SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 20 November 2022: Check All Shifts


Hello Dear Aspirants,

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022: Thousand of students appeared in the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam 2022 Shift 1 on 20th November 2022 in different centres all over India. Candidates who have attempted this shift or have exams in upcoming shifts must be curious to check the SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022 which is provided below in this post in detail. The overall level of the exam was Easy to Moderate. Check the complete post to get to know the section-wise difficulty level, good attempts, etc.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022 20th November, Shift 4: Difficulty Level

The fourth shift of the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam 2022 is over and now it is the time to know the review of the paper. The team of bankersadda communicated with the aspirants who had their exams in this shift and according to them the difficulty level of the paper was Easy to Moderate. In the below mentioned table, aspirants can check the section-wise difficulty level of the shift in detail.

SectionsDifficulty Level
English LanguageEasy to Moderate
Quantitative AptitudeEasy to Moderate
Reasoning AbilityEasy to Moderate
OverallEasy to Moderate

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022 20th November, Shift 4: Good Attempts

Candidates who appeared for the SBI Clerk Exam 2022 in Shift 4, conducted on 20th November 2022 would be curious to know the good attempts as it gives an insight into the performance of the aspirants. Good Attempts is on the basis of difficulty level of the paper and average attempts made by the candidate. In the table provided below, we have described the section-wise and overall good attempts of the SBI Clerk Exam 2022, 4th Shift.

SectionGood Attempts
English Language24-26
Quantitative Aptitude23-25
Reasoning Ability27-29

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022: Section-Wise

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam 2022 comprises 3 sections: English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning Ability. The section-wise analysis gives an idea of the topics from which questions are being asked in the examination. Here, we have discussed the SBI Clerk Exam analysis for each subject.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022: English Language

As per the review from the aspirants the English Language section in the 4th Shift was Easy to Moderate. Candidates were given a set of 30 questions which they had to solve in 20 minutes time duration. Aspirants can have a detailed analysis of the English section in the table provided below.

TopicsNo. Of Questions
Reading Comprehension-(Research on Gossip)10
Sentence Rearrangement1
Error Detection(Choose the correct one)5
Fill in the Blanks4
Correct Usage of Words5
Para Jumble5

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022: Quantitative Aptitude

A total of 35 questions were asked in the Quantitative Aptitude section in a time limit of 20 minutes. The level of the section was Easy to Moderate and almost every question was doable. Here we have provided below the number of questions asked from different topics in the quantitative aptitude section of SBI Clerk Shift 4.

TopicsNo. Of Questions
Number Series(Missing)5
Arithmetic(Simple Interest, Pipe & Cistern, etc.)10
Simple DI(Milk & Water)5
Caselet DI(Ratio-5:2:3, Total Students-500)5

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022: Reasoning Ability

The questions of puzzle dominated the section of Reasoning Ability and the overall difficulty level of the paper was Easy to Moderate. In a time period of 20 minutes, aspirants were asked to solve 35 questions. The complete Reasoning Section analysis including the weightage of topics is provided in the below table.

TopicsNo. Of Questions
Linear Seating Arrangement(8 Persons, Facing North)5
Box Puzzle5
Month & Day Based Puzzle(March, May, July & November, Date-11 & 20)5
Word Pairing1
Blood Relation3
Meaningful Word1
Comparison Based Puzzle(Weight Given)5
Word Series3

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 3rd Shift 2022: Difficulty Level

According to the students and our experts, the overall difficulty level of the SBI Clerk 3rd shift was Easy to Moderate.  There are a total number of 100 questions that were asked in the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam with a sectional time limit of 60 minutes. Here in the given table, we have provided the complete section-wise SBI Clerk 3rd shift difficulty level.

English LanguageEasy to Moderate
Reasoning AbilityEasy to Moderate
Quantitative AptitudeEasy to Moderate
OverallEasy to Moderate

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022: Good Attempts

Good attempts in the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam 2022 depend on the difficulty level of the examination, the number of questions asked in the examination, etc. In the given table given below, we have provided the average good attempts for each section.

SectionsGood Attempts
English Language23-25
Reasoning Ability28-30
Quantitative Aptitude23-26

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022: Section Wise

Through our SBI Clerk exam analysis 2022, we have provided the complete exam review for each section in the given article below. There are three sections in the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam 2022 for which section-wise complete analysis details are given below.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022: English Language

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam, the English language section consisted of 30 questions with a sectional time duration. According to the candidates who appeared in the SBI Clerk Prelims 3rd shift, the overall level of this section was Easy to Moderate.

TopicsNo. Of Questions
Reading Comprehension10
Para jumbled5
Word Rearrangement4
Error Detection5
 Single Filler3
Word Usage3

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022: Quantitative Aptitude

There are a total number of 5 questions were asked from the DI section & questions in the arithmetic section were from Profit & Loss, Time & Work, Boat, Partnership, Average, etc. The overall difficulty level of the Quantitative Aptitude section was Easy to Moderate.

TopicsNo. Of Questions
Bar Graph DI5
Wrong Number Series5

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022: Reasoning Ability

As per the review received from the candidates overall level of reasoning ability section was Easy to Moderate. A total number of 35 questions were asked in this section. In the Reasoning Ability section, puzzles and seating arrangement contains a maximum weightage.

