Measuring Instruments list PDF With Their Uses | Check Now


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Measuring Instruments list PDF: In this article, we provide a complete list of Measuring instruments, and their uses which we use in our daily life which are very useful to us. Different Instrument has different work properties.

Measuring instruments are devices used to obtain accurate and precise measurements of physical quantities. These instruments play a crucial role in various fields such as engineering, physics, chemistry, and manufacturing, among others. Here are some common types of measuring instruments:

  1. Ruler or Tape Measure: Used for linear measurement, typically in millimeters, centimeters, or inches. It is commonly used in construction, carpentry, and tailoring.
  2. Thermometer: Measures temperature, either in Celsius or Fahrenheit. It is used in weather forecasting, medical applications, and scientific research.
  3. Balance or Scale: Used to measure mass or weight. It can be a simple weighing scale or a more advanced electronic balance found in laboratories and commercial settings.
  4. Gauges: Used to measure various parameters such as pressure, thickness, or depth. Examples include pressure gauges, vacuum gauges, and tire pressure gauges.
  5. Multimeter: This versatile instrument combines several measurement functions into one device. It commonly measures voltage, current, and resistance and is essential for electrical and electronic troubleshooting.
  6. Spectrophotometer: Used to measure the intensity of light at different wavelengths. It finds applications in areas like chemistry, biology, and environmental science.
  7. Protractor: Used to measure angles. It is commonly used in geometry, engineering, and navigation.
  8. Micrometer: Also known as a caliper, it measures small distances or thicknesses with high precision. It is commonly used in machining and mechanical engineering.
  9. Flowmeter: Measures the rate of flow of liquids or gases. It is widely used in industries such as oil and gas, water treatment, and chemical processing.
  10. Oscilloscope: Used to visualize and measure electrical waveforms. It finds applications in electronics, telecommunications, and engineering fields.

These are just a few examples of measuring instruments, and there are many more available depending on the specific measurement requirements in different industries. The accuracy and reliability of these instruments are vital for obtaining precise and consistent results in various scientific, industrial, and everyday applications. They are helpful for all students and Aspirants for all competitive examinations like SSC CHSL, CGL, JE | RRB NTPC, Group D | Banking | FCI, and other State level Examinations.

Measuring Instruments List PDF with Their Uses

In most of the Competitive examinations like Railway NTPC, JE, ALP, Group D, SSC CGL, CHSL, Banking, FCI, State PSU, etc., science is a major part of General Knowledge. Most questions arise in the examination from Unit and Measurement, Chemical Formulas, Inventions and Discoveries, Important Minerals & Ores, Various Branches of science/Study of Different fields, etc. 

