LIC Assistant Mains Study Plan 2019


LIC Assistant Prelims Result has been declared and according to the official news, LIC Assistant Mains Exam is going to take place on 22nd December 2019. As we all know LIC Assistant is conducting examination for different zones and so there is a difference in exam pattern for South and North region. Students are in dilemma, as to what and from where to prepare. Will there be any difference in difficulty level as well along with the additional subject i.e Hindi language or not? Thoughts like this are scratching up students’ minds but keeping the fair judgment intact, we can conclude that exam level in terms of difficulty would be similar. Students will have to manage their time accordingly.

Sectional Timing in LIC Assistant Mains 2019

As there will be sectional timing in LIC Assistant Mains for each type of exam pattern, students will have to complete the number of questions asked in the exam accordingly. Earlier students used to manage their time giving more weight to the quant or Reasoning section but now LIC has restricted this choice by introducing the sectional timing. Students appearing from Hindi or Non-Hindi patterns will be allowed a total of 150 minutes to complete the paper. The exam will be held online. Due to only one question displayed at one time, they need to focus on the time and speed with the mix of accuracy.

Negative marking in LIC Assistant Mains 2019

As there will be negative marking in the LIC Assistant Mains exam, students need to be very careful while marking the answers. Random guessing of the answer will be of no good. It is advised to mark only those answers you are sure about. The marking scheme will be followed for evaluation for the next round as described in the official notification of LIC Assistant 2019. Try to attempt the questions at the beginning which are the least time taking to save your time for the other questions.

LIC Assistant Exam Pattern: LIC Assistant Mains 2019

Before we proceed with the LIC Assistant Mains study plan, keep a check on the different exam patterns for the different zone. Check the detailed LIC Assistant Mains exam pattern 2019.

LIC Assistant Mains Exam Pattern 2019 (North/North Central/Central/Western)

S.No.SectionsNumber of questionsMarksTime
1Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude404030
2General/ Financial Awareness404030
3Quantitative Aptitude404030
4English Language404030
5Hindi Language404030
 Total200200150 Minutes

LIC Assistant Mains Exam Pattern 2019 (Eastern/South Central/Southern)

S.No.SectionsNumber of questionsMarksTime
1Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude606040
2General/ Financial Awareness505035
3Quantitative Aptitude505040
4English Language404035
 Total200200150 Minutes

LIC Assistant Mains Study Plan 2019

To qualify any round of competitive exam, it is important to have a well-planned study plan for that particular exam. Keeping in mind the importance of the study plan, we are providing you with a detailed study plan covering the subject of the different regions. As there are only 21 days left for the LIC Assistant Mains exam, here is the plan covering all the important topics to be asked in the LIC Mains exam.

LIC Assistant Mains study plan: 21 Days

 DateEnglish LanguageReasoning AbilityQuantitative AptitudeGeneral AwarenessHindi Language
1st DecemberMiscellaneous QuizBox Puzzle, Coding-Decoding, InequalityProblem on Trains, Approximation,Wrong Number SeriesCurrent Affairs (July)स्टडी नोट्स
2nd DecemberCloze Test, Sentence RearrangementCircular puzzle, Blood Relation, SyllogismProfit and Loss, Discount, Quadratic EquationsCurrent Affairs (August)गद्यांश में रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति
3rd DecemberReading Comprehension, Error DetectionLinear Puzzle, Direction, SyllogismPartnership, Mixture & Allegation, ApproximationCurrent Affairs (September)वाक्य में त्रुटी से संबंधित प्रश्न
4th DecemberSentence Improvement, Coherent ParagraphMonth Based Puzzle, Input-Output, MiscellaneousSimple Interest & Compound Interest, Misc. DI, Missing SeriesCurrent Affairs (October)अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द, विलोम शब्द, पर्यायवाची शब्द, मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्ति
5th DecemberConnectors, Paragraph CompletionDesignation Based Puzzle, Data Sufficiency, InequalityBoat & Stream, Mensuration, SimplificationRBI and Its Policyस्टडी नोट्स
6th DecemberSynoyms-Antonyms, Para JumbleMix Puzzle, Coding Decoding, Short PuzzleAverage, Ages, Misc. DILIC and its functionsअपठित गद्यांश
7th DecemberPractice SetPractice SetPractice SetInsurance Companiesवाक्य में त्रुटी से संबंधित प्रश्न
8th DecemberPractice SetPractice SetPractice SetMonetray Policyप्रैक्टिस सेट
9th DecemberWord usage, Idioms and phrasesTriangular Puzzle, Direction, SyllogismTime & Work, Pipes & CisternHQ of PSBsवाक्य में त्रुटी से संबंधित प्रश्न
10th DecemberReading Comprehension, Cloze testFloor Puzzle, Blood relation, MiscellaneousProbability, Permutation & Combination, CaseletTagline of PSBsअनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द, विलोम शब्द, पर्यायवाची शब्द, मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्ति
11th DecemberStarters, Sentence ImprovementCircular Puzzle, Input-Output, Order rankingQuantity Based, Quadratic Inequalities, ApproximationCurrent Affairs (July)स्टडी नोट्स
12th DecemberError Detection, InferenceLinear Puzzle, Data sufficiency, InequalityData Sufficiency, Wrong Series, Misc. DICurrent Affairs (August)गद्यांश में रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति
13th DecemberCoherent, Word SwapMonth based puzzle, logical, miscellaneousSpeed Time & Distance, MensurationCurrent Affairs (September)प्रैक्टिस सेट
14th DecemberPractice SetPractice SetPractice SetCurrent Affairs (October)अव्यवस्थित वाक्य खण्डों को सुव्यवस्थित करना
15th DecemberPractice SetPractice SetPractice SetCurrent Affairs (November)विविध प्रकार के प्रश्न भाग-3
16th DecemberParagraph completion, Sentence rearrangementBox Puzzle, Direction, SyllogismCaselet, Misc. DI, Missing SeriesNBFC, WLAअपठित गद्यांश
17th DecemberReading Comprehension, Idioms and phrasesSquare Puzzle, Blood relation, Coding-decodingQuantity Based, Data Sufficiency, Quadratic InequalitiesNegotiable Instrumentsगद्यांश में रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति
18th DecemberSynonyms-Antonyms, StartersMonth based Puzzle, Inequality, Short PuzzlePartnership, Time & Work, SimplificationFinacial Organisationsस्टडी नोट्स
19th DecemberSentence  improvement, Cloze testFloor Puzzle, Input-Output, MiscellaneousPractice SetIndian States/Capital/CM/Governorsअव्यवस्थित वाक्य खण्डों को सुव्यवस्थित करना
20th DecemberError Detection, Para jumbleLinear Puzzle, Diretion, Blood relationPractice SetType of Insuranceप्रैक्टिस सेट
21st DecemberPractice SetPractice SetPractice SetCurrent Affairs (December)प्रैक्टिस सेट

Tips to prepare for LIC Assistant Mains 2019

  • Practice all the important topics thoroughly.
  • After revising chapter wise, make sure you practice with the miscellaneous questions.
  • Make notes of the important things to be revised at the last time.
  • Divide your time equally for each section.
  • Take Online mock test to analyze your performance deeply.
  • Work on your weak points and improve your mistakes.
  • Do not be overconfident with the subject/topic you are good at. Find time to revise even those topics.

Students, stay tuned with for more regular updates, practice notes, quiz and free study material. Keep practicing until you succeed. All The Best!

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