Important Exam Day Instructions for SBI Clerk Mains 2020 After a long wait, finally the State Bank of India is conducting the final phase of the SBI Clerk Recruitment 2020. SBI Clerk Mains Online Exam is going to take place tomorrow on 31st October and due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are some changes in the mode of conduct and necessary things that candidates must carry with themselves for this exam. SBI has introduced the dress code for SBI Clerk Main exam and bringing your own stamp pad is also made compulsory. Here we are sharing with you some special instructions for the SBI Clerk Mains examination, that all students must keep in mind. These special instructions are mentioned in your admit card and here we are highlighting some important things that you should keep in mind while going to the exam center.
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Candidates have to bring their own blue/black stamp pad.
Yes this is a big point to note if you are going to appear in SBI Clerk Mains Exam on 31st October!! To maintain the sanitary, safe and social distancing mode of conduct the organisation has mentioned in the admit card that candidate has to bring their own blue or black colored stamp pad for affixing thumb impression.
You must bring the same photograph as the one you have uploaded while filling the online application.
It is specifically mentioned in the SBI Clerk Mains Call Letter- “The photograph will be matched with the application and you must not change your appearance from the photo uploaded by you.”
IRIS Scan will be conducted in place of biometric thumb impression.
This measure is taken due to the COVID-19 situtation to avoid contact with others. You’ll have to remove your contact lense or spectacles during the IRIS scan process.
You must abide by the dress code mentioned in the admit card.
- Light clothes that cannot be used for hiding any device or instrument
- Half sleeved but not having big buttons or any badge. brooches etc
- slippers, sandles and not shoes
- candidates coming in customary/ religious dresses should report to the centre 20 minutes before the reporting time for checking
Your status will be checked in the Aarogya Setu App on your mobile phone.
This is a mandatory procedure for all exams, and only students who are safe will be allowed to attend the exam. After check your status, you have switch off your phone and submit it at the centre.
The rest of the social distancing mode of conduct guidelines are mentioned in your call letter. You must wear a mask, bring your own pen, water bottle, you can bring your own sanitizer. We advise you to go through all the details mentioned in your call letter once again.