The Hindu Editorial VOCAB 22 June 2022
Dastardly (adjective) : नीच
- Meaning:- wicked and cruel.
- अर्थ: – दुष्ट और क्रूर।
- Synonyms:- contemptible, cowardly
- Antonyms:- honorable, respectable, worthy
Convoy (noun) : रक्षक दल
- Meaning:- (of a warship or armed troops) accompany (a group of ships or vehicles) for protection.
- अर्थ: – (एक युद्धपोत या सशस्त्र सैनिकों के) सुरक्षा के लिए (जहाजों या वाहनों का एक समूह) साथ होते हैं।
- Synonyms:- attendance, attendant, companion
- Example:- The second attack on the Scandinavian convoy occurred on 12th December.
Minutiae (noun) : सूक्ष्म विचार
- Meaning:- the small, precise, or trivial details of something.
- अर्थ: – किसी चीज का छोटा, सटीक या तुच्छ विवरण।
- Synonyms:- trivia, incidental
- Example:- But it is unnecessary to trace these studies in all their minutiae.
Painstaking (adjective) : मेहनती
- Meaning:- done with or employing great care and thoroughness.
- अर्थ: – बड़ी सावधानी और निष्ठा से काम लिया या किया।
- Synonyms:- careful, conscientious, diligent
- Antonyms:- careless, lazy
- Example:- No science or painstaking can make up for his not doing this.
Perpetrators (noun) : अपराधी
- Meaning:- a person who carries out a harmful, illegal, or immoral act.
- अर्थ: – जो व्यक्ति हानिकारक, अवैध या अनैतिक कार्य करता है।
- Synonyms:- criminal, executioner
- Example:- His sole ambition just now was to fix the crime definitely on the perpetrator.
Handlers (noun) : संचालक
- Meaning:- a person who trains or manages another person.
- अर्थ: – वह व्यक्ति जो किसी अन्य व्यक्ति को प्रशिक्षित या प्रबंधित करता है।
- Synonyms:- administrator, boss
- Antonyms:- employee, worker
- Example:- He was already beginning to show his natural fitness as a handler of weapons.
Reconnaissance (noun) : सैनिक परीक्षण
- Meaning:- military observation of a region to locate an enemy or ascertain strategic features.
- अर्थ: – शत्रु का पता लगाने या सामरिक विशेषताओं का पता लगाने के लिए किसी क्षेत्र का सैन्य अवलोकन।
- Synonyms:- exploration, surveillance
- Example:- It was already dusk when we returned from the reconnaissance.
Indoctrination (noun) : समझाना
- Meaning:- the process of teaching a person or group to accept a set of beliefs uncritically.
- अर्थ: – किसी व्यक्ति या समूह को अनायास ही मान्यताओं के एक समूह को सिखाने की प्रक्रिया।
- Synonyms:- persuasion, brainwashing, instruction
- Example:- The period of indoctrination varies in length with the individuals.
Battered (adjective) : चकनाचूर
- Meaning:- (of a thing) damaged by age and repeated use.
- अर्थ: – एक सैन्य हमले की वापसी की कार्रवाई; जवाबी हमला।
- Synonyms:- bash, beat, bruise
- Antonyms:- aid, assist, build
- Example:- He looked round him for the battered article that served him for head-gear.
Retaliatory (noun) : प्रतिशोध
- Meaning:- the action of returning a military attack; counter-attack.
- अर्थ: – एक सैन्य हमले की वापसी की कार्रवाई; जवाबी हमला।
- Synonyms:- disciplinary, penal, punishing
- Antonyms:- beneficial, rewarding
- Example:- It was the fear of retaliatory punishment that kept them aloof.
Deterioration (noun) : क्षय
- Meaning:- the process of becoming progressively worse.
- अर्थ: – उत्तरोत्तर बदतर बनने की प्रक्रिया।
- Synonyms:- decline, degradation
- Antonyms:- increase, ascent
- Example:- The strong, pure heart had undergone a change, but not a deterioration.