Measuring Instruments list PDF

SI No.Instrument/DeviceUsed for
1AccelerometerIt measures physical acceleration
2Actino meterIt measures the heating power of sunlight. or measure the intensity of solar radiation
3AccumulatorIt is Used to restore electrical current.
4Alcoholmeter It measures the alcoholic strength of liquids
5Altimeter It measures altitude sand is used in aircrafts
6Ammeter It measures the strength of the electric current.
7AnemometerIt measures the speed and velocity of the wind.
8ApicoiscopeIt is used to display the opaque photo on the screen
9Audimeter It measures hearing or at least audible sound.
10Audiometer It measures the intensity of sound
11AudiophoneIt is used for improving the imperfect sense of hearing
12AviontimeterIt is used to detect and measure the intensity of sun rays.
13AvometerDetect any fault in the radio.
14BarkometerIt measures tanning liquors used in tanning leather
15Barograph It measures the continuous recording of atmospheric pressure
16Barometer It measures the atmospheric pressure
17Bevameter It measures the mechanical properties of soil
18Binocular The device is used to view distant objects.
19Bolometer It measures thermal radiation
20Brannock Device It measures shoe size
21Breathalyzer It measures breath alcohol content Caliper distance
22CalorimeterIt measures the quantity of heat
23CarburetorIt is used in an internal combustion engine for charging the air with pet vapor.
24Cardiogram It traces the movements of the heart. Recorded on a cardiograph
25CathetometerIt measures vertical distances
26CalipersIt measured the internal and external diameter of a cylindrical object
27CeilometerIt measures the height of a cloud base
28Chronometer It determines the navigation and longitude of a place.
29Chronometer It measures the right time in ships/streamers
30Clapo meterIt measures the volume of applause
31ColorimeterIt measures color
32Compass It is an instrument used by the sailors to determine the direction.
33Creepmeter It measures the slow surface displacement of an active geologic fault in the earth
34CrescographIt measures the growth in plants
35CyclotronA charged particle accelerator can accelerate charged particle’s high energies
36Declinometer It measures magnetic declination
37Densimeter It measures the specific gravity of liquids
38DensitometerIt measures the degree of darkness in photographic or semitransparent material
39DialtometerIt measures volume changes caused by a physical or chemical process
40DiffractometerIt measures the structure of crystals
41DisdrometerIt measures the size, speed, and velocity of raindrops
42Dosimeter It measures exposure to hazards, especially radiation; radiation of item
43Dynamo It converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.
44Dynamometer It measures electrical power
45Electricity MeterIt measures electrical energy
46ElectrometerIt measures the potential difference
47Electronic Tuner It measures the pitch of musical notes
48Electroscope The device that confirms/detects the presence of electric charge.
49EllipsometerIt measures refractive index, dielectric function, the thickness of thin films
50Endoscope It examines the internal parts of the body.
51Eudiometer It used for measuring volume changes in the chemical reaction between gases.
52Eudiometer It measures the change in volume of a gas mixture following combustion
53Evaporimeter It measures the rate of evaporation
54Fathometer It measures the depth of the sea and ocean.
55Frequency CounterIt measures the Frequency of Alternating Current
56Fuel GaugeIt measures fuel levels
57Galvanometer It measures the low-magnitude electric current.
58Gas PycnometerIt measures the volume and density of solids
59Geiger CounterIt measures ionizing radiation
60GlucometerIt measures blood glucose
61Graphometer It measures angles
62HeliometerIt measures the variation of the sun’s diameter
63HydrometerIt measures the specific gravity of liquids.
64HydrophoneIt measures sound underwater
65Hygrometer It measures humidity in the air
66InclinometerIt measures the angle of a slope
67Infrared ThermometerIt measures heat radiated
68InterferometerIt measures wave interference
69Katharometer It measures the composition of gases
70Kymograph It graphically records the physical movements of cells.
71LactometerIt determines the purity of milk.
72Light meterIt measures light in photography.
73Lux meterIt measures the intensity of light.
74Magnetometer It measures the strength of magnetic fields
75ManometerIt measures the pressure of gases.
76Mass SpectrometerIt measures masses of ions, used to identify chemical substances through their mass spectra
77MeggerIt measures electrical insulation
78MegaphoneIt is used to throw sound or voice remotely.
79Mercury BarometerIt measures Atmospheric pressure
80Micrometer It measures small distances
81Microphone It converts the sound waves into electrical vibrations and magnifies the sound.
82Microscope It is used to obtain a magnified view of a small object.
83MultimeterIt measures electrical potential, resistance, and current
84NephelometerIt measures particles in a liquid
85Nephoscope It measures the speed and direction of clouds
86Odometer It measures the distance covered by wheeled vehicles.
87Ohmmeter It measures electrical resistance
88OrchidometerIt measures testicle size in male humans
89Oscilloscope It measures oscillations
90Osmometer It determines the concentration of osmotically active particles that reduce the vapor pressure of a solution.
91OximetryIt is used to measure the oxygen level (oxygen saturation) of the blood.
92Parking MeterIt measures collects money for vehicle parking rights in a zone for a limited time
93PedometerIt measures steps PH meter pH (chemical acidity/basicity of a solution)
94Periscope It is used to view objects above sea level (used in submarines)
95PhonographAn instrument for producing sound.
96Photometer It measures the strength of electromagnetic radiation in the range from ultraviolet to infrared and includes the visible spectrum.
97PlanometerIt measures area
98PolarimeterIt measures the rotation of polarized light
99PotentiometerIt measures voltage (the term is also used to refer to a variable resistor)
100Profilometer It measures surface roughness Protractor angles
101Psychrometer It measures humidity
102Pycnometer It measures the fluid density
103PyranometerIt measures solar radiation
104Pyrheliometer It measures direct solar insolation
105PyrometerIt measures a very high temperature.
106RadarIt measures the speed and direction of far aircraft.
107RadiometerIt measures the emission of radiant energy.
108RheometerIt measures response to applied forces
109Rain GaugeAn apparatus for recording rainfall at a particular place.
110RefractometerIt measures the refractive index.
111Rotameter It measures the pressure of a liquid or gas in a closed tube
112Saccharometer It measures the amount of sugar in a solution
113SalinometerIt determines the salinity of the solution.
114SeismographIt measures the intensity of earthquake shocks.
115SextantThis is used by navigators to find the latitude of a place by measuring the elevation above the horizon of the sun or another star.
116SpectrometerIt measures the energy distribution of a particular type of radiation.
117SpectrophotometerIt measures the intensity of light as a function of wavelength
118SpeedometerIt records the speed of a vehicle.
119SpherometerIt measures the curvatures of the surface.
120Sphygmomanometer It measures blood pressure
121Spirometer It measures the lung capacity
122StadimeterIt measures object range
123StereoscopeIt is used to view two-dimensional pictures.
124StethoscopeIt measures heart and lung sounds.
125Strainmeter It measures seismic strain
126StroboscopeIt measures to view rapidly moving objects
127SWR meterIt measures the standing wave ratio
128TachometerThis instrument is used in measuring the speed of airplanes and motorboats.
129Taximeter It measures distance traveled, displacement
130TelescopeIt views distant objects in space.
131Tensiometer It measures the surface tension of a liquid
132TheodoliteIt measures horizontal and vertical angles.
133ThermometerIt measures temperature
134ThermostatThis device regulates the temperature at a particular point.
135Tiltmeter It measures minor changes to the Earth
136TintometerIt measures color Vacuum Gauge very low-pressure Viscometer viscosity of a fluid
137ViscometerIt measures the viscosity of liquids.
138VoltmeterIt measures the electric potential difference between two points.
139Watt MeterIt measures electrical power
140Wind Vane It measures wind direction
141ZymometerIt measures fermentation.

