SSC MTS Answer key 2019 Check Now


SSC MTS Answer key

SSC MTS (Multitasking Staff) exam 2019 for General Central Service Group ‘C’ Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial post in various Central Government Ministries / Departments / Offices, in different States/ Union Territories was conducted from 2nd August to 22nd August 2019. Candidates appeared for the Tier I exam comprising of 100 marks with 100 questions. As the exam is already over, a total of 19.18 lakh candidates appeared for this exam all over India. The answer has released on 6th September. This post provides all the information related to the SSC MTS 2019 answer key.


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 SSC MTS 2019: Check your Answer key

Candidates can calculate their score by checking the answer key and predict whether they are selected or not. The answer key has released now.

Steps to Check SSC MTS Answer Key

  1. Click on the link given on this page which will take you to the login page.
  2. Enter your details including the registration number and password.
  3. Your answer key will be displayed on the screen.

How to calculate your score in the answer key?

The answer key will include the option marked by you and the correct answer. You need to count the number of correct answers and incorrect answers. Each correct question consist of one mark. There is a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer. Here is the formula to calculate your score for SSC MTS Paper I.

Total Score = (No. of Correct answers x 1) – (No. of Incorrect Answers x 0.25)

Having an issue with the answer key? Here is what you need to do

After the SSC MTS is released, candidates need to raise objections, if any. The answer key may have some answers that are wrongly marked by the SSC. All you need to do is raise objections with appropriate reason and submit it by paying a fee of Rs. 100. How can you raise objections? Check out below.

  • After logging in, check your answer key properly.
  • Make sure the correct answers by the SSC are appropriate.
  • If you have any issue regarding any question/answer, click on “Submit Representations”
  • Pay the fee of Rs 100 by using a debit card or the given options.
  • Choose the question/answer that you want to correct.
  • Write the reason for the correction. Make sure you give a proper explanation.
  • Submit it.
  • If you have a query in more than one question then you will have to pay the fee for each question separately.


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