IBPS RRB PO Exam Analysis 13 September 2020 All Shift


IBPS RRB PO Exam Analysis 13 September 2020
: Institute of Banking Selection Personnel will conduct the IBPS RRB Officer Scale 1 (PO) exam on September 12 and 13.

The exam will be conducted in multiple shifts in computer-based mode. Once the exam is conducted, candidates can check the exam analysis provided here. The IBPS RRB PO exam analysis will help you understand the type of questions asked, difficulty level, topic-wise weightage of marks, and a number of good attempts for various shifts.

IBPS RRB Officer Scale – I Prelims Exam Timing 2020 – All Shifts Details

According to the officials, the RRB PO exams will be conducted in 5 shifts on both days (12th & 13th  September 2020). Here we are providing all the details and timings of all the 5 shifts.

ShiftsReporting TimeGate Closure TimeHandwriting SampleExam Commencement TimeExam End
I7.30 AM8.15 AM8.30-8.35 AM8.35 am9.20 am
II9.45 AM10.30 AM10.45-10.50 AM10.50 am11.35 am
III12.00 PM12.45 AM1.00-1.05 PM1.05 pm1.50 pm
IV2.15 PM3.00 PM3.15- 3.20 PM3.20 pm4.05 pm
V4.30 PM5.15 PM5.30- 5.35 PM5.35 pm6.20 pm

Note: No candidate is to be allowed to enter the venue after the gate closure time.

IBPS RRB PO Exam Analysis 2020 – Official Exam Pattern:

Before seeing the Exam Analysis, here we have given the Official Exam Pattern of IBPS RRB PO Prelims 2020. The preliminary Exam Pattern consists of two sections, Reasoning Ability & Quantitative Aptitude section. Each has 40 questions and carries 40 marks each. Time Duration for this examination will be 45 minutes.

SectionNO. of QuestionsMarksDuration
Reasoning Ability404045 Minutes
Quantitative Aptitude4040

IBPS RRB PO Exam Analysis 13 September 2020 Shift- 1

Here IBPS RRB PO shift 1 analysis Will be available below. Check good attempts and the number of questions asked from each topic.

Today is the second and final day for IBPS RRB PO Preliminary exam 2020 and the 1st shift for the day is over now. Overall the level of the questions asked in this shift was easy to moderate. If we compare it the IBPS RRB Officer Scale-I exam held yesterday, then it was more or less similar in terms of types of questions asked in the exam and average good attempts as well. Students who had practiced from the Memory Based Paper of yesterday’s exam did benefit from it. Here is the complete exam analysis and review of the 1st Shift of 13 September.

Overall Analysis & Good Attempts- IBPS RRB PO Prelims 2020

SubjectGood Attempts
Reasoning Ability28 – 33
Quantitative Aptitude25 – 31
Total54 – 59

IBPS RRB PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2020: Reasoning Ability (Easy to Moderate)

Puzzles and Seating arrangement asked in today’s 1st shift were as follows:

  1. Box based puzzle
  2. Floor + Flat Puzzle (10 floors, flat A and flat B)
  3. Linear seating arrangement with an uncertain number of people facing north
  4. Linear seating arrangement with 9 people
  5. Classification Puzzle (Colours and Department)

The following table has complete details of the topic from which questions were asked in the 1st shift of IBPS RRB PO Prelims Exam 2020 held on 13 Sept 2020:

TopicsNo. of QuestionsLevel
Puzzle and Seating Arrangement25Easy to Moderate
Coding Decoding5Easy
Blood Relation3Easy
Alphabet based1Easy
Number based1Easy
Total40Easy to Moderate

IBPS RRB PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2020: Quantitative Aptitude (Easy to Moderate) 

There were three sets of DI- 2 sets of Tabular DI and a Line Chart. The level of this section in shift-1 held today was easy to moderate and there were no changes from yesterday’s exam.

TopicsNo. of QuestionsLevel
Data Interpretation10Easy to Moderate
Wrong Number Series5Easy
Quadratic Equation5Easy to Moderate
Arithmetic Word Problems20Easy to Moderate
Total40Easy to Moderate

IBPS RRB PO Exam Analysis 13 September 2020 Shift- 2

Here IBPS RRB PO shift 2 analysis Will be available below. Check good attempts and the number of questions asked from each topic.

Overall Analysis & Good Attempts- IBPS RRB PO Prelims 2020 ( Shift-2)

SectionGood Attempts
Reasoning Ability29-34
Quantitative Aptitude 24-29
Over all 53-58

IBPS RRB PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2020: Reasoning Ability (Shift-2)(Easy to Moderate) 

Students who attempted IBPS RRB PO Shift-2 exam on 13th September have reviewed that the reasoning ability section was quite easy to moderate. There was one question from Alphabet based and the word was “IMPARITY”. In 2nd Shift, there were no questions from Chinese Coding-Decoding, Inequality topics.

Puzzles and Seating Arrangement Questions were of following pattern;

  1. 3 city- 9 people, Delhi, Surat, Pune- 5 Questions
  2. Day Based Puzzle 2 variables- 5 Questions
  3. Floor based puzzle with 5 floor and 10 people- 5 Questions
  4. Linear Seating Arrangement- Uncertain people- 3 Questions
  5. Parallel Rows 12 people- 5 Questions

The following table depicts the questions asked in the 2nd shift of the exam.

