IDBI Executive Hand Written Declaration 2023: Sample Format


IDBI Executive Hand Written Declaration 2023: To apply for the post of the executive under IDBI Recruitment 2023 candidates need to upload certain documents and among these documents, there is a handwritten declaration as well. Every year candidates makes mistake while uploading the handwritten declaration therefore in order to save you from committing such mistakes we are providing below the sample of IDBI executive handwritten declaration. In this article, we have also covered the guidelines to be followed while submitting the IDBI executive handwritten declaration.

IDBI Executive Hand Written Declaration: Sample Format

 The text for the handwritten declaration is as follows –

“I, _______ (Name of the candidate), hereby declare that all the information submitted by me in the application form is correct, true, and valid. I will present the supporting documents as and when required”.

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Guidelines for Scanning IDBI Executive Hand-Written Declaration

Candidates need to know about the guidelines before uploading the IDBI Executive handwritten declaration, which is given below:

  1. The candidates have to write the IDBI executive handwritten declaration on plain white paper in English.
  2. The file should be in JPG/JPEG format.
  3. Candidates have to write the IDBI executive handwritten declaration with Black Inked Pen
  4. The file size should be between 50 – 100 kb.
  5. The dimension of the IDBI Executive Declaration Handwritten should be 800 x 400 pixels in 200 DPI (Preferred for required quality) i.e. 10 cm *5 cm (Width * Height)
  6. The IDBI executive hand-written declaration should be of the applicant and not by any other person.
  7. Signature / Handwritten declaration in CAPITAL LETTERS shall NOT be accepted.

IDBI Executive Recruitment 2023 Important Dates

All the important dates for IDBI Bank Recruitment 2023 have been released along with the IDBI Executive Notification 2023 pdf. The online registration and exam date for IDBI Executive Recruitment 2023 exam have been updated below.

IDBI Bank Recruitment 2023: Important Dates
IDBI Bank Notification Release Date24th May 2023
Online Application Begins24th May 2023
Last Date to Apply Online7th June 2023
Last date for Fee Payment7th June 2023
Last date to print the application22nd June 2023
IDBI Executive Online Test Date02nd July 2023
IDBI Executive Admit Card 2023June 2023 (3rd week)

IDBI Executive Important Links

IDBI Executive Previous Year Question PaperIDBI Executive Syllabus 2023

FAQs: IDBI Executive Hand Written Declaration

Q1. What is the Handwritten Declaration form?

Ans. The Handwritten Declaration form is a mandatory document to upload at the time of filling the application form. Candidates have to write this form in English on White paper.

Q2. What should be the file size of the IDBI Executive handwritten declaration sample?

Ans. The IDBI Executive Declaration sample should be 50 – 100 kb.

Q3. What is the format of the IDBI Executive handwritten declaration sample?

Ans. The IDBI Executive hand-written declaration sample is in JPG/JPEG format.

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