The Hindu Editorial VOCAB 15 June 2022 (Improve Your Vocabulary


The Hindu Editorial VOCAB 15 June 2022

UNFLINCHING (Adjective) : बेहिचक

  • Meaning: showing no signs of slackening or yielding in one’s purpose
  • अर्थ: किसी के उद्देश्य में ढील का कोई संकेत नहीं दिखना
  • Synonym: determined, dogged, grim, implacable, relentless, unappeasable
  • Antonym: slackening, softening, yielding
  • Usage: He was unflinching in his determination to see that justice was done.

FERVOUR (Noun) : जोश

  • Meaning: great warmth and earnestness of feeling
  • अर्थ: भावना की बड़ी गर्मजोशी और ईमानदारी
  • Synonym: ardor, passion, zeal.
  • Antonym: impassiveness, impassivity, insensibility, insensibleness
  • Usage: Surprised by the fervor that her parents’ old love letters contained when she discovered them in the attic.

DEROGATORY(Adjective) : अपमानजनक 

  • Meaning: showing a critical or disrespectful attitude.
  • अर्थ: आलोचनात्मक या अपमानजनक रवैया दिखाना।
  • Synonyms: disparaging, slighting, pejorative, belittling
  • Antonyms: complimentary, appreciative, favorable, flattering
  • Usage:  He made some derogatory comment/remark about her appearance.

INFIRM(Adjective) : कमजोर

  • Meaning: ill or needing care, especially for long periods and often because of old age
  • अर्थ: बीमार या देखभाल की आवश्यकता, विशेष रूप से लंबे समय तक और अक्सर बुढ़ापे के कारण
  • Synonyms: ailing, ill
  • Antonyms: healthy, strong
  • Usage:  She was too elderly and infirm to remain at home.

RENDER(Verb) : कारण 

  • Meaning: to cause someone or something to be in a particular state
  • अर्थ: किसी विशेष अवस्था में किसी के या किसी के होने का कारण
  • Synonyms: deliver, cause
  • Antonyms: hold, keep
  • Usage:  Billions have been spent, but not one gallon of the estimated 54m gallons of waste has been rendered harmless.

SCURRY (verb) : घबरा कर चलना 

  • Meaning: (of a person or small animal) move hurriedly with short quick steps.
  • अर्थ: किसी व्यक्ति या पशु का जल्दी में तेज-तेज चलना
  • Synonyms: scamper, scuttle, dash, rush.
  • Antonyms: amble, stroll, crawl, saunter.
  • Usage: We have come to see the tornado in all of its glory, not the ant-like humans that scurry about in its path.

ABERRATION (Noun) : पतन 

  • Meaning: a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically an unwelcome one.
  • अर्थ: जो सामान्य या अपेक्षित, आम तौर पर एक अनिच्छुक है, उसका जाना।
  • Synonyms: anomaly, deviation, divergence, abnormality, irregularity, variation,
  • Antonyms: normality, usualness, conformity. regularity
  • Example: A person with one blue eye and one green eye is said to have a genetic aberration.

SWINDLE (Verb): ठगी 

  • Meaning: obtain (money) fraudulently.
  • अर्थ: बईमानी से धन प्राप्त करना 
  • Synonyms: bilk, con, deceive, defraud, fleece
  • Antonyms: help, give
  • Example: You have to be careful when buying products on the internet, as some sellers may try to swindle you into paying more money than the product is worth.

Infringe : उल्लंघन करना, अतिक्रमण करना

  • Meaning: actively break the terms of (a law, agreement, etc.).
  • अर्थ: (एक कानून, समझौते, आदि) की शर्तों को सक्रिय रूप से तोड़ दें।
  • Synonyms: violate, breach, break, transgress, violation
  • Antonyms: obey, comply, follow, observe
  • Usage in a sentence: They claim that his use of the name infringes on their copyright.

Encrypt : कूट रूप देना

  • Meaning: convert (information or data) into a code, especially to prevent unauthorized access.
  • अर्थ: विशेष रूप से अनधिकृत पहुंच को रोकने के लिए एक कोड में (सूचना या डेटा) परिवर्तित करें।
  • Synonyms: encode, encipher, code, inscribe
  • Antonyms: interpret, decode, decipher, decrypt, translate
  • Usage in a sentence: The software will encrypt the message before it is sent.

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