TopicsNo. of QuestionsLevel
Puzzle and Seating Arrangement23Easy to Moderate
Blood Relation3Easy
Syllogism5Easy to Moderate
Alphabet Based1Easy
Number Based1Easy
Direction 3Moderate
Total40Easy to Moderate

IBPS RRB PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2020: Quantitative Aptitude (Shift-2)(Easy to Moderate) 

The level of questions asked in the quantitative aptitude section was easy to moderate. In Data Interpretation, 5 Questions were of Tabular and 5 Questions of Bar, 4 Caselet questions were asked- 2 from Age and 2 From Profit & Loss.The following table holds the topics that were asked in the shift 2 of the IBPS RRB PO Prelims Exam held on 13th September 2020:

TopicsNo. of QuestionsLevel
Data Interpretation14Easy to Moderate
Missing Number Series6Easy to Moderate
Quadratic Equation5Easy
Arithmetic Word Problems10Easy to Moderate
Total40Easy to Moderate

IBPS RRB PO Exam Analysis 13 September 2020 Shift- 3

As the overall difficulty level of the Shift-3 examination was overall easy to moderate as per the students who have attempted for the exam, and most of them were able to attempt maximum questions with accuracy.

Overall Analysis & Good Attempts- IBPS RRB PO Prelims 2020 ( Shift-3)

SubjectGood Attempts
Reasoning Ability26-34
Quantitative Aptitude25-31

Reasoning Ability (Easy)

Students have come out after appearing in the IBPS RRB PO Shift-3 exam on 13th September and reviewed that the reasoning ability section was quite easy. There was no question of Alphabetical and Blood-relation topics in Shift-3.

Questions of Puzzle and Seating Arrangement in 3rd Shift

  1. Box Bases puzzles
  2. Floor based Puzzles
  3. Linear Seating arrangement- Uncertain no of people
  4. Circular Seating arrangement- 9 member
  5. Linear Seating arrangement- Single line North Direction up

The following table depicts the questions asked in the 3rd shift of the exam-

TopicsNo. of QuestionsLevel
Puzzle and Seating Arrangement25Easy to Moderate
Coding Decoding1Easy

Quantitative Aptitude (Easy to Moderate)

The level of questions asked in the quantitative aptitude section was overall easy to moderate. The following table holds the topics that were asked in the shift 3 of the IBPS RRB PO Prelims Exam held on 13th September 2020:

Questions of Data Interpretation were of Pie, Caselet, and Bar Graph.

TopicsNo. of QuestionsLevel
Data Interpretation15Easy to Moderate
Missing Number Series5Easy
Quadratic Equation5Easy
Arithmetic Word Problems10Easy to Moderate
Total40Easy to Moderate

IBPS RRB PO Exam Analysis 13 September 2020 Shift- 4

As the overall difficulty level of the Shift-4 examination was overall easy to moderate as per the students who have attempted for the exam, and most of them were able to attempt maximum questions with accuracy.

Overall Analysis & Good Attempts- IBPS RRB PO Prelims 2020 ( Shift-4)

SubjectGood Attempts
Reasoning Ability25 to 31
Quantitative Aptitude27 to 30
Total53 to 58

Reasoning Ability (Easy to Moderate)

There is no question from coding & decoding, direction, inequality sections. The overall review about the reasoning section was easy to moderate from the aspirants points of view.

Questions asked from Puzzle and Seating Arrangement in 4th Shift were from:

  • Box puzzle with 10 boxes- 5 Questions
  • Floor puzzles with 10 floor- 5 Questions
  • Circular Seating Arrangement- 5 Questions
  • Linear Seating Arrangement- Short Puzzle – 1 Question 
  • 1 more puzzle- 5 Questions (This was tougher than other puzzles)
TopicsNo. of QuestionsLevel
Puzzle and Seating Arrangement21Easy to Moderate
Blood Relations5Easy
Number Based1Easy

Quantitative Aptitude (Easy to Moderate)

In Shift-4, Wrong series questions were asked and the level was as usual easy to moderate as it was of all previous shifts. The Questions of Data Interpretation were from Pie Chart, Caselet, and Line Graph in 4th Shift. There was no question asked from approximation section. 

TopicsNo. of QuestionsLevel
Data Interpretation16Easy to Moderate
Wrong Series5Easy 
Quadratic Equation6Easy to Moderate
Arithmetic Word Problems8Moderate
Total40Easy to Moderate

Team DreamBigInstitution wishes you all the best for the exam in upcoming 5th shifts!!! 

Mail your feedback and reviews to us at  [email protected]. Your efforts will be appreciated.

IBPS RRB PO Exam Analysis 2020 : FAQs

  1. What is IBPS RRB PO salary?

    Ans: The Pay-scale for IBPS RRB Officer Scale 1 or IBPS RRB PO is 14500-600/7-18700-700/2-20100-800/7-25700.

  2. How many attempts are there for IBPS RRB?

    There is no limit to the number of attempts for IBPS RRB PO. You can apply for this exam if you fulfil all the required criteria .

  3. Is there any negative marking in IBPS RRB?

    Ans: Yes, there is a negative marking of 1/4th mark for every incorrect answer.

  4.  How many sections were there in the IBPS RRB PO Preliminary Exam 2020?

    Ans There were 2 sections- Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude.

  5. What was the overall difficulty level of IBPS RRB PO Prelims Exam shift-1?

    Ans: . Easy to Moderate

  6. Which State has the maximum number of vacancies?

    Ans. Uttar Pradesh has the maximum number of vacancies-1787.

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