The Hindu Editorial VOCAB 7 January 2021
JOVIAL: हंसमुख
- Meaning: full of or showing high-spirited merriment
- अर्थ: ऊँचा-ऊँचा दिखावे से भरा या दिखावा
- Synonyms: happy, cheerful
- Antonyms: sad, depressed
- Example: She was in a jovial mood.
CLICHE: ठप्पा
- Meaning: a trite or obvious remark
- अर्थ: एक ट्राइट या स्पष्ट टिप्पणी
- Synonyms: trite, platitude
- Antonyms:animating
- Example:My wedding day – and I know it’s a cliche – was just the happiest day of my life.
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COALITION : गठबंधन
- Meaning: the union of diverse things into one body or form or group
- अर्थ: एक शरीर या रूप या समूह में विविध चीजों का मिलन
- Synonyms: alliance, union
- Antonyms: discord,rift
- Example:A coalition between Liberals and Conservatives.
UNDERLYING : बुनियादी
- Meaning:in the nature of something though not readily apparent
- अर्थ: कुछ की प्रकृति में हालांकि स्पष्ट रूप से स्पष्ट नहीं है
- Synonyms: latent, repressed
- Antonyms: primary
- Example:The underlying message of the film is that love transcends everything else.
FEASABILITY : प्रयोज्य
- Meaning: the quality of being doable
- अर्थ: करने योग्य होने का गुण
- Synonyms: usability, facility
- Antonyms: useless
- Example: We’re looking at the feasibility of building a shopping center there.
Unprecedented (adjective) : अभूतपूर्व
- Meaning: never done or known before.
- अर्थ: पहले कभी नहीं किया या जाना जाता है।
- Synonym: unequaled, unmatched, unrivaled.
- Antonym: precedented, familiar, usual.
- Usage: The damage caused by the hurricane is unprecedented and has never been experienced before in this country.
GRISLY (Adjective) : क्रूर / डरावना
- Meaning: causing horror or disgust.
- अर्थ: आतंक या घृणा पैदा करना।
- Synonyms: gruesome, ghastly, frightful, horrid,
- Antonyms: pleasant, attractive
- Usage: Many massacres in history fade while some linger as grisly curiosities.
SPLURGE (verb) : पैसे उड़ाना
- Meaning: to spend extravagantly or ostentatiously.
- अर्थ: फालतू या आडंबरपूर्वक खर्च करना।
- Synonyms: squander, fling, dissipate, disburse.
- Antonyms: accumulate, hoard, conserve, preserve.
- Usage: I feel like splurging on a new dress.
SCOFF (Verb) : व्यंग्य
- Meaning: speak to someone or about something in a scornfully derisive or mocking way.
- अर्थ: किसी से या किसी के बारे में अपमानजनक तरीके से या अपमानजनक तरीके से बात करना।
- Synonyms: mock, deride, ridicule
- Antonyms: flatter, praise, compliment
- Usage: The rude rich boy thought it was fun to scoff at the poor people at his school.
Stirring(adjective) : सरगर्मी, क्रियाशीलता
- Meaning: causing excitement or strong emotion; rousing.
- अर्थ: उत्तेजना या मजबूत भावना पैदा करना; गर्मजोशी।
- Synonym: exciting, thrilling
- Antonym: boring, pedestrian
- Example: Rhyn looked up, anger stirring again.