The Hindu Editorial VOCAB 28 June 2022 (Improve Your Vocabulary


The Hindu Editorial VOCAB 28 June 2022

BODE(Verb) : पूर्वाभास

  • Meaning: to indicate (something, such as a future event) by signs
  • अर्थ: संकेत द्वारा (कुछ, जैसे भविष्य की घटना) संकेत करना
  • Synonyms: augur, forebode
  • Antonyms: ignorance, thoughtlessness
  • Example: Poor sales do not bode favorably for the success of the new store.

USURIOUS (adjective) : अति ब्याज

  • Meaning: rate of interest that is unfairly high.
  • अर्थ: ब्याज की दर जो गलत तरीके से उच्च है।
  • Synonyms: avaricious, acquisitive, rapacious, covetous.
  • Antonyms: affordable, moderate, generous, undulating.
  • Example: Can you lend to the poor without charging usurious interest?

CONDIGN (adjective) : उचित 

  • Meaning: appropriate to the crime or wrongdoing; fitting and deserved.
  • अर्थ: किसी अपराध या अधर्म के लिए उपयुक्त या उचित होना।
  • Synonyms: earned, merited, warranted, justified.
  • Antonyms: undeserved, undue, unfair, unjust.
  • Example: Condign punishment was rare when the criminal was a man of high social standing.

LULL (Verb) : शांति काल

  • Meaning: make (someone) feel deceptively secure or confident.
  • अर्थ: (किसी को) भ्रामक रूप से सुरक्षित या आश्वस्त महसूस करना।
  • Synonyms: assuage, allay, ease, alleviate
  • Antonyms: aggravate
  • Example: Rocking two and fro, the hammock was just what was needed to lull the exhausted man.

REMINISCENT (Adjective) : याद ताजा

  • Meaning: tending to remind one of something.
  • अर्थ: किसी चीज की याद दिलाने के लिए प्रवृत्त होना।
  • Synonyms: evocative, suggestive
  • Antonyms: unreminiscent
  • Example: This painting is strongly reminiscent of da Vinci’s “Annunciation”.

SUBJUGATE (Verb) : अधीन करना

  • Meaning: bring under domination or control, especially by conquest.
  • अर्थ: विशेष रूप से विजय द्वारा वर्चस्व या नियंत्रण में लाना।
  • Synonyms: conquer, vanquish, defeat, crush
  • Antonyms: liberate
  • Example: Is your goal to take away our freedom and subjugate us by military force?

Credulous (Adjective) :  भरोसेमंद

  • Meaning: having or showing too great a readiness to believe things.
  • अर्थ: चीजों पर विश्वास करने के लिए बहुत बड़ी तत्परता होना या दिखाना।
  • Synonym: gullible, naive, impressionable, trusting,
  • Antonym: worldly, suspicious
  • Example: When she was younger, my baby sister was incredibly credulous and fell for all my tricks.

SPORADICALLY(Adverb) शायद ही कभी (क्रिया विशेषण)

  • Meaning: Not regularly or constantly
  • अर्थ: अनियमित
  • Synonym: Rarely, seldom
  • Antonym: Frequently, usually
  • Usage: They’d Kept in touch over the years, sporadically trading greeting cards and pictures of the kids.

ATTUNE(Verb)अनुकूल बनाना (क्रिया)

  • Meaning: Bring into accord, harmony, or sympathetic relationship
  • अर्थ: समझौते, सद्भाव, या सहानुभूति संबंध में लाना
  • Synonym:  adapt, acclimatize
  • Antonym: disharmonize
  • Usage: A new parent has to attune to a baby’s schedule and personality.

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