The Hindu Editorial VOCAB 24 June 2022
Scurrilous (adjective) : मिथ्या
- Meaning:- making or spreading scandalous claims about someone with the intention of damaging their reputation.
- अर्थ: – अपनी प्रतिष्ठा को नुकसान पहुँचाने के इरादे से किसी के बारे में निंदनीय दावे करना या फैलाना।
- Synonyms:- defamatory, indecent, insulting
- Antonyms:-clean, decent
- Example:-I stood aghast at this scurrilous address, the like of which I had never yet heard.
Heavy-handed ( adjective) : तानाशाही
- Meaning:- dealing with people or problems in a severe or harsh way : too strict or controlling
- अर्थ: – लोगों या समस्याओं से गंभीर या कठोर तरीके से निपटना: बहुत सख्त या नियंत्रित करना
- Synonyms:- coercive, cruel, harsh
- Example: –A rough-featured, heavy-handed peasant’s son was this Peter.
Delineating (verb) : चित्रित करना
- Meaning:- describe or portray (something) precisely.
- अर्थ: – ठीक-ठीक वर्णन (चित्रण) करो।
- Synonyms:- define, depict, lay out
- Antonyms:-confuse, distort
- Example:-There was a particular dog in Washington which he was never tired of delineating.
Perfunctory (adjective) : असावधान
- Meaning:- (of an action) carried out without real interest, feeling, or effort.
- अर्थ: – (किसी क्रिया का) बिना वास्तविक रुचि, भाव या प्रयत्न के किया गया।
- Synonyms:- cursory, offhand, sketchy
- Antonyms:-careful, complete
- Example:-She began to fry her pork and apples, with a perfunctory attempt at conversation.
Exaggerated (adjective) : अतिशयोक्तिपूर्ण
- Meaning:- regarded or represented as larger, better, or worse than in reality.
- अर्थ: – वास्तविकता से बड़ा, बेहतर या बुरा माना या माना गया।
- Synonyms:- abstract, distorted, excessive
- Antonyms:-actual, believable, calm
- Example:-His great failing was that he exaggerated–no tale ever losing anything in his charge.
Scurrility (noun) : गाली-गलौज
- Meaning:- the quality of being scurrilous.
- अर्थ: – खूंखार होने का गुण।
- Synonyms:- abomination, affront, atrocity
- Antonyms:-blessing, compliment, decency
- Example:-There is the low joke which arises from scurrility and idle conceit.
Animadversion (noun) : निन्दा
- Meaning:- criticism or censure.
- अर्थ: – आलोचना या निंदा।
- Synonyms:- accusation, censure
- Antonyms:-approval, compliment
- Example:-The same undercurrent of jealousy operates in our reception of animadversion.
Discordant (adjective) : प्रतिकूल
- Meaning:- disagreeing or incongruous.
- अर्थ: – असहमति या असंगति।
- Synonyms:- cacophonous, clashing, dissonant
- Antonyms:-similar, agreeable
- Example:-For once, the music of her voice was lost in a discordant cry of detestation.
Inadvertent (adjective) : बेपरवाह
- Meaning:- not resulting from or achieved through deliberate planning.
- अर्थ: – जानबूझकर नियोजन के माध्यम से प्राप्त या प्राप्त नहीं किया गया।
- Synonyms:- careless, reckless, unintended
- Antonyms:-careful, cautious
- Example:-No doubt Mr. Churchill’s failure to mention shippers was inadvertent.
Comity (noun) : शिष्टाचार
- Meaning:- courtesy and considerate behaviour towards others.
- अर्थ: – शिष्टाचार और दूसरों के प्रति व्यवहार पर विचार करें।
- Synonyms:- altruism, compassion, generosity
- Antonyms:-cruelty, harshness, meanness
- Example:-Comity has a toll-gate at which you must pay, or you may not enter the land of Freedom