The Hindu Editorial VOCAB 10 January 2022
Confronts (verb) सामना करना
- Meaning:- come face to face with (someone) with hostile or argumentative intent.
- अर्थ: – शत्रुता या तर्क-वितर्क के साथ (किसी के) सामने आना।
- Synonyms:- accost, defy, encounter
- Antonyms:- avoid, dodge
- Example:- Our eyes are shut to the damning facts which confront us on every side.
Unsubstantiated (adjective) निराधार
- Meaning:- not supported or proven by evidence.
- अर्थ: – प्रमाण द्वारा समर्थित या सिद्ध नहीं।
- Synonyms:- debatable, dubious, unsupported
- Antonyms:- certain, sure
- Example:- As yet he could not reveal his unsubstantiated information to another.
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Mercenaries (noun) वह सिपाही जो दूसरे मुल्क में लड़ाई के लिए रखे जायें
- Meaning:- a professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army.
- अर्थ: – विदेशी सेना में सेवा करने के लिए किराए पर लिया गया एक पेशेवर सैनिक।
- Synonyms:- warrior, hireling
- Example:- His citizens have no silver or gold of their own, but are ready enough to pay them to their mercenaries.
Contention (noun) विवाद
- Meaning:- heated disagreement.
- अर्थ: – गरम असहमति।
- Synonyms:- argument, conflict, controversy
- Antonyms:- accord, agreement, harmony
- Example:- Just what the ratio of the curve should be is a matter of contention.
Preposterous (adjective) निरर्थक
- Meaning:- contrary to reason or common sense; utterly absurd or ridiculous.
- अर्थ: – तर्क या सामान्य ज्ञान के विपरीत; बिलकुल बेतुका या हास्यास्पद।
- Synonyms:- absurd, crazy, excessive
- Antonyms:- bad, balanced, believable
- Example:- They created the most preposterous romances; and could not get the credit of creating them.
Reputation (noun) प्रतिष्ठा
- Meaning:- the beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something.
- अर्थ: – मान्यताएँ या मत जो आमतौर पर किसी या किसी चीज़ के बारे में आयोजित किए जाते हैं।
- Synonyms:- character, fame, honor
- Antonyms:- unimportance, disapproval
- Example:- “Many have had that reputation who do not deserve it,” said Robert.
Jeopardize (verb) : ख़तरे में डालना
- Meaning: put (someone or something) into a situation in which there is a danger of loss, harm, or failure.
- अर्थ: (किसी को या किसी को) ऐसी स्थिति में रखना जिसमें हानि, हानि या असफलता का खतरा हो।
- Synonyms: imperil, threaten, chance, gamble
- Antonyms: guard,protect, save, design
- Example: By a word he could have done it, yet he feared lest that word must jeopardize his brother.
Abate (Verb) – रोक-थाम करना
- Meaning: (of something unpleasant or severe) become less intense or widespread
- अर्थ: (कुछ अप्रिय या गंभीर) कम तीव्र या व्यापक हो जाता है
- Synonyms: subside, die down/away/out, drop off/away, lessen, ease (off), let up, decrease, diminish, moderate, decline, fade, dwindle,
- Antonyms: intensify, advance, extend, develop
- Example: the storm suddenly abated
Rescind (Verb) – रद्द कर देना
- Meaning: revoke, cancel, or repeal (a law, order, or agreement).
- अर्थ: निरस्त, रद्द या निरस्त (एक कानून, आदेश, या समझौता)।
- Synonyms: revoke, repeal, cancel, reverse, abrogate, overturn, overrule, override, annul, nullify,
- Antonyms: enforce, enact
- Example: the government eventually rescinded the directive
Odious (adjective) :घृणित
- Meaning: extremely unpleasant; repulsive.
- अर्थ: अत्यंत अप्रिय; प्रतिकारक।
- Synonyms: revolting, repulsive, repellent, repugnant
- Antonyms: delightful, pleasant, agreeable, charming
- Example: The athlete got arrested for participating in the odious sport of dogfighting.