SBI Clerk Apply Online 2023, Applications Extended Till 10 December


SBI Clerk Notification 2023 Out

State Bank of India has released the SBI Clerk Notification 2023 on its official website, A total of 8283 comprising the regular as well as backlog vacancies are announced for the position of Junior Associate (Customer Support and Sales). Interested and eligible candidates can submit their application forms from 17 November 2023. Aspirants can scroll down the given article for the complete details related to SBI Clerk 2023 Notification.

SBI Clerk 2023 Notification PDF

SBI Clerk 2023 Notification PDF has been published with the complete details like Apply Online Link, Eligibility Criteria, Application Fees, Exam Date, Selection Process, Exam Pattern, Vacancies, etc. As notified in the PDF, the preliminary examination is tentative to be conducted in January 2024 and Mains in February 2024. Here, we have provided the direct link to download the PDF for SBI Clerk Notification 2023.

SBI Clerk Notification 2023-Click Here To Download PDF 

SBI Clerk Apply Online 2023 Link

The SBI Clerk Apply Online 2023 Link for 8773 vacancies of Junior Associate post has been activated by the State Bank of India from 17 November 2023. The link will remain active till 7 December 2023. Interested candidates can access the apply online link at To make your access more convenient, we have provided the direct SBI Clerk Apply Online 2023 Link in this section. So you don’t have to get confused with multiple links on the website.

SBI Clerk Apply Online 2023 Link: Click Here To Apply (Active)

SBI Clerk Notification 2023 Exam Summary

The complete overview of the SBI Clerk Notification 2023 is given here with complete details in the summary form like exam level, job location, selection process, etc.

SBI Clerk 2023 Notification 
OrganizationState Bank of India
Exam NameSBI Clerk Exam 2023
PostJunior Associates
CategoryBank Job
Exam LevelEasy-Moderate
Job LocationState Wise
Selection ProcessPrelims and Mains
AllowancesDearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance, Special Allowance, Transport Allowance
Language of ExamEnglish as well as Hindi
Application ModeOnline

SBI Clerk Exam Date 2023

State Bank Of India has notified the important dates along with the Notification PDF for SBI Clerk 2023. To provide an easy reference to aspirants, we have summarized all the important dates for SBI Clerk 2023 in the below table.

The candidates must know the detailed schedule of the SBI Clerk recruitment to not miss out on any updates. The SBI Clerk recruitment 2023 notification has been released on 16th November 2023. The registration dates are 17th November to 7th December 2023. Further information on the schedule of recruitment is in the table below.

EventsNew Dates
SBI Clerk Notification Date16th November 2023
Start of Online Application Filling17th November 2023
SBI Clerk End Date for Online Application Filling7th December 2023
PET Call Letter
Admit Card for the Preliminary Exam27th December 2023
Preliminary Examination DateJanuary 2024
Result of Preliminary ExaminationJan-Feb 2024
Admit Card for Main Examination15th February 2024
Main Examination DateFebruary 2024

Steps To Apply for SBI Clerk Recruitment 2023

Here are the steps to be followed to apply for SBI Clerk Recruitment 2023.

  • You have to visit the official website of the SBI, i.e., @ Now, you have to click on “Current Openings”>> Recruitment of Junior Associates (Customer Support & Sales)>> Apply Online.
  • Now, you have to access the New Registration Button, present on the home page of the website.
  • You have to fill in your basic details for the registration process.
  • Submit your professional qualifications and academic details carefully.
  • Candidates will have to submit the important documents.
  • Now preview your application effectively.
  • In the last process, you have to make the payment.
  • After the fee payment, you have to click on the submit button.

SBI Junior Associate Eligibility Criteria

SBI Clerk Eligibility Criteria depend upon various factors of which, the most important factors are education qualification and age limit which are given below in detail.

SBI Clerk Educational Qualification

State Bank Of India will consider the Educational Qualification of a candidate as on 31 December 2023 (31/12/2023).

  • Candidate must be a graduate of a recognized university in any discipline.

SBI Clerk Age Limit

As of 1st April 2023, the candidate should be not younger than 20 years and older than 28 years. This means that candidates must have been born not earlier than 02.04.1995 and not later than 01.04.2003 (both days inclusive). The following table displays the category-wise relaxation given in the case of age.

Sl. No.CategoryAge Relaxation
1SC / ST33 years
2OBC31 years
3A person with disabilities (General)38 years
4A person with disabilities(SC /ST)43 years
5A person with disabilities(OBC)41 years
6Jammu & Kashmir Migrants33 Years
7Ex-Servicemen/Disabled Ex-ServicemenService period in defence services 3 years (8 years in the case of Disabled Ex-servicemen belonging to SC/ST) subject to a max. age of 50 years
8Widows, Divorced women( No remarried)GEN- 35 years OBC- 38 years SC/ST- 40 years

SBI Clerk Notification 2023 – Application Form

The State Bank of India has released the application date for the SBI Clerk 2023 recruitment. Interested candidates can begin their registration process from 17th November 2023. Candidates are advised to fill their forms and register at the earliest to avoid any roadblocks due to technical or other issues. The details for the online application process are given below.


