The Hindu Editorial VOCAB 16 February 2022
SALUBRIOUS(adjective) : स्वास्थ्यप्रद
Meaning: favorable to or promoting health or well-being
अर्थ: स्वास्थ्य या कल्याण को बढ़ावा देने या बढ़ावा देने के लिए अनुकूल
Synonyms: medicinal, tonic
Antonyms: unhealthy, insalubrious
Usage: Emergent public health and sanitary experts actively sought the most salubrious and efficient means of refuse disposal.
Meaning: white, glowing, or luminous with intense heat
अर्थ: तीव्र गर्मी के साथ सफेद, चमकदार, या चमकदार
Synonyms: bright, illuminating
Antonyms: gloomy, murky
Example: The mountain’s snow-white peak was incandescent against the blue sky.
Meaning: produced by or growing by a series of additions of identical or similar things
अर्थ: समान या समान चीजों के परिवर्धन की एक श्रृंखला द्वारा उत्पादित या बढ़ रहा है
Synonyms: cummulative, additive
Antonyms: degressive, decremental
Example: A lower price should also make deal earnings accretive sooner than the current 2013 – 2014 time frame.
ECHELON (noun) : श्रेणीबद्ध करना, सोपानक
Meaning: a level or rank in an organization, a profession, or society.
अर्थ: किसी संगठन, पेशे या समाज में एक स्तर या रैंक।
Synonyms: status, rank, grade, stratum.
Antonyms: slope, unemployment, unsettle.
Usage: The prominent college ranks among the top echelon of schools in the nation.
HURL (verb) : वेग से फेंकना
Meaning: throw or impel (someone or something) with great force.
अर्थ: महान बल के साथ (किसी या किसी चीज) को फेंकना या लगाना।
Synonyms: fling, cast, project, propel.
Antonyms: dawdle, dally, amble, plod.
Usage: Pitchers will hurl the baseball at the catchers in a baseball game which will usually get clocked at a 100 miles per hour.
WOO (Verb) : प्रीति करना
Meaning: seek the favor, support, or custom of.
अर्थ: एहसान, समर्थन, या रिवाज चाहते हैं।
Synonyms: chase, pursue, ingratiate,
Antonyms: deter, affront, repulse, reject.
Usage: Political parties have roped in Bollywood stars only to woo the young.
FETTER (Verb) : बेड़ी
Meaning: confine or restrict (someone).
अर्थ: सीमित या प्रतिबंधित (कोई)।
Synonyms: restrict, restrain, constrain, confine, limit
Antonyms: aid, allow, assist, expedite
Example: It could fetter the independence of the judiciary.
HONE (Verb) : पैना
Meaning: to make sharp or sharper
अर्थ: तेज या तेज करना
Synonyms: edge, grind, sharpen, stone
Antonyms: blunt, dull
Example: honed the knifeʼs blade to razor-like sharpness
ARTIFICE (Noun) : चालाकी
Meaning: clever or cunning devices or expedients, especially as used to trick or deceive others.
अर्थ: चतुर या चालाक डिवाइस या एक्सपेडिएटर्स, विशेष रूप से दूसरों को छल या धोखा देने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है।
Synonyms: deceit, deception, guile, trickery
Antonyms: honesty, openness
Example: When the con artist tried to fool the old man with his artifice, he found himself in front of the man’s loaded shotgun.