AAI ATC Exam Analysis 27 December 2023 Shift 1


AAI ATC Exam Analysis 27 December 2023 Shif-1

The first shift of AAI ATC Exam 2023 has been successfully conducted for 496 vacancies of Junior Executive (ATC) posts. As per the feedback from candidates who have appeared at various centers the exam was extremely diversifying. Candidates can get to know all about the examination including difficulty level, good attempts, and sectional analysis for all the subjects asked in the examination. Here in this article, we have covered in detail the AAI ATC Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 1, 27 December 2023.

AAI JE ATC Exam Analysis 27 December 2023

The students were eagerly waiting for the AAI JE ATC Exam 2023 held on 27 December 2023. Our team is providing you with the detailed AAI JE ATC Exam Analysis 2023 for all the shifts based on the inputs given by aspirants through telephonic conversation and in-centre communications. The overall difficulty level of the AAI JE ATC Exam was moderate level, slightly more manageable compared to the previous year. This article offers insight into the overall difficulty level of all four sections for candidates’ reference.

AAI JE ATC Exam Analysis 2023- Shift 1

Now, after getting an overview of the overall difficulty level of the examination, let us have a look at the section-wise AAI JE ATC Exam Analysis 2023. Here, we are providing the AAI JE ATC Exam 2023 Shift 1 Exam Analysis after interacting with the students who have appeared for the AAI ATC Exam 2023 on 27 December 2023 (Shift 1).

AAI ATC Exam Analysis 2023- Section Wise Analysis

The questions asked in the AAI JE Exam 2023 consisted of questions from the following sections. The candidates can check the detailed sectional bifurcation from the table given below:

PartSubjectTotal QuestionsDifficulty level
Part AEnglish Language & Comprehension20Easy
General Intelligence/ Reasoning15Easy
General Aptitude/Numerical aptitude15Easy to Moderate
General knowledge and general awareness10Easy
Part BMathematics30Easy to Moderate

Topics and Questions Asked in AAI ATC Exam 2023 (Shift 1)

The AAI JE ATC Exam aims to test the problem-solving abilities, innovation, and practical application of science and technology concepts among young minds. The Computer Based Test consisted of the questions from the following sections.

AAI JE ATC Exam 2023 – Shift 1
TopicsNumber of Questions
Time and Work1
Profit and Loss2-3
Time and Distance2
Seating Arrangement (square, linear)2
Blood Relation1
Ranking Order1
Coding Decoding1
Alphanumeric Series2-3
Number Series1
Mechanics, Thermo, SHM, and Kinematics8-9
Modern Physics2
Electro Magnetic Wave2-3
Differential Equation2-3
Vector Product2
Integration & Differentiation2-3
Complex Number2-3
Linear Programming2
Current Affairs2
Fill in the blanks1-2
Synonyms and Antonyms 4-5
Passage (Sports based)4
Idioms and Phrases2

AAI ATC Exam 2023 (Shift 1) Memory-Based Questions

The first shift of the AAI ATC Exam 2023 presented a range of questions that left an impression on candidates. While the exact questions cannot be provided due to examination confidentiality, here’s a comprehensive analysis based on the memory of candidates who appeared for the exam. The memory-based question of the AAI ATC JE Exam 2023 shared by the aspirants is given below:

  1. Equation of tangent equation of normal differential equation
  2. Mosley law De-Broglie wavelength
  3. If p:q, q:r and r:s is given. Find p:q:r.
  4. If the train leaves at 10 am and reaches at 1:30 pm at the speed of 35 m/sec then find the distance covered.
  5. 103 amendment
  6. Yakshagana dance
  7. P is 9 times more than Q then Q is how much percentage less than P.
  8. MRP=Rs. 3000/-, SP=Rs.2000/- , then find discount percentage?
  9. Einstein mass relation
  10. If I lead V then what will be the nature?
  11. Biot–Savart law
  12. Scattering of light
  13. The dual nature of the atom
  14. Projectile motion
  15. ​Inductance-based problem (put the value get the answer)
  16. Resolving Power of the telescope
  17. Balmer series
  18. Value of 16mod5
  19. Kaveri River
  20. ISRO Gaganyan
  21. Image of a point in a line
  22. Tension force
  23. Velocity graph
  24. -Solenoid
  25. Troid
  26. Lorentz force-based numerical
  27. Equation of Circle based question
  28. Hostile (antonym)

AAI ATC Exam Analysis 2023 Good Attempts

AAI ATC Exam 2023 (Shift 1): The anticipation for results can feel endless, but what if we offer momentary relief by estimating the average successful attempts? Following the conclusion of the AAI ATC Exam 2023 (Shift 1), our expert team has compiled the number of successful attempts based on student reviews. Given the moderate difficulty level of today’s exam, the average count of successful attempts ranges between 98 and 103.

AAI JE ATC Exam Pattern 2023

Candidates can check the complete examination pattern of AAI JE ATC 2023 in the table below.

AAI JE ATC Exam Pattern 2023
PartsSectionsNo. Of QuestionsMaximum Marks Time Duration
Part AEnglish Language & Comprehension2020120 Minutes
General Intelligence/Reasoning1515
General Aptitude/ Numerical Aptitude1515
General Knowledge and General Awareness1010
Part BMathematics3030
Total120120120 Minutes


Where can I get AAI ATC Exam Analysis 2023?

Candidates can get the complete AAI ATC Exam Analysis 2023 in this article.

What was the difficulty level of the AAI ATC Exam 2023 conducted on 27 December 2023?

The difficulty level of the AAI ATC Exam 2023 was easy conducted on 27 December 2023.

What are the sections asked in AAI ATC Exam 2023?

The sections asked in AAI ATC Exam 2023 have been discussed in the article above.

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