Candidates should ensure the following specifications for the photograph and signature are followed.

  • The permissible size of the photograph must be 4.5 cm * 3.5 cm.
  • The permissible file size of the photograph must be a minimum of 20 KB and of a maximum of 50 KB.
  • File size of the signature must be a minimum of 10 KB and of a maximum of 20 KB.
  • The photograph must be passport-size with white background. Both the photograph and the signature must be clear and legible.

SBI Clerk 2023 Application Fees

The application fee for SBI Clerk  is 750 for General/OBC/EWS and it is nil for candidates from ST/SC/PWD categories. It is to be noted that the Fee/Intimation charges are nonrefundable in nature. The following table shows the SBI Clerk 2023 Application Fees.

SBI Clerk Application Fee 2023
CategoryApplication Fee
General/OBC/EWSRs. 750

SBI Clerk Vacancy 2023

A total of 8283 vacancies have been announced for the SBI Clerk 2023 recruitment. The circle, state, and category-wise break up of the same has been detailed in the table below. Aside from this a total of 257 backlog vacancies are also available. Candidates can find further information on the backlog vacancies in the notification.

BhopalMadhya Pradesh43574328117288
Chandigarh/ New DelhiHaryana5007126120267
ChandigarhJammu &
Kashmir UT
Himachal Pradesh457361874180
Ladakh UT451352350
ChennaiTamil Nadu321461775171
KolkataWest Bengal265251147114
A&N Islands01521220
New Delhi
Uttar Pradesh373174801787331781
Mumbai Metro
New DelhiDelhi653211743180437
North EasternArunachal

SBI Clerk 2023 Selection Process

The selection of candidates for the position of Junior Associate will be after qualifying each of the stages of the SBI Clerk 2023 Selection Process, which are as follows:

  • Prelims
  • Mains
  • Language Proficiency Test(LPT)

SBI Clerk Exam Pattern 2023

Candidates can find below a table of SBI Clerk Exam Pattern 2023. SBI Clerk Exam consists of two phases i.e. Preliminary exam and the Mains exam followed by the LPT test (if applicable). Following is the SBI Clerk 2021 exam pattern for Phase l & Phase ll.

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Pattern

The Preliminary Examination consists of Objective Tests for 100 marks is conducted online. There are 20 minutes for each subject which means a total of 1 hour.

SBI Clerk Exam Pattern For Prelims
S.No.Name of Tests(Objective)No. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
1English Language303020 minutes
2Quantitative Aptitude353520 minutes
3Reasoning Ability353520 minutes
Total10010060 minutes

Candidates have to qualify for the test by securing passing marks to be decided by the Bank. There will be no sectional cutoff. An adequate number of candidates in each category as decided by the Bank (approximately 10 times the number of vacancies subject to availability) is shortlisted for the Main Examination.

SBI Clerk Mains Exam Pattern

SBI Clerk Mains Examination consists of Objective Tests for 200 marks. The below table shows the detailed SBI Clerk Mains Exam pattern.

SBI Clerk Exam Pattern For Mains
S.No.Name of Tests(Objective)No. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
1Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude506045
2General English404035 minutes
3Quantitative Aptitude505045 minutes
4General/Financial Awareness505035 minutes
Total1902002 Hours 40 Minutes

SBI Clerk Salary

SBI Clerk Notification 2023SBI Clerk SyllabusSBI Clerk Exam Date
SBI Clerk Admit CardSBI Clerk Cut-offsSBI Clerk Study Material
SBI Clerk Previous Year PapersSBI Clerk SalarySBI Clerk Result

SBI Clerk Notification 2023 PDF Download: FAQs

Q. What is the age limit required for the SBI Clerk 2023

Ans: The age limit required for the SBI Clerk 2023 is 20 to 28 years.

Q. Is there any interview round for SBI Clerk Selection?

Ans. No, there is no interview round for SBI Clerk recruitment.

Q. What is the Age Limit for the SBI clerk?

Ans. The age limit for SBI Clerk 2023 is 20-28 years. There is age relaxation for different categories.

Q. How can I apply for SBI Clerk Online 2023?

Ans. Candidates can apply for the SBI Clerk Online Application by clicking on the link provided in the article when activated officially. Candidates can also check the instructions to apply online for SBI Clerk Application.

Q. Is there any negative marking in the exam?

Ans. Yes, there is a negative marking in the exam. 1/4th marks are deducted for wrong answers.

Q. Is SBI Clerk easy to crack?

Ans. With smart preparation with the updated exam pattern and syllabus, you can crack SBI Clerk. SBI Clerk is easier to crack than SBI PO.

In this way, we have gotten detailed information regarding the SBI Clerk Notification 2023 PDF. Even after reading this article if you have any questions or queries related to the SBI Clerk Notification 2023 then feel free to ask it by commenting below, we will try to answer the questions and queries as soon as possible.

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