IBPS PO Prelims Exam Analysis 30 September 2023 All Shifts


Hello Dear Aspirants,

IBPS PO Prelims Exam Analysis 30 September 2023: The IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023 for the Prelims Exam to be conducted on 30th September 2023 will be provided along with the section-wise analysis of difficulty level and number of good attempts. Candidates who are going to appear for IBPS PO Prelims can check the Exam analysis prepared by our team of experts.

Table of Contents

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 4 30 September: Difficulty Level

The candidates are most concerned about how difficult the examination was. As per our IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 4 of 30 September was Moderate. Here candidates can get the sections wise analysis of IBPS PO Exam for 4 Shift of 30 August 2023.

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 4, 30 September: Difficulty Level
Section Difficulty Level
Reasoning AbilityModerate
Quantitative AptitudeModerate
English LanguageEasy To Moderate

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 4 30 September: Good Attempts

The number of good attempts often makes candidates anxious, as the overall performance of candidates is based on the number of attempts, they make. Here we have suggested the average number of good attempts based on feedback from candidates.

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 4, 30 September: Good Attempts 
Section Good Attempts 
Reasoning Ability23-26
Quantitative Aptitude17-20
English Language20-23

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 4 30 September: Sectional Analysis

As we know the IBPS PO Prelims exam has three sections – Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Language. We are constantly in touch with our students and bringing to you an accurate exam analysis including the number of questions asked from each topic. Here candidates can get section-wise analysis as a part of IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023 for shift 4 of 30 September 2023.

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 4: Quantitative Aptitude

There are total of 35 questions in quant section of the examination. The topic-wise analysis of the quant section of IBPS PO 2023 is given below.

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 4: Quantitative Aptitude
Name of the topicsNumber of questions 
Tabular Data Interpretation Cumulative5
Line Graph Data Interpretation(2017,2018)5
Wrong Number Series5
Arithmetic(Partnership, Ratio & Proportion, SI & CI, etc.)9
Caselet DI5
Total 35

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 4: Reasoning Ability

This section had 35 questions, covering various topics. The reasoning ability section in Shift 4 was Moderate. Here is the topic wise analysis of IBPS PO Reasoning section.

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023: Reasoning Ability 
Name of the topicsNumber of questions
Month+ Date Based Puzzle(10 Persons, 5 Months, 2 Date-9, 26)5
Uncertain Puzzle(Single Row, North Face, n=27)3
Month Based Puzzle(5 Persons + Variable-Country)5
Designation Based Puzzle(Variable)5
Circular Seating Arrangement(In/Out, 8 Persons)5
Blood Relation3
Word Pair Formation1
Direction Distance3
Even/Odd Arrangement1

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 4: English

Here is the complete analysis of the English section as asked in the IBPS PO 2023. This section has 30 questions and the candidates found most of the questions manageable.

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 4: English Language
TopicsNo. Of Questions
Reading Comprehension(Artificial Intelligence)10
Error Detection4
Cloze Test6
Para Jumble6
Phrase Replacement4

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 3: Difficulty Level

As per the majority of the candidates, the difficulty level of IBPS PO Exam 2023, Shift 3 on 30 September was moderate. The table below indicates complete information regarding the difficulty level as per the various sections.

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023, 30 September- Shift 3: Difficulty Level
Section Difficulty Level
Reasoning AbilityModerate
Quantitative AptitudeModerate
English LanguageEasy to Moderate

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023, 30 September, Shift 3: Good Attempts

The level of good attempts can be detected through the difficulty level of the exam. When a candidate is positive about their performance, their level of good attempts will be high. In the IBPS PO Exam 2023 candidates have reviewed their paper to be of moderate level. So, as per the reviews of the students, we have prepared our IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023, Shit 3, 30 September. Go through the table below to get a section-wise analysis of good attempts.

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 3: Good Attempts
Sections Number of questionsGood attempts
Reasoning Ability3525-28
Quantitative Aptitude3517-22
English Language3020-21

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 3: Section-Wise

The Prelims exam of IBPS PO Exam 2023 has been categorized into three major sections and they are Reasoning Ability, English Language and Quantitative Aptitude. Here, candidates who have appeared the test can get the detailed section wise analysis of IBPS PO 3rd shift conducted on 30 September 2023.

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 3: Quantitative Aptitude

A total number of 35 questions are given in the Quantitative Aptitude section of IBPS PO Exam 2023. As per our IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 3, 30 September, the level of the Quantitative Aptitude section was moderate. Go through the table below to get complete details of the topics covered in the following exam.

IBPS  PO Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 3: Quantitative Aptitude
Name of the topicsNumber of questions 
Tabular Data Interpretation5
Line Graph Data Interpretation5
Wrong Number Series5
Quadratic Equations5
Total 35

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 3: Reasoning Ability

We have given our immense efforts to prepare our IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 3, 30 September. So, as per our review the Reasoning section of the exam was moderate as candidates were able to solve most of the questions easily. Get into the table below to get a proper idea about the Reasoning section’s topics.

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023, 30 September: Reasoning Ability 
Name of the topicsNumber of questions
Box Pattern Puzzle (5 Persons- City Variable)5
Linear Seating Arrangement (7 Persons- North and South facing)5
Designation Based Puzzle (7 Persons)5
Day Based Puzzle With Variable5
Coding Decoding5
Word Formation1
Pair Formation1
Odd One Out1

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 3: English

Here you can get a complete analysis of the English Language section in the IBPS PO Exam 2023, Shift 3, 30 September. The following section consist of 30 questions and the level of the section was easy to moderate. and understandable for the candidates.