TopicsNo. Of Questions
Month Based Puzzle5
Dual-Row Seating Arrangement5
Box Based Puzzle5
Ranking-Based Puzzle4
Alphanumeric Series5
Word Based1
Pair Formation1
Alphabetic Series5
Direction & Sense3
Meaningful Word1

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis Shift 2 20 November 2022- Good Attempts

The table below has detailed the total number of good attempts and overall difficulty level according to the responses given by various candidates and the ease as per the SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022 by our team.

SectionGood AttemptsDifficulty level
English Language 24-26 Easy
Quantitative Aptitude 24-27 Easy to Moderate
Reasoning Ability 28-30 Easy
Overall Good Attempts70-77 Easy

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022 – Reasoning Ability

The reasoning ability section of the SBI Clerk 2022 prelims exam was easy. There were a total of 35 questions asked from puzzle and sitting arrangements. The SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022, 12th November Shift 2 is detailed below with the help of tables.

  • Square-Based Puzzle (8 person)- 5 questions
  • Box-Based Puzzle (8 Box)- 5 questions
  • Designation Puzzle- 5 question
  • Comparison Based- 3 Question
TopicQuestions AskedDifficulty Level
Puzzle & Seating Arrangement18Easy
Direction & Distance03Moderate
No. Based Series05Moderate
Pair Formation01Easy
Meaningful word01Easy

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022 – English Language

The English section of the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam 2022 was easy as per the SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022, Shift-2. These 30 questions are from various topics that include Reading Comprehension and general English like antonyms and synonyms. Below we have detailed the questions asked from every section of the English Language.

  • RC (Disease)
  • Word Usage (Noble)
  • Vocab- Deal
TopicQuestions AskedDifficulty Level
Reading Comprehension10Easy to moderate
Para Jumble03Easy
Single Filler05Easy
Error Detection04Easy
Word Swap03Easy
Sentence Rearrangement03Easy
Word Usage01Easy

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022 – Quantitative Aptitude

The numerical ability section of the SBI Clerk Exam 2022, Shift-2 was Easy. The topic-wise number of questions asked has been mentioned below.

  • DI Based on Bar Graph
TopicQuestions AskedDifficulty Level
DI05 Easy
Simplification15 Easy
Wrong No Series05Easy
Arithmetic10 Moderate
Total35 Easy

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022 20th November Shift 1: Difficulty Level

Shift 1 of the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam 2022, is over now and according to the candidates who appeared in this Shift, the overall difficulty level of the examination was Easy to Moderate. Below is the tabulated data for the section-wise, difficulty level of the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam in detail:

SectionsDifficulty Level
Reasoning AbilityEasy to Moderate
Quantitative AptitudeEasy to Moderate
English LanguageEasy to Moderate
OverallEasy to Moderate

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022 20th November Shift 1: Good Attempts

Good attempts in the SBI Clerk 2022 exam depends on the difficulty level, number of questions, number of vacancies, etc. There were a total of 100 Questions asked in the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam 2022. After looking at the difficulty level of each section, we will be looking at the average good attempts for each section and overall Good Attempts:

S.No.Name of TestsNo. of QuestionsGood Attempts
1English Language3020 to 23
2Quantitative Aptitude3523 to 27
3Reasoning Ability3529 to 32
Total10074 to 80

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022: Section Wise

SBI Clerk Exam section-wise analysis is given below. Here candidates can check the section-wise SBI Clerk Exam Analysis i.e. Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Language.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022: Reasoning  Ability

The overall level of Reasoning ability in the SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022 was Easy to Moderate. — the number of questions were asked from the seating arrangement and puzzle section.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022: Reasoning Ability
TopicsNo. Of Questions
Months & Date Based Puzzle5
Uncertain Number Puzzle3
Circular Based Seating  Arrangement5
Day Based Puzzle5
Alphanumeric Series5
Blood Relation3
Direction Distance
Word Based1
Meaningful Word1

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022: Quantitative Aptitude

5 questions were asked from the Data Interpretation which was easily doable. The overall level of the Quantitative Aptitude section was Easy to Moderate.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022: Quantitative Aptitude
TopicsNo. Of Questions
 Quadratic Equations5
Tabular Data Interpretation5

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022: English Language

The Reading Comprehension consisted of the most number of questions in the English Language section and the overall level of this section was Easy to Moderate.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022: English Language
TopicsNo. Of Questions
Reading Comprehension8
Error Detection5
Word Usage2
Filler Single5
Para Jumble5
Phrase Replacement5

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Pattern 2022

Candidates can check the complete SBI Clerk Exam Pattern 2022 for the preliminary examination in the given table below.

S. No.SectionsNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
1English Language303020 minutes
2Quantitative Aptitude353520 minutes
3Reasoning Ability353520 minutes
Total10010060 minutes

FAQs: SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 20 November 2022

Q1. What is the overall difficulty level of the SBI Clerk Prelims 1st shift exam?

Ans. The overall difficulty level of the SBI Clerk Prelims 1st shift exam was Easy to Moderate.

Q2. What was the overall level of the Reasoning Ability in the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam 2022?

Ans. The overall level of Reasoning Ability in the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam 2022 was Easy to Moderate.

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