The Hindu Editorial VOCAB 30 May 2022
Lambaste (Verb) : निंदा करना
- Meaning: to criticize (someone) severely or angrily especially for personal failings.
- अर्थ: विशेष रूप से व्यक्तिगत विफलताओं के लिए (किसी को) गंभीर या गुस्से में आलोचना करना।
- Synonyms: criticize, castigate, chastise, censure, condemn.
- Antonym: acclaim, commend, compliment, hail, laud, praise
- Sentence: Saurabh boss lambasted him mercilessly in front of his subordinates.
Preponderance (NOUN) : प्रधानता
- Meaning: the quality or fact of being greater in number, quantity, or importance.
- अर्थ: संख्या, मात्रा, या महत्व में अधिक होने का गुण या तथ्य।
- Synonym: prevalence, predominance, dominance
- Antonym: couple, few, handful, smattering, sprinkling
- Sentence: the preponderance of medical tests identifies your medical condition as terminal cancer.
Arraign (VERB) : आरोप
- Meaning: to call (a defendant) before a court to answer to an indictment
- अर्थ: अभियोग का जवाब देने के लिए अदालत के समक्ष (प्रतिवादी) को बुलाना
- Synonym: appeal, book, cite, summon, accuse, charge, criminate
- Antonym: advocate, champion, defend, excuse, forgive, justify
- Sentence: They wanted to arraign the thief for stealing cars on the same day he was arrested
DISTRATE (adjective) : असावधान
- Meaning: distracted or absent-minded.
- अर्थ: विचलित या अनुपस्थित-चित्त।
- Synonyms: forgetful, inattentive, oblivious, heedless.
- Antonyms: alert, attentive, focused, unperturbed.
- Sentence: He grew more and more distrait as hours passed without confirmation that there were survivors of the plane crash
NONPAREIL (adjective) : अतुल
- Meaning: having no match or equal; unrivalled.
- अर्थ: जिसका कोई मेल या बराबर न हो; बेजोड़।
- Synonyms: incomparable, matchless, unrivalled, inimitable.
- Antonyms: familiar, frequent, normal, ordinary.
- Sentence: The champions deserved the title because they were nonpareil all season and won every game.
LENITY (noun) : उदारता
- Meaning: kind, gentle, or compassionate treatment especially towards someone who is undeserving of it.
- अर्थ: विशेष रूप से किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति के प्रति दयालु, सौम्य, या दयालु व्यवहार जो इसके अवांछनीय है।
- Synonyms: charity, clemency, forbearance, leniency.
- Antonyms: ruthlessness, vengeance, vindictiveness, virulence.
- Sentence: This savage punishment was approved by the higher officers of the navy, who showed great lenity to men of their own rank.
VALIANT (Adjective) : बहादुर
- Meaning: possessing or showing courage or determination.
- अर्थ: साहस या दृढ़ संकल्प रखना या दिखाना।
- Synonyms: brave, fearless, courageous, valorous
- Antonyms: cowardly, irresolute
- Sentence: Firemen are valiant individuals who put their lives on the line to save others.
EXTOL (Verb) : प्रशंसा करना
- Meaning: praise enthusiastically.
- अर्थ: उत्साहपूर्वक प्रशंसा करना।
- Synonyms: eulogize, acclaim
- Antonyms: criticize
- Sentence: I got angry when my mother would extol my brother’s accomplishments and ignore all the good things I did.
PANDER (Verb) : बढ़ावा देना
- Meaning: gratify or indulge (an immoral or distasteful desire or taste or a person with such a desire or taste).
- अर्थ: कृतज्ञता या भोग (एक अनैतिक या अरुचिकर इच्छा या स्वाद या ऐसी इच्छा या स्वाद वाला व्यक्ति)।
- Synonyms: indulge, gratify, fulfill, humour
- Antonyms: annoy, frustrate
- Sentence: Because Jim wants his son to value a dollar, he does not pander to his whims by giving him everything he wants.