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023, 30 September, Shift 3: English Language
TopicsNo. Of Questions
Reading Comprehension8
Correct Sentence5
Cloze Test5
Word Swap5
Word Usage5
Phrase Replacement2

IBPS PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023: 2nd Shift – 30th September 2023 – Good Attempts And Difficulty Level

Here we have added the IBPS PO prelims good attempts and difficulty level of the exam held on 30th September in shift 2. Candidates can analyze their exam level and details by referring to the details given below.

IBPS PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023: 30th September – Shift 2
SectionsTotal QuestionsGood AttemptsDifficulty Level
Reasoning Ability3522-26Easy-Moderate
Quantitative Aptitude3515-20Easy-Moderate
English Language3018-22Easy-Moderate

IBPS PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023 – Shift 2 – 30th September – Quantitative Aptitude

Candidates can check the IBPS PO prelims exam analysis 2023 for the 2nd shift for the numerical ability section through the table provided below.

IBPS PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023 – Shift 2 – 30th September – Quantitative Aptitude
TopicNo. of Questions
Table DI5
Bar DI5
Caselet DI5
Quadratic Equation5
Arithmetic Problems10

IBPS PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023 – Shift 2 – 30th September – Reasoning Ability

Candidates can check the IBPS PO prelims exam analysis 2023 for the 2nd shift for the reasoning ability section through the table provided below.

IBPS PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2 – 30th September – Reasoning Ability
TopicNo. of Questions
linear bidirectional seating5
unknown Linear Seating4
Floor + Flat puzzle5
day Puzzle5
year Puzzle5
Blood Relation3

IBPS PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023 – Shift 2 – 30th September – English Language

Candidates can check the IBPS PO prelims exam analysis 2023 for the 2nd shift for the English language section through the table provided below.

IBPS PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023 – Shift 2 – 30th September – English Language
TopicNo. of Questions
Reading Comprehension10
Word Swap4-5
Para Jumbles5
Error Spotting3-4
Phrase Replacement4-5

IBPS PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023: 1st Shift – 30th September 2023 – Good Attempts And Difficulty Level

Here we have added the IBPS PO prelims good attempts and difficulty level of the exam held on 30th September in shift 1. Candidates can analyze their exam level and details by referring to the details given below.

IBPS PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023: 30th September – Shift 1
SectionsTotal QuestionsGood AttemptsDifficulty Level
Reasoning Ability3522-28Easy-Moderate
Quantitative Aptitude3511-16Moderate
English Language3021-26Easy-Moderate

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023, 30 September Shift 1: Section-Wise Analysis

In the IBPS PO Prelims Exam 2023, candidates get to attempt 100 questions from 3 different sections: English Language, Reasoning Ability, and Quantitative Aptitude. It is recommended for aspirants to review the detailed analysis of each section, as the difficulty level varies. IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023, 30 September Shift 1, Section-Wise Analysis is beneficial as candidates need to show their performance in each individual subject asked.

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023: Reasoning Ability

After conducting a thorough analysis of the IBPS PO Exam 2023 for Shift 1, it has been determined that the reasoning ability section was Moderate. The given section comprised 35 questions, which candidates had to solve in 20 minutes for a maximum of 35 marks. As per the IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023 the breakdown of topic-wise questions for the Reasoning Ability section has been mentioned in the below table.

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023: Reasoning Ability
TopicsNo. Of Questions
Floor Based Puzzle with Variable5
Year Based Puzzle (Base Year 2023 with City Variable)5
Circular Seating Arrangement (4 Inside and 4 Outside)5
Linear Seating Arrangement (9 Persons facing North)5
Order and Ranking3
Blood Relation3
Meaningful Word1
Pair Formation1

IBPS PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023: Quantitative Aptitude

In the Quantitative Aptitude section, there were a total of 35 questions for a total of 35 marks. Maximum candidates whom our expert team member communicated with found the difficulty level of the section to be Moderate. Aspirants can refer to the table below for the topic-wise frequency of questions for the IBPS PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023, 30 September, Shift 1, Quantitative Aptitude section.

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023: Quantitative Aptitude
TopicsNo. Of Questions
Missing Number Series5
Quadratic Equation5
Caselet DI5
Double Pie Chart Data Interpretation5
Tabular  Data Interpretation5

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023: English Language

According to the IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023, 30 September Shift 1, the level of English Language section was Easy to Moderate. The given table provides the IBPS PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023 distribution of topics along with number of questions asked.

IBPS PO Exam Analysis 2023: English Language
TopicsNo. Of Questions
Reading Comprehension (Climate Change)9
Correct Sentence5
Double Fillers5
Para Jumble6
Sentence Rearrangement5

IBPS PO Exam Pattern 2023

The prelims exam of IBPS PO consists of a total of 100 questions with a time duration of 60 minutes.

  1. The question type remains Multiple Choice questions.
  2. There is a negative marking of 0.25 marks in the exam for each wrong answer.
  3. This round of IBPS PO exams is only qualifying in nature.
S.No.Name of TestNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
1English Language303020 minutes
2Quantitative Aptitude353520 minutes
3Reasoning Ability353520 minutes
Total10010060 minutes

Also Check: IBPS PO Prelims Exam Analysis 23 September 2023 All Shifts

IBPS PO Prelims Exam Analysis 30 September 2023

Q. What is the total number of questions for the IBPS PO prelims examination 2023?

Ans: Ans: The total number of questions for the IBPS PO prelims examination 2023 is 100.

Q. What is the overall difficulty level of the IBPS PO prelims exam 2023 for shift 1?

Ans: Ans: The overall difficulty level of the IBPS PO prelims 2023 is mentioned in this article.

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