The Hindu Editorial VOCAB 2 December 2021
Comity (noun): शिष्टाचार
- Meaning:- courtesy and considerate behaviour towards others.
- अर्थ: – शिष्टाचार और दूसरों के प्रति व्यवहार पर विचार करें।
- Synonyms:- altruism, compassion, generosity
- Antonyms:-cruelty, harshness, meanness
- Example:-Comity has a toll-gate at which you must pay, or you may not enter the land of Freedom
Stalwart (adjective) : निष्ठावान
- Meaning:- loyal, reliable, and hard-working.
- अर्थ: – निष्ठावान, विश्वसनीय और परिश्रमी।
- Synonyms:- dependable, fearless, indomitable
- Antonyms:-afraid, timid, undependable
- Example:-“A tall and stalwart esquire, methinks,” said Master Headley.
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Stellar (adjective) : तारकीय
- Meaning:- featuring or having the quality of a star performer or performers.
- अर्थ: – किसी कलाकार या कलाकार की गुणवत्ता का होना या होना।
- Synonyms:- astronomical, cosmic, galactic
- Example:-It came on bullet-fast, headed directly for the side of the Stellar.
Evasion (noun) : टालना
- Meaning:- the action of evading something.
- अर्थ: – किसी वस्तु को विकसित करने की क्रिया।
- Synonyms:- dodging, artifice, circumvention, cunning
- Antonyms:-directness, frankness
- Example:-There is not a subterfuge or an evasion or a small mean deceit in her soul.
Reticence (noun): अल्पभाषिता
- Meaning:- the quality of being reticent; reserve.
- अर्थ: – मितभाषी होने का गुण; आरक्षित।
- Synonyms:- hesitation, shyness, closeness
- Example:-In no duty towards others is there more need of reticence and self-restraint.
Acquiescence (noun) : रज़ामंदी
- Meaning:- the reluctant acceptance of something without protest.
- अर्थ: – बिना किसी विरोध के स्वीकृति।
- Synonyms:- acceptance, assent, concurrence
- Antonyms:-acceptance, assent, concurrence
- Example:-Peter read it very deliberately, then he nodded in acquiescence.
Insouciant: बेपरवाह
- Meaning: showing a casual lack of concern
- अर्थ: चिंता का एक आकस्मिक अभाव दिखा
- Synonym: nonchalant, untroubled, unworried,
- Antonym: anxious, concerned
- Sentence: His insouciant handling of the oil spill in the Gulf is under fire from all sides.
Lackadaisical: भावुक
- Meaning: lacking enthusiasm and determination; carelessly lazy.
- अर्थ: उत्साह और दृढ़ संकल्प की कमी; लापरवाही से आलसी।
- Synonym: lax, unenthusiastic, half-hearted, uninterested, lukewarm, indifferent,
- Antonym: enthusiastic, excited
- Sentence: The food was nice enough but the service was rather lackadaisical.
Pejorative: उत्कंठित
- Meaning: expressing contempt or disapproval.
- अर्थ: अवमानना या अस्वीकृति व्यक्त करना।
- Synonym: disparaging, derogatory, deprecatory,
- Antonym: complimentary,
- Sentence: Make sure students realise that ‘fat’ is an unflattering or pejorative word.
Repertoire : प्रदर्शनों की सूची
- Meaning: a stock of plays, dances, or items that a company or a performer knows or is prepared to perform.
- अर्थ: नाटकों, नृत्यों, या वस्तुओं का एक स्टॉक जिसे एक कंपनी या एक कलाकार जानता है या प्रदर्शन करने के लिए तैयार है।
- Synonym: collection, stock, range, repertory
- Sentence: His repertoire includes a large number of Scottish folk songs.