SSC CGL Exam Analysis 24 August 2021: (Analysis Check Here)


SSC CGL Exam Analysis 24 August 2021: The Staff Selection Commission has scheduled the SSC CGL TIER I exam from 13th August 2021 to 24th August 2021. The exam will be conducted in 3 shifts. Candidates who have appeared for the exam must be waiting for the analysis. We are providing you all with the analysis of all the three shifts’ all-day exams. This analysis will help the candidates to get an idea about the pattern of questions being asked in the exam. The level of examination and questions also.

We provide you an honest analysis of the candidates who appeared for the exam of 24th August shift. This will be very helpful for the candidates appearing for the upcoming shifts on upcoming days. Candidates will get a detailed analysis for all three shifts. The analysis is very important after examination to get the idea of the questions set we have appeared. The good attempts and level of examination we share are purely from the point of view of the candidates who appeared in the exam.

SSC CGL Exam Timing

Name of Shift Reporting TimeExam Time
Shift 17:30 AM9-10 am
Shift 210:30 AM12-1 pm
Shift 31:30 pm3-4 pm

SSC CGL Exam Analysis 24 August 2021: (Analysis Check Here)

SSC CGL TIER I Shift 1 Good Attempt

The exam review obtained from students shows that the level of the SSC CGL Tier 1 2021 exam has been provided in the below table. The quantitative aptitude section was lengthy and calculative. A total of 100 questions were attempted in 60 minutes.

S No.SectionsNo. of QuestionsLevel of exam
1General Intelligence and Reasoning19-20Easy
2General Awareness18-20Easy to Moderate
3Quantitative Aptitude21-22Moderate
4English Comprehension22-22Easy
Total80-84Easy to Moderate

SSC CGL Tier-I Shift 1 Exam Analysis for General Awareness: 24th August

This section is important from the scoring perspective. The candidates who prepare for this to score more can get the advantage of scoring more in less time. The questions may be based on static or current affairs. Let us check the questions asked in the 1st shift of 24th August 2021.

Most of the questions were asked from the Current Affairs of January – April 2021.

  • Rangbhoomi Novel is written by?
  • When does Mughal Empire established by Babur?
  • Which article states that India will have one Vice President?
  • Veer Surendra Sai is associated with which state?
  • What is a wave caused by an earthquake called?
  • In Dec 2020 Mizoram Launched Love Brigade to Create Awareness for which of the following?
  • Ruia Gold Cup is related to which sport?
  • distribution of power between center and state is under which article?
  • Who is elected as Vice President of Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU)?
  • CEO of National Health Authority?

SSC CGL Tier-I Shift 1 Exam Analysis for Quantitative Aptitude:24th August

The quantitative Aptitude section is generally lengthy comprising questions from arithmetic and advance maths. The level of this section in the exam was easy to moderate. The topic-wise distribution of questions has been provided below. This is a very unpredictable section it depends on the candidate’s preparation to get good attempts in the quant section.

  • Lengthy questions were asked in Maths
S.No.TopicsNo. Of Questions askedLevel of Exam
3Number System–
5Time & Work1easy
6Time, Speed & Distance1easy
8Profit & Loss1easy
9Coordinate Geometry–
10Geometry1-2easy to moderate
Total Questions25 questionsEasy to Moderate

SSC CGL Tier-I Shift 1 Exam Analysis for English Comprehension:24th August

The English Language section was easy-moderate as per the review of students. You can check the English Language paper analysis with the topic-wise distribution of questions and level given below.

  • Synonyms- Leverage
S.No.TopicsNo. Of Questions askedLevel Of Exam
1Fill in the Blanks3-4Easy
2Sentence Improvement–
3Error Detection1-2Easy
4Sentence Rearrangement1-2Easy
5Idioms and Phrases1-2Easy
8Active Passive1-2Easy
10One Word–
11Spelling Correction2-3Easy
12Cloze test3-4Easy
Total Questions25 questionsEasy

SSC CGL Tier-I Shift 1 Exam Analysis for General Intelligence and Reasoning:24th August

This section contains 25 questions for 50 marks. This is the very scoring topic of the examination. Let us check the detailed  SSC CGL Exam Analysis for shift 1:

This will be updated soon…

S.No.TopicsNo. Of Questions askedLevel Of Exam
2Odd One Out2Easy
4Statement & Conclusions1Easy
6Sequence (Acc. to Dictionary)1Easy
7Word Formation––
9Mathematical Operations2-3Easy
11Blood Relation1Easy
12Mirror Image1Easy
13Venn Diagram1Easy
14Paper Folding Image1Easy
15Missing Term2Easy
16Hidden Figure1Easy
18Counting Figure [Rectangle]1Easy
19Complete Figure1Easy
Total Questions25Easy


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