The Hindu Editorial VOCAB 19 May 2022
Prorogation (Noun) : स्थगितकरण
- Meaning: Discontinuation of the meeting (of a legislative body) without dissolving it
- अर्थ: (एक विधायी निकाय की) बैठक को बिना भंग किए बंद कर देना
- Synonyms: Postpone, Delay, Reprieve, Obstruct, Stoppage
- Antonyms: Continuation, Liberation, Beginning, Boost, Aid
- Sentence: A session of parliament is brought to end after the official act of prorogation.
Commence (Verb) : आरंभ
- Meaning: To start an event or work.
- अर्थ: कोई घटना या काम शुरू करना।
- Synonyms: Began, Inaugurate, Start, Launch, Arise.
- Antonyms: Close, End, Finish, Conclude, Complete.
- Sentence: The ceremony of award distribution will commence at noon.
Rebuffed (Verb) : अस्वीकार कर दिया
- Meaning: Reject or refuse something or someone in an abrupt or ungracious manner.
- अर्थ: किसी चीज या किसी व्यक्ति को अचानक या अनुचित तरीके से अस्वीकार या अस्वीकार करना।
- Synonyms: Turn down, Decline, Dismiss, Repel, Spurn.
- Antonyms: Accept, Welcome, Approve, Permit, Assist.
- Sentence: The company rebuffed the proposals of all clients.
Circumvent (Verb) : दरकिनार
- Meaning: Find a way to overcome/ignore a problem or obstacle.
- अर्थ: किसी समस्या या बाधा को दूर/अनदेखा करने का तरीका खोजें।
- Synonyms: Evade, Deceive, Beat, Prevent, Escape.
- Antonyms: Face, Assist, Liberate, Encounter, Confront
- Sentence: Some of the situations in life are better to be circumvent.
Perish (Verb) : नाश
- Meaning: To die or destroyed in voilence or calamities.
- अर्थ: आवाज या विपत्ति में मरना या नष्ट होना।
- Synonyms: Die, Destroy, Expire, Lose one’s life, Spoil.
- Antonyms: Live, Survive, Come into life, Exist, Grow.
- Sentence: Natural calamities perishes everything which comes in the way.
Slammed (Verb) : कटु आलोचना करना
- Meaning: Shut or crtiticize forcefully or loudly.
- अर्थ: जोर से या जोर से बंद करना या आलोचना करना।
- Synonyms: Smash, Slap, Criticize, Beat, Knock, Strike.
- Antonyms: Praise, Aid, Assist, Open.
- Sentence: The news channel slammed politicians role in India’s development.
Intrusion (Noun) : अतिक्रमण
- Meaning: an occasion which disrupts a normal situation or a peaceful event.
- अर्थ: एक अवसर जो एक सामान्य स्थिति या शांतिपूर्ण घटना को बाधित करता है।
- Synonyms: Imposition, Encroachment, Invasion, Incursion.
- Antonyms: Withdrawal, Courtesy, Reverence, Retreat.
- Sentence: The migration is a big intrusion for boundary area of our nation.
Rogue (Adjective) : दुष्ट
- Meaning: Something that is out of ordinary, or against the rules.
- अर्थ: कुछ ऐसा जो सामान्य से बाहर हो, या नियमों के विरुद्ध हो।
- Synonyms: Dishonest, Double-dealing, Doublicious, Fradulent.
- Antonyms: Decent, Honest, Ethical, Just, Straight-forward.
- Sentence: The density of rogue people are increasing day by day which is making the system more corrupt.