Measuring Instruments list PDF

List of Measuring Instruments

Measurement is an important part of science, construction, art, design, and a wide array of other professional fields. There are hundreds of measurement tools. Each measuring instrument serves a specific purpose for the person who is using it. There are a few measuring instruments that are more commonly seen than others.

  • Rulers, Yardsticks, and Meter Sticks

Rulers are used to measuring length, as are meter sticks and yardsticks. Rulers are used extensively in design labs and classrooms, while meters and yardsticks are more commonly used for construction purposes. A ruler measures in inches and is twelve inches long. A yardstick measures feet, inches, and yards and is three feet long, while a meter stick measures meters, centimeters, and millimeters and is one hundred centimeters long.

  • Beakers, Graduated Cylinders, and Cups

Beakers graduated cylinders and measuring cups are used to measure the volume of a liquid. Measuring cups are most traditionally found in the kitchen as a way to measure ingredients, while beakers and graduated cylinders are usually found in a science lab. While measuring cups use measurements like tablespoons, teaspoons, and cups, beakers and graduated cylinders use the metric system and measure in milliliters and liters.

  • Scales and Balances

Scales and balances are used for yet another kind of measurement — the measurement of an object’s weight. Balances usually have two suspended baskets. On one side, a person places the object he or she wishes to measure. On the other side, weighted cubes are added until the two sides of the balance sit evenly. How much weight has been placed on the measurement side is how much the object weighs. Scales operate in a similar manner but do not require weight to be added and simply make the calculation through internal software or sliding weights.

Types of Measuring Instruments

The instrument used for measuring the physical and electrical quantities is known as the measuring instrument. The term measurement means the comparison between the two quantities of the same unit. The magnitude of one of the quantities is unknown, and it is compared with the predefined value. The result of the comparison was obtained regarding numerical value.

The measuring instrument is categorized into three types;

  • Electrical Instrument
  • Electronic Instrument
  • Mechanical Instrument

The mechanical instrument uses for measuring the physical quantities. This instrument is suitable for measuring the static and stable conditions because the instrument is unable to give the response to the dynamic condition. The electronic instrument has a quick response time. The instrument provides a quick response as compared to the electrical and mechanical instruments.

The electrical instrument is used for measuring electrical quantities like current, voltage, power, etc. The ammeter, voltmeter, and wattmeter are examples of electrical measuring instruments. The ammeter measures the current in amps; the voltmeter measures voltage and the Wattmeter is used for measuring the power. The classification of the electric instruments depends on the methods of representing the output reading.

Measuring Instruments list PDF (FAQs)

Q. For what purpose is Oximeter used?

Ans- Oximetry is used to measure the oxygen level (oxygen saturation) of the blood.

Q. What is used in barometer and thermometer

Ans- A barometer measures the atmospheric pressure and a thermometer measure the temperature.

Q. What is voltmeter used for?

Ans- Voltmeter measures the electric potential difference between two points.

Q. Which instrument is used to depth of the ocean?

Ans- A fathometer is used to measure the depth of the ocean.

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