The Hindu Editorial VOCAB 18 May 2022
EGALITARIAN (Noun) : समानाधिकारवादी
- Meaning: one who advocates or practices social equality.
- अर्थ: वह जो सामाजिक समानता की वकालत करता है या करता है।
- Synonyms: democrat, leveler
- Antonyms: snob, snoot
- Usage: As egalitarians, some people have always promoted policies for equal pay.
XENOPHOBIC (adjective) : नस्लवादी, नृजातीय
- Meaning: having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries.
- अर्थ: दूसरे देशों के लोगों के प्रति अरुचि या पूर्वाग्रह का होना।
- Synonyms: racist, racialist, ethnocentric, ethnocentrist.
- Antonyms: bountiful, permissive, thoughtful, lenient.
- Usage: As a result, the new parliament is distinctly more xenophobic and illiberal than its predecessor.
MURKY(Adjective) : अंधेरा
- Meaning: dark and dirty or difficult to see through
- अर्थ: अंधेरे और गंदे या मुश्किल से देखना
- Synonyms: cloudy, dark
- Antonyms: bright, luminous
- Usage:The river was brown and murky after the storm.
Vacillate(verb) : घटना बढ़ना
- Meaning: Waiver between different opinion or actions.
- अर्थ: विभिन्न मतों या कार्यों के बीच में छूट।
- Synonym: temporize, hesitate, oscillate
- Antonym: resolute
- Usage: You might vacillate between ordering pizza and burger as both are testy.
Exhort(verb) : समझाना
- Meaning: Strongly encourage or urge to do something
- अर्थ: कुछ करने के लिए दृढ़ता से प्रोत्साहित करना या आग्रह करना
- Synonym: enjoin, adjure,
- Antonym: discourage
- Usage: Priya tries to Exhort her friend about her career. but she is not ready to listen.
Slipshod(adjective) : असावधानीपूर्ण
- Meaning: characterized by a lack of care, thought, or organization.
- अर्थ: देखभाल, विचार या संगठन की कमी।
- Synonym: careless, lackadaisical
- Antonym: meticulous, painstaking
- Usage: Ravi did a slipshod job. His scholarship is slipshod at best.
RATIFIED(verb) : पुष्टि की
- Meaning: confirmed or made official
- अर्थ: पुष्टि या आधिकारिक बना दिया
- Synonyms: approve, confirm
- Antonyms: deny, destroy
- Usage: For the rule change to be approved, it must be ratified by 8 out of 10 teams.
PURPORTEDLY (adverb) : माना जाता है
- Meaning: As appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so; allegedly.
- अर्थ: जैसा कि प्रतीत होता है या सच कहा जाता है, हालांकि जरूरी नहीं कि; कथित तौर पर।
- Synonyms: professedly, supposedly, seemingly, superficially.
- Antonyms: absolutely, authentically, certainly, earnestly.
- Usage: The fans found a bat purportedly signed by Virat Kohli.
SCOFF (Verb) : उपहास
- Meaning: speak to someone or about something in a scornfully derisive or mocking way.
- अर्थ: किसी से या किसी बात के बारे में अपमानजनक तरीके से या अपमानजनक तरीके से बोलना।
- Synonyms: mock, deride, ridicule
- Antonyms: flatter, praise, compliment
- Usage: The rude rich boy thought it was fun to scoff at the poor people at his school.
ABOMINATE(Adjective) : घृणा
- Meaning: to hate something very much
- अर्थ: किसी चीज से बहुत अधिक घृणा करना।
- Synonyms: abhor, despise
- Antonyms: love, like
- Usage: They abominated the idea of red tapism.