IBPS RRB PO Prelim Exam Analysis 7 August 2021: (All Shift Analysis)


Hello Dear Aspirants,

IBPS RRB PO Prelim Exam Analysis 7 August 2021: IBPS is all set to conduct RRB PO Prelims Exam on 01st and 07th August 2021, and the candidates who are going to appear in the exam are anxious and worried about the difficulty level of the exam. In this article, we will be providing the detailed exam analysis for IBPS RRB PO Exam 2021 after directly coordinating with the students who will be coming out of the exam hall. If you are looking for the exact and detailed analysis, then bookmark this page and Dream Big Institution will be there with the analysis after the 1st Shift of IBPS RRB PO Prelims is over.

Also Check IBPS RRB PO Prelim Exam Analysis 1 August 2021: (All Shift Analysis)

IBPS RRB PO Prelim Exam Analysis 7 August 2021 (All Shift):

A huge number of candidates are going to appear in Office Scale-I Exam for IBPS RRB PO 2021 for 4000+ vacancies. The candidates whose exam is scheduled for 1st & 7th August must buckle up their preparation and go through the previous year IBPS RRB PO Exam Analysis to understand the level of exam, questions asked, topic-wise marks distribution, and much more.

IBPS RRB PO Exam Analysis 2021 – Official Exam Pattern:

Before seeing the Exam Analysis, here we have given the Official Exam Pattern of IBPS RRB PO Prelims 2020. The preliminary Exam Pattern consists of two sections, the Reasoning Ability & Quantitative Aptitude section. Each has 40 questions and carries 40 marks each. Time Duration of this examination will be 45 minutes.

SectionNO. of QuestionsMarksDuration
Reasoning Ability404045 Minutes
Quantitative Aptitude4040

IBPS RRB PO Exam Analysis 2021 Shift 4 (7th August): Difficulty Level

After the feedback received from the candidates who have appeared in the IBPS RRB PO Shift 4 exam, the overall difficulty level of the IBPS RRB PO exam was moderate. Candidates can check the difficulty level of both sections from the table mentioned below.

SectionsNumber of QuestionsLevel
Reasoning Ability40Easy-Moderate 
Quantitative Aptitude40Moderate 

IBPS RRB PO Exam Analysis 2021 4th Shift: Good Attempts

Once the exam is over, our expert team provides the number of good attempts in the examination as per the review of the exam received from the students. As today’s exam was moderate so, on average the number of good attempts is between —– to —-. Candidates can check the detailed information about the number of good attempts from the table mentioned below.

SectionsGood Attempts
Reasoning Ability29-33 
Quantitative Aptitude21-23 

IBPS RRB PO Exam Analysis 2021Shift 4: Section-Wise

Now, after getting an overview of the overall difficulty level of the examination and the number of good attempts lets us have a look at the section-wise IBPS RRB PO exam analysis 2021.

Reasoning Ability

Overall, the difficulty level of the Reasoning section was easy-moderate.

IBPS RRB PO Exam Analysis 2021- Reasoning Ability Section
TopicsNumber of Questions
Year Based Puzzle | 5 MONTHS & 2 DATE
Word Formation
Word Based 1
Syllogism 3
Direction and Distance  5 
 Blood Relation4

Quantitative Aptitude

As per the candidates who have appeared in the exam, the level of quantitative aptitude section of the 4th shift of IBPS RRB PO Prelims Exam was moderate.

IBPS RRB PO Exam Analysis 2021- Quantitative Aptitude Section
TopicsNumber of Questions
Pie Chart Data Interpretation | Library and Books5
Tabular Data Interpretation | 2 Club | 2 Year 
Caselet Data Interpretation5
Wrong Number Series

IBPS RRB PO Exam Analysis Shift 3 (7th August) 2021: Difficulty-Level

The overall level of IBPS RRB PO prelims exam 2021 was —–.  

The 3rd shift of IBPS RRB PO Prelims is finally over.  All the candidates who are appearing in the upcoming shifts of IBPS RRB PO Prelims or any other banking examination must check the detailed exam analysis to get an overview of the difficulty level, types of questions asked, etc. which will benefit them in shaping up their preparation. From the table mentioned below, we will be looking at the Difficulty Level of IBPS RRB PO Prelims Shift-3 conducted on 7th August 2021. 

SectionsNumber of QuestionsLevel
Reasoning Ability40 Moderate
Quantitative Aptitude40 Moderate
Overall80 Moderate

IBPS RRB PO Exam Analysis 2021 3rd Shift: Good Attempts

All the candidates who appeared in the 3rd Shift today can get an overview of their attempts by looking poorly at the overall exam analysis and good attempts mentioned below. Each shift is of a different difficulty level, so in this case, the marks of candidates will be normalized. If your shift was difficult, candidates don’t worry, there will be a normalization process.

SectionsGood Attempts
Reasoning Ability 29-33
Quantitative Aptitude 24-27

IBPS RRB PO Exam Analysis 2021 Shift 3: Section-Wise

IBPS RRB PO exam analysis 2021 section-wise is given below. Here candidates can check all the topics asked in each section.

Reasoning Ability

Overall, the difficulty level of the Reasoning section was —–.

IBPS RRB PO Exam Analysis Shift 3 2021- Reasoning Ability Section
TopicsNumber of Questions
 Inequality 5Q
Circular Based Puzzle (Uncertain) 5Q
Syllogism 5Q
Direction and Distance 4Q
Linear Arrangement 5Q
Box Based Puzzle 5Q
Word Based Coding, 1Q
Blood Relation3Q

Quantitative Aptitude

The level of Quantitative aptitude section of 3rd shift of IBPS RRB PO Prelims Exam was —-.

