RRB Group D Syllabus 2024 And Exam Pattern, Download Subject-wise Syllabus PDF


RRB Group D Syllabus 2024: RRB Group D Syllabus 2024 and Exam Pattern is available here. Candidates appearing for the RRB Group D Exam 2024 must download the RRB Group D Syllabus to know the topics they must cover to qualify for the exam. Indian Railway Recruitment Board administers the RRB Group D exam every year to shortlist candidates for posts like Assistant Points man, Track Maintainer, Level-1, Assistant, etc.

The Railway Group D syllabus is important for candidates aiming to crack the upcoming exam. The RRB Group D syllabus for the 2024 Computer-Based Test comprises subjects such as Mathematics, General Awareness, General Science, and Reasoning.

RRB Group D Syllabus 2024

The RRB Group D Recruitment 2024, organized by the Railway Recruitment Board, comprises multiple stages, including a Computer Based Test (CBT), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), and Document Verification. The CBT is conducted online and has a duration of around 90 minutes.

The RRB Group D Syllabus 2024 includes both the Computer Based Test (CBT) and Physical Efficiency Test (PET). It is crucial for candidates preparing for this exam to familiarize themselves with the RRB Group D syllabus, as it outlines the specific subjects covered in each section of the test.

RRB Group D Syllabus 2024 Overview

The RRB Group D Syllabus and Exam Pattern for 2024 provide a comprehensive outline for candidates preparing for the Railway Recruitment Board’s Group D Exam. This examination is conducted by the Railway Recruitment Board, offering opportunities for candidates to join the Indian Railways workforce.

RRB Group D Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2024 Overview
Conducting BodyRailway Recruitment Board
Exam NameRRB Group D Exam
Subjects of RRB Group D SyllabusMathematics, GA/Current Affairs/General Science/Reasoning
Mode of ExamComputer-based test
Duration90 minutes
No. of Questions100
Marking Scheme1 Mark for each question
Negative Markingâ…“rd mark
Selection Process1. Computer-Based Test (CBT-1)2. Physical Efficiency Test (PET)3. Document Verification and Medical
Official Websitehttp://www.rrbcdpg.gov.in/

RRB Group D Syllabus 2024 PDF

The RRC Group D Syllabus outlines all the topics and sub-topics that are covered in the RRB Group D exam. Knowing the RRB Group D Syllabus 2024 helps candidates effectively study for the exam. Additionally, it allows candidates to concentrate on the most important topics.

RRB Group D Syllabus 2024 for Level I

RRB Group D Syllabus Question Type

The Questions will be of objective type with multiple choices and are likely to include questions pertaining to:

RRB Group D Syllabus: Mathematics

  1. Number System
  2. Decimals
  3. LCM
  4. Ratio & Proportion
  5. Mensuration
  6. Time & Distance
  7. Profit & Loss
  8. Geometry & Trigonometry
  9. Square Root
  10. Calendar & Clock
  11. BODMAS
  12. Fractions
  13. HCF
  14. Percentages
  15. Time & Work
  16. SI- CI
  17. Algebra
  18. Elementary Statistics
  19. Age Calculations
  20. Pipes & Cisterns

RRB Group D Syllabus: General Intelligence and Reasoning

  1. Reasoning
  2. Analogies
  3. Coding-Decoding
  4. Relationships
  5. Jumbling
  6. DI & Sufficiency
  7. Similarities & Differences
  8. Classifications
  9. Statement- Argument & Assumptions
  10. Alphabetical Series
  11. Mathematical Operations
  12. Syllogisms
  13. Venn Diagram
  14. Conclusion
  15. Decision Making
  16. Numerical Series
  17. Analytical Reasoning
  18. Directions

RRB Group D Syllabus: General Science

The syllabus under this shall cover questions from the below subject and the level of questions would be 10th standard level (CBSE).

  1. Physics
  2. Chemistry
  3. Life Sciences

RRB Group D Syllabus: General Awareness and Current Affairs

  1. General Awareness and Current Affairs in Science & Technology
  2. Sports
  3. Culture
  4. Personalities
  5. Economics
  6. Politics and any other subject of importance.

RRB/RRC Group D Level-1 Exam Pattern 2022

Based on the performance of candidates in the Computer Based Test(CBT), they would be required to go for the PET/Document Verification.

RRB Group D CBT-1 Exam Pattern 

The examination duration and number of questions for CBT-1 are indicated below:

RRB Group D CBT-1 Exam Pattern 2022
SubjectsNo. Of QuestionsMarksDuration
General Science252590 Minutes 
General Intelligence & Reasoning3030
General Awareness and Current Affairs2020

RRB Group D Exam Pattern for 2nd Stage PET

Based on the merit of the candidates in the Computer Based Test (CBT), candidates shall be called for the Physical Efficiency Test (PET) Three times the community-wise total vacancy of the Posts notified against RRBs/RRCs. However, the Railways Board reserve the right to increase/decrease this ratio as required to ensure the availability of an adequate/reasonable number of candidates for all the notified posts. Passing Physical Efficiency Test (PET) is mandatory and the same will be qualifying in nature. The criterion for PET is as under:

Male CandidatesFemale Candidates
Should be able to lift and carry 35 kg of weight for a distance of 100 metres in 2 minutes in one chance without putting the weight downShould be able to lift and carry 20 kg of weight for a distance of 100 metres in 2 minutes in one chance without putting the weight down
Should be able to run for a distance of 1000 metres in 4 minutes and 15 seconds in 1 chanceShould be able to run for a distance of 1000 metres in 5 minutes and 40 seconds in 1 chance

RRB Group D Exam Pattern for 3rd Stage: Document Verification

Based on the performance of candidates in the CBT subject to their qualifying in PET, candidates will be called for document verification.

Shortlisted candidates should produce NOC from the employer on the date of his/her DV failing which their candidature will be cancelled. Signatures of the candidates on all documents should be identical, either in English or Hindi.


What is the difficulty level of RRB Group D Syllabus 2024?

The difficulty level of RRB Group D Syllabus 2024 is that of class 10. Therefore, candidates must solve class 10-based questions. Additionally, they should practise with previous year’s papers to understand the type of questions they may get in the RRB Group D exam.

What are the most crucial and scoring topics covered in RRB Group D Syllabus for Maths?

Candidates get questions from almost every topic of the RRB Group D Syllabus for Maths. However, the following topics are most scoring: Ratio and proportion, Simplification, Percentage, Time and Work, Age Calculation

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