RRB JE Electrical Engineering Top MCQ PDF Notes


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RRB JE Electrical Engineering Top MCQ PDF Notes


RRB JE Syllabus For Electrical Engineering
We bring you the detailed syllabus of RRB JE Electrical Engineering:

  • Machines
    Electrical and Electronic Measurements
    Basics of Circuit and Power Electronics
    Analog and Digital Electronics
    Signals and Systems
    Power and Control Systems
    Circuits and Measurement Systems

RRB JE Electrical Engineering Top MCQ PDF Notes

We are Providing You Some study materials and collection of Objective questions/ MCQ’s for the preparation of RRB Junior Engineer examination. Notes and books cover almost all the related areas and sections. These MCQ collections will be giving you enough practice for all areas of study.

RRB Junior Engineer: Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering is one of the important departments responsible for the maintenance of electric locomotive, traction distribution and overhead equipment, train lighting, and air conditioning, power supply etc. There are various posts under Railway Junior Engineer Electrical Engineering. Below we are sharing the detailed analysis of these posts.


Role of Electrical Engineer in Railway department

Electrical engineers in railway department are liable for the maintenance of possessions owned by the Electrical Department in Indian railways. They are mainly divided into four branches-

  1. General Service(G)
  2.  Traction Operation(TRO).
  3.  Traction distribution(TRD).
  4.  Traction Rolling Stock (TRS).

Job Profile and Responsibilities


Job Profile


 Responsibilities of General services– General Service (G) includes the development and maintenance of various equipment used by the Indian Railway department


 Responsibilities of Traction Operation (TRO) – Traction Operation (TRO) is responsible for the maintenance of safety system commonly used in railway. Engineers working under this branch control the speed at which the drive wheels’ spin. When they notice that the drive wheels are spinning very quickly, they suggest slowing the speed of the train and thus help the railway drivers to prevent an accident.


 Responsibilities of Traction distribution (TRD) – Traction distribution handles the maintenance of Over Head Equipments (OHE) and substations (PS) which are indulged in the shifting of rolling stock. They monitor these valuables through SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system. Electrical engineers also stay in touch with other department working under the central railway for essential work.


 Responsibilities of Traction Rolling Stock: Traction Rolling Stock (TRS) is liable for the production and safeguard of Main Line EMUs (MEMUs), Electrical Multiple Units (EMUs) and Electric Locomotives.


Salary Structure and Other Perks


Salary Structure


The RRB Junior Engineer Salary Structure and other benefits for the post of Railway JE from the Electrical Engineering Department are the same as for the post of Junior Engineer (Works) from the Civil Engineering Department.



Career Growth/ Promotion


The promotions and Growth Chart of Junior Electrical Engineer for all posts are mentioned below.


Career Growth


 Section Engineer.

 Assistant Electrical Engineer(Gaz.).

 Divisional Electrical Engineer.

 Senior Divisional Electrical Engineer


Selection Process


Selection Process


The Selection criteria for Railway Junior Electrical Engineer includes the same three stages as for other Junior Engineer posts i.e. Written Examination, Document Verification, and Medical test.




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