Indian Geography MCQ for UPSC SSC Railway Exams

Indian Geography MCQ for UPSC SSC Railway Exams

Indian Geography MCQ for UPSC SSC Railway Exams Indian Geography is a vital part of the IAS Syllabus. Conceptual understanding of geography is necessary to score well in both UPSC IAS Prelims as well as in UPSC IAS Mains. Here we are providing a detailed strategy for preparing geography for UPSC Mains.
A holistic view of geography encompasses a major portion of UPSC syllabus, especially Indian physical geography for general studies paper 1 and economic and environment Indian geography for general studies paper 3.

Steps to Approach Geography:

1. Gain proficiency with the watchwords of the geography portion of the UPSC syllabus to enable you to recognize the crucial data to be separated from any investigation material.
2. The significant part can be done from NCERTs and GC Leong. It is fitting to do this portion first as it will look over your central information just as assistance you in Prelims Exam.
3. Presently get each subject in turn, for instance, debacle the board – it has three sections in the syllabus – Important Geophysical marvels, for example, seismic tremors, Tsunami, Volcanic movement, typhoon and so forth and Security and Disaster Management. Study them from the sources given underneath.
4. Make a rundown of imperative subjects from financial and Indian geography required for general examinations paper 3.
– Indian horticulture
– Indian enterprises
– Population and settlements certainties like kid sex proportion, birth rate and so forth.
5. Get ready separate notes on significant current undertakings identified with land wonder resembles el-Niño, polar vertex and so forth. It will enable you to improve your answers in the mains.

Geography in General Studies Paper 1

A student having a fairly good understanding of standard books may find it easier to approach geography in paper 1. It should be noted that the static portion does not mean direct fact-based questions from standard books, but opinion-based questions are per the given syllabus.
All the four new NCERTs of class 11tha d 12th are the most primary source for geography. This has a mixed set of questions (both static and dynamic) within the same topic for e.g. Earthquakes. You can approach such a question by applying the backtracking algorithm. If a natural hazard occurs in India, you should study the causes, origin, and aftereffects of the same. Another important source can be the annual report of the national disaster response force.

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