked in the IBPS PO Prelims 3rd shift today.

TopicsNo. Of Questions
Reading Comprehension (WHO)7
Word Swap5
Error Detection4
Para Jumble3
Cloze Test6
Phrase Replacement5

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2022: Quantitative Aptitude

The total number of 35 questions in quantitative aptitude in the IBPS PO Prelims examination 2022 with a sectional time limit of 20 minutes. According to candidates who have appeared in the IBPS PO Prelims examination, the overall level of quantitative aptitude section was Moderate. Candidates can check topic-wise questions asked in IBPS PO Prelims 2022.

TopicsNo. Of Questions
Pie Chart Data Interpretation5
Bar Graph Data Interpretation5
Caselet Data Interpretation5
Quadratic Equation5
Wrong Number Series5

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2022: Reasoning Ability

As per the feedback of students the overall difficulty level of the reasoning section in the IBPS PO 3rd shift today was Moderate. The reasoning section has questions on topics like puzzles, seating arrangements, inequality, etc. To get topic-wise weightage of questions, candidates can check the table given below.

TopicsNo. Of Questions
Selection-Based Puzzle (9 Persons – 3 Cities)4
Designation Based Puzzle (5 Persons – 5 Cities & Designation)5
Age Based Puzzle5
Uncertain No. of Persons Seating Arrangement5
Uncertain No. of Persons Seating Arrangement4
Chinese Coding Decoding4
Pair – Number1

IBPS PO Prelims Exam Analysis For 15th October 2022: 2nd Shift

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 15 Oct 2022- Good Attempts

As reviewed by the aspirants, the level of IBPS PO 2022 Prelims exam in Shift 2 was Moderate, and overall good attempts could range between 65-69. Check the good attempts as per the analysis conducted by our faculty.

SectionsGood AttemptsDifficulty Level
Reasoning Aptitude23-25Easy-Moderate
English Language21-23Easy-Moderate
Quantitative Aptitude20-22Easy-Moderate
Total 65-69Easy-Moderate

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2022 – Reasoning Ability

The reasoning ability section of the IBPS PO 2022 prelims exam was easy to moderate. There were a total of 20 questions asked from puzzle and sitting arrangements. The IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2022, 15 Oct, shift-2 is detailed below with the help of tables.

  • Flat & Floor Based Puzzle(3*2)
  • Double Row Sitting Arrangement (7 in & 7 Out)
  • Selection-Based Puzzle (Country- Germany, Japan, China, 9 members)
  • Uncertain Row-Based Puzzle(19 Person- North facing)
  • Product Purchase-Based Puzzle(5 members + variable)
TopicsNo. of QuestionsDifficulty Level
Puzzles and Seating Arrangement23Easy-Moderate
Syllogism(3 Statement & 1 Conclusion)03Easy-Moderate
Word pair formation01Easy
Odd one out01Easy
Direction & Distance03Easy

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2022 – English Language

The English section of the IBPS PO Prelims Exam 2022 was easy but lengthy as per the IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2022, Shift-1. Below we have detailed the questions asked from every section of the English Language.

Reading Comprehension: Topic – Employee Opinion, Inference Based

TopicsNo. of QuestionsDifficulty Level
Reading Comprehension10Moderate
Spot the Correct Sentence03Easy to Moderate
Sentence Rearrangement03Easy
Phrase Replacement(Grammer)03Easy
Param Jumble05Easy to Moderate
Fillers03-04Easy to Moderate
Match the Column03Easy to Moderate
Total30Easy to Moderate

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2022 – Quantitative Aptitude

The numerical ability section of the IBPS PO Exam 2022, Shift-2 was easy to moderate. The topic-wise number of questions asked has been mentioned below. In arithmetic, questions were asked from profit and loss, boat & stream, mensuration, problem on ages, partnership and CI & SI.