IBPS RRB PO Exam Analysis 2021- Quantitative Aptitude Section
TopicsNumber of Questions
Bar Graph Data Interpretation 5Q
Pie Chart DI 5Q
Approximation 8Q
Missing Series 4Q
Arithmetic 12Q
Quadratic Equation 5Q

IBPS RRB PO Exam Analysis 2021 Shift 2 (7th August): Difficulty Level

IBPS RRB PO exam 2nd shift (7th august) has been conducted successfully and the candidates are regularly asking for the difficulty level of the 2nd shift of IBPS RRB PO prelims 2021. According to our students and our experts, the overall level of IBPS RRB PO prelims was Moderate. Both the sections i.e. Reasoning Ability and Quantitative Aptitude were Moderate level.

SectionsNo. of QuestionsDifficulty Level
Reasoning Ability40Moderate
Quantitative Aptitude40Moderate

IBPS RRB PO Exam Analysis 2021 2nd Shift: Good Attempts

The overall good attempts of IBPS RRB PO exam 2021 shift 2 was . Candidates who have touched these good attempts given in the table must start their preparation for the mains examination from today only. Good attempts for both sections Reasoning Ability and Quantitative Aptitude are given below in the table.

SectionsGood Attempts
Reasoning Ability
Quantitative Aptitude

IBPS RRB PO Exam Analysis 2021 Shift 2: Section-Wise

Reasoning Ability and Quantitative Aptitude sections exam analysis is given below. All the questions which were asked in each section are mentioned below in the given tables.

Reasoning Ability

IBPS RRB PO Exam Analysis 2021 – Reasoning Ability
TopicsNo. of Questions
Reverse alphabet1
Blood relation2
Chinese Coding5

Quantitative Aptitude

IBPS RRB PO Exam Analysis 2021 – Quantitative Aptitude
TopicsNo. of Questions
Tabular Data Interpretation | 5 Partners based5
Bar Graph5
Case let Data Interpretation5
Quadratic Equation7

IBPS RRB PO Exam Analysis 2021 Shift 1 (7th August): Difficulty Level

IBPS RRB PO prelims exam shift 1 (7th August) is over and the overall difficulty level of the IBPS RRB PO prelims exam was Moderate. A moderate level was expected according to the previous shifts exam analysis. The difficulty level of the exam discussed here is considered on the basis of the student’s review.

SectionsNo. of QuestionsDifficulty Level
Reasoning Ability40Moderate
Quantitative Aptitude40Moderate

IBPS RRB PO Exam Analysis 2021 1st Shift: Good Attempts

The overall good attempts of the IBPS RRB PO exam are 58 to 63. The good attempts are more than Day 1 attempts as the Quant Section this time is having Questions from Number Series, Quadratic and Approximation, These are no questions from Caselet DI this time. The good attempts are being calculated on the basis of many factors like the number of candidates who appeared, the number of vacancies, and the difficulty level. Candidates need to understand that it is not important that all the IBPS RRB PO exam shifts will have the same number of good attempts, it may vary to the level of the exam. Here is the IBPS RRB PO exam analysis 2021 1st Shift- 7th August 2021 good attempts.

SectionsGood Attempts
Reasoning Ability29-33
Quantitative Aptitude24-27

IBPS RRB PO Exam Analysis 2021 Shift 1 (7th August): Section-Wise

IBPS RRB PO exam analysis 2021 section-wise is given below. Here you can check for both the sections i.e. Reasoning Ability and Quantitative Aptitude in the described form.

Reasoning Ability

The Reasoning Section of IBPS RRB PO Prelims held on 7th August Day 1 was moderate. There were only 4 Puzzles & Seating arrangements this time as compared to day 1. The full analysis of the section is given below in the table:

TopicsNo. of Questions
Box Based Puzzle: 10 Boxes5
Chinese Coding5
Month/Date Based Puzzle: 4 Months, 11/28 Date, 8 Persons and Countries5
Parallel Row Seating Arrangement: 7+7= 14 Persons5
Floor Based Puzzle: 7-8 Person5
Inequality ( Statement)4
Direction and Distance4
Blood Relation2
Word Based Coding1
Word Formation1

Quantitative Aptitude

The Quantitative Aptitude section of IBPS RRB PO Prelims held on 7th August Day 1 was moderate as compared to the 1st August exams. This time, there were no questions from caselet, and questions from Approximation, Quadratic and Series were asked in 1 shift only. This is the major change in today’s exam. The full analysis of the section is given below in the table:

IBPS RRB PO Exam Analysis 2021 – Quantitative Aptitude
TopicsNo. of Questions
Pie Chart Data Interpretation (2 Pie Chart) ( English/Hindi Medium Student-Based)6
Tabular Data Interpretation (Based on Train Ticket)5
Wrong Number Series6
Quadratic Equation6

Also Check: IBPS RRB Previous Year Exam Analysis Check Here

FAQs: IBPS RRB PO Exam Analysis 2021

Q1. What was the level of IBPS RRB PO Prelims exam 1st shift- 7th August 2021?

Ans. The level of IBPS RRB PO Prelims exam 1st shift- 7th August 2021 was Moderate as compare to 1st August 2021.

Q2. What are the good attempts of IBPS RRB PO Prelims exam 1st shift- 7th August 2021?

Ans. The good attempts of IBPS RRB PO Prelims exam 1st shift- 7th August 2021 are 58-63

Q3. What is the total number of questions in the IBPS RRB PO prelims exam 2021?

Ans. The total number of questions in the IBPS RRB PO prelims exam 2021 is 80.

Q4. What is the duration of the IBPS RRB PO prelims exam?

Ans. The duration of the IBPS RRB PO prelims exam is 45 minutes.


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