The Hindu Editorial VOCAB 23 April 2021 (Improve Your Vocabulary)
Validity : मान्यता तारीख, पुष्टता
- Meaning: the quality of being logically or factually sound; soundness or cogency.
- अर्थ: तार्किक या तथ्यात्मक ध्वनि होने की गुणवत्ता; सुदृढ़ता या संयोग।
- Synonyms: effectiveness, efficacy, legitimacy, authenticity, effectivity
- Antonyms: falsity, invalidity, falsehood, absurdity
- Usage in a sentence: Some researchers have questioned the validity of the test results.
Feasible : व्यवहार्य
- Meaning: possible to do easily or conveniently.
- अर्थ: आसानी से या आसानी से कर पाना।
- Synonyms: possible, practicable, workable, viable
- Antonyms: impossible, unsustainable, unfeasible, impractical
- Usage in a sentence: The government has now made it feasible for tourists to spend as long as a month in the country.
Monger : सौदागर
- Meaning: denoting a dealer or trader in a specified commodity.
- अर्थ: एक निर्दिष्ट वस्तु में एक व्यापारी या व्यापारी को निरूपित करना।
- Synonyms: trader, dealer, merchant, trafficker, vendor
- Antonyms: customer, payer
- Usage in a sentence: The Iranian President the US to ‘‘abandon war mongers and warmongering policies,’’ in an apparent reference to Bolton, who pushed for more aggressive action against Iran.
Threshold : सीमा
- Meaning: a strip of wood or stone forming the bottom of a doorway and crossed in entering a house or room.
- अर्थ: लकड़ी या पत्थर की एक पट्टी जो चौखट के नीचे बनती है और घर या कमरे में प्रवेश करती है।
- Synonyms: limit, boundary, door, brink, verge
- Antonyms: end, closure, finish
- Usage in a sentence: If your income rises above a certain threshold, your tax rate also rises.
Contingency : आकस्मिक घटना
- Meaning: a future event or circumstance which is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty.
- अर्थ: एक भविष्य की घटना या परिस्थिति जो संभव है लेकिन निश्चितता के साथ भविष्यवाणी नहीं की जा सकती।
- Synonyms: emergency, incident, chance
- Antonyms: certainty, reality, truth
- Usage in a sentence: Mike had talked about contingency plans for the catastrophe.
MEEK(Adjective) : नम्र
- Meaning: quiet and unwilling to disagree or fight or to strongly support personal ideas and opinions
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- अर्थ: व्यक्तिगत विचारों और विचारों का दृढ़ता से समर्थन करने या लड़ने के लिए शांत और अनिच्छुक
- Synonyms: submissive, passive
- Antonyms: bold, brave
- Usage:The poor do not gain heaven, and the meek inherit the least of the earth.
Piquant (Adjective) : सरस
- Meaning: having a pleasantly sharp taste or appetizing flavour., pleasantly stimulating or exciting to the mind.
- अर्थ: एक सुखद तेज स्वाद या स्वादिष्ट स्वाद, मन को सुखद या उत्तेजक।
- Synonym: poignant, intriguing, stimulating, interesting, fascinating, zesty
- Antonym: bland, insipid, dull, zestless, insipid
- Usage:- Gobblezz restaurant have a secret piquant sauce that makes the dish scrumptious.
INVIGORATE(Verb) : उत्तेजित करना
- Meaning: to give new energy or strength to someone or something
- अर्थ: किसी को या किसी चीज को नई ऊर्जा या शक्ति देना
- Synonyms: boost, stimulate
- Antonyms: discourage, dissuade
- Usage: They argued that a cut in the tax rate would invigorate the economy.
HYSTERIA (Noun) : हमला
- Meaning: exaggerated or uncontrollable emotion or excitement.
- अर्थ: अतिरंजित या बेकाबू भावना या उत्तेजना।
- Synonyms: frenzy, wildness, attack
- Antonyms: calmness, self-possession
- Usage: The hostages were in a state of hysteria when they were rescued by the police.
MEED(Noun) : पारितोषिक
- Meaning: a much deserved reward or honor
- अर्थ: एक बहुत ही योग्य इनाम या सम्मान
- Synonyms: atonement, compensation
- Antonyms: disregard, penalty
- Usage: The handyman is owed a meed for his work on the home but is yet to be paid.
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