  • Bar Graph – 5 Questions
  • Table DI(Cakes- Sold & unsold %age calculative) – 5 Questions
  • Caselet DI – 5 Questions
TopicNo. of QuestionsDifficulty Level
Data Interpretation (Bar, Table, Caselet)15Easy to Moderate
Quadratic Equation05Easy
Arithmetic10Easy to Moderate

IBPS PO Prelims Exam Analysis For 15th October 2022: 1st Shift

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2022- Good Attempts

As per the candidate’s reviews, the paper was lengthy and time-consuming. The level of the exam can be considered as Easy to Moderate. IBPS PO Prelims exam had 3 sections in the objective test of 100 marks.

SectionsGood AttemptsLevel
Reasoning Aptitude23-25Easy-Moderate
English Language21-23Easy-Moderate
Quantitative Aptitude20-22Easy-Moderate
Total Marks: 10064-70Easy-Moderate

IBPS PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2022- Sectional Review

Below we have discussed each section in detail along with section-wise difficulty level and questions asked in today’s exam. Go through the complete IBPS PO Prelims Exam Analysis conducted for Shift-1 of 15th October 2022. As per the student’s review, each section was of Easy to Moderate Level and a few questions were time-consuming.

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2022- Reasoning

This section had 35 questions. The overall reasoning section was Easy-Moderate as per our IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2022 conducted by experts. There were 04 questions of syllogisms asked in the exam.

There were 4 sets of puzzles and Seating Arrangement, which are mentioned below:

1. Floor-based puzzle (5 floors + variable): 5 questions

2. Comparison puzzle: 3 questions

3. Linear Based SA (4 North & 4 South): 5 questions

4. Circular Seating Arrangement (Facing Inside): 5 questions

TopicsNo. of QuestionsLevel
Puzzles and Seating Arrangement20Easy-Moderate
Blood Relation03-04Easy-Moderate
Direction Distance03Easy
Pair Formation01Easy
Meaningful Word01Easy
Odd One Out01Easy

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2022- English Language

English Language section was of Easy to Moderate level. The Reading Comprehension is Based on “Place-Tourism Strategy” with 3 to 4 questions from Vocabulary, 2 synonyms, 1 antonym, questions. It is important that candidates choose wisely what to attempt and what to skip.

Synonyms– Vital

TopicsNo. of QuestionsLevel
Reading Comprehension07-08Easy-Moderate
Error Detection03Easy-Moderate
Fill in the blanks04-05Easy
Sentence Rearrangement (New)05Easy
Phrase Replacement01-02Easy

IBPS PO Prelims Exam Analysis- Quantitative Aptitude

As per IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2022 shift 1, Quantitative Section was Easy to Moderate.  The Arithmetic questions were from Profit and Loss, Boat & Stream Mensuration, Problem on Ages, Partnership, SI & CI etc.

There were 3 sets of DI were as follows in Shift-1 of 15th October 2022-

  1. Bar DI (Tax pay 2018-2019): 5 questions
  2. Table DI (Election based): 5 questions
  3. Caselet DI (Table Based)- 5 questions
TopicNo. of QuestionsLevel
Data Interpretation (Bar, Table, Caselet)15Easy-Moderate
Missing Number Series05Easy-Moderate
Quadratic Equation05Easy-Moderate

FAQs: IBPS PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2022

Q. How many shifts are there in IBPS PO Prelims 2022?

A. IBPS PO prelims exam is scheduled to be conducted in 4 shifts.

Q. What is the total time duration of the IBPS PO prelims examination?

A. The total time duration of the IBPS PO prelims examination is 60 minutes (1 hour).

Q. Is there sectional timing for the IBPS PO prelims Examination?

A. Yes. Sectional Timing is there for the IBPS PO prelims examination.

Q. Where can I check the detailed IBPS PO prelims Exam Analysis 2022?

A. Candidates can check the detailed IBPS PO prelims Exam Analysis 2022 in this article.

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