RRB JE Exam Analysis & Review 2019: 1st June 2nd Shift


RRB JE Exam Analysis

RRB JE Exam Analysis & Review 2019: 1st June 2nd Shift


Dear Aspirants,

RRB JE Exam Analysis & Review 2019: 1st June 2nd Shift

RRB JE Exam has commenced from 22nd May. Many aspirants have appeared for the RRB JE and now is the time to analyze your attempts and questions. This post will provide you detailed subject wise analysis of the exam which will help the aspirants to get an idea of the questions and topics asked in RRB JE. RRB JE Exam was easy to moderate level.

RRB JE 2019 Exam Date
The 1st Stage CBT is scheduled from 22nd May 2019. And RRB has released the exam city for candidates who have their exam from 22nd to 2nd June 2019. Admit Card has been released for candidates who have their exam from 22nd to 26th May 2019.

RRB JE 2019 Selection Procedure
The recruitment process will involve the following stages of examination:

1st Stage Computer Based Test (CBT)
2nd Stage Computer Based Test (CBT)
Document Verification
Medical Examination.

RRB JE Stage-1 Exam Pattern

Subjects No. Of Questions Marks Duration
1 Mathematics 30 30 90 min
2 General Intelligence and Reasoning 25 25
3 General Awareness 15 15
4 General Science 30 30
100 100
  • Negative marking of 1/3 is there.
  • Normalization of marks will be done


RRB JE Stage-1 Exam Analysis

RRB JE Exam Analysis: Mathematics for RRB JE Stage-1

Mathematics of RRB JE consists of both arithmetic and advanced maths. The questions asked as seen in the RRB JE Exam analysis, are distributed equally among different topics.

RRB JE Maths Questions In Shift-2

The distribution of questions can be seen from the below table.

Topic No of Questions Level
SI/ CI 3 Moderate
Mensuration 3 Easy-Moderate
Ratio & Proportion 2 Easy
Trigonometry 3-4 Moderate
Profit/Loss 3 Easy-Moderate
Geometry –
Number System (HCF/LCM) 3 Easy
Simplification 3 Easy
Time and Work 3 Easy-Moderate
Percentage 3-4 Easy
Time, Speed and Distance 2 Easy-Moderate
Misc. 2 Easy-Moderate
Height & Distance –
Total 30 Easy-Moderate


RRB JE Exam Analysis: General Intelligence & Reasoning for RRB JE Stage-1

General Intelligence & Reasoning is taken lightly by many aspirants which should not be the case. This section is scoring, all you just need is accuracy and speed to attempt.

RRB JE Reasoning Questions in Shift-2

will be updated

Take a look at the topic wise distribution of questions in RRB JE exam analysis:

Topic No of Questions Level
Coding-Decoding 4-5 Easy-Moderate
Alphabetical series 2 Easy-Moderate
Venn Diagram 2 Easy
Statement & Conclusion 1 Easy-Moderate
Syllogism 2 Easy
Series 3-4 Easy-Moderate
Sitting arrangement(Circular) 2 Easy
Direction 3-4 Easy
Analogy 2 Easy-Moderate
Mathematical Operations 2-3 Easy
Odd one out 2 Easy
Total 25 Easy-Moderate


RRB JE Exam Analysis: General Awareness for RRB JE Stage-1

General Awareness contributes a total of 15 questions in RRB JE exam. The overall level can be said to be easy. Many questions were related to awards and sports.

RRB JE GA Questions In Shift-2

1. Article 17 is related to?
2.who published commonwealth newspaper in 1914?
3.  tuirial dam is situated in?
4. which of the following department is included in Finance ministry?
5. Where were the 2012 Asian games held?

Here is the topic wise distribution:

Topic No of Questions Level
History 2
Geography 1 Easy
Polity 2 Easy-Moderate
Static 2-3 Easy
Current Affairs (Mostly Form 2018) 6-7 Easy
Total 15 Easy


RRB JE Exam Analysis: General Science for RRB JE Stage-1

RRB JE exam consists of a total of 30 General Science questions that can be said as a major portion for the exam. The overall level is easy to moderate.

Biology- 4-5 questions

Chemistry- 11-12 questions

Physics- 9-10 questions

RRB JE Science Questions in Shift-2

1.plant in sea haw they help for fishes 
2.which vitamin destroyed when it is heated?
3. What is ectoparasite?
4.Question-based on eco sound?
5. The relation between V, I & R?
6. Which wood is used in Timber?
7. What comes in Right side of the periodic table?
8.Question-based on Sodium carbonate 
9. The chemical name of milk of magnesia

We Hope you have got an idea about the number of questions asked with the given RRB JE exam analysis and we wish you all the best for RRB JE 2019.


RRB JE Exam Analysis & Review 2019: 1st June 2nd Shift-Click Here

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