The Hindu Editorial VOCAB 3 March 2022 (Improve Your Vocabulary)


The Hindu Editorial VOCAB 3 March 2022

CONCURRENCE (noun): सन्निपतन
Meaning: the fact of two or more events or circumstances happening or existing at the same time.
अर्थ: एक ही समय में होने वाली या विद्यमान दो या अधिक घटनाओं या परिस्थितियों का तथ्य।
Synonym: concordance, cooperation, coincidence.
Antonym: dissonance, discord.
Usage: Because the events ran in concurrence, the coordinator could not attend both parties at the same time.

Unprecedented (adjective) : अभूतपूर्व
Meaning: never done or known before.
अर्थ: पहले कभी नहीं किया या जाना जाता है।
Synonym: unequaled, unmatched, unrivaled.
Antonym: precedented, familiar, usual.
Usage: The damage caused by the hurricane is unprecedented and has never been experienced before in this country.

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SPATE (Noun): झोंक
Meaning: a large number of similar things or events appearing or occurring in quick succession.
अर्थ: त्वरित उत्तराधिकार में बड़ी संख्या में समान चीजें या घटनाएं दिखाई देती हैं या घटित होती हैं।
Synonyms: deluge, flood, flurry, outpouring, string, succession
Antonyms: dribble, drip, trickle
Usage: A spate of words has been published on this controversial topic.

PROCLIVITY (Noun) : प्रवृत्ति
Meaning: a tendency to choose or do something regularly; an inclination or predisposition towards a particular thing.
अर्थ: नियमित रूप से कुछ चुनने या करने की प्रवृत्ति; किसी विशेष चीज के प्रति झुकाव या पूर्वाभास।
Synonyms: liking, inclination, tendency, leaning
Antonyms: disinclination, dislike, antipathy, hate
Usage: His proclivity for cooking made him a big hit in the homeowner’s association.

GUILE (Noun) : धूर्तता, छल-कपट
Meaning: sly or cunning intelligence.
अर्थ : धूर्त या चालाक बुद्धि।
Synonyms: cunning, artifice, canniness
Antonyms: forthrightness, guilelessness
Example: A shady salesman usually relies on a combination of quick thinking and guile.

Amicable (adjective) : मैत्रीपूर्ण
Meaning: Friendly
अर्थ: मित्रवत
Synonym: Cordial, Harmonious, amiable, polite.
Antonym: impolite, uncivil, rude, unfriendly.
Sentence: Most customer service agents are amicable people who are good at settling disagreements.

Banter (noun) : मज़ाक
Meaning: the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.
अर्थ: चिढ़ाने वाली टिप्पणियों का चंचल और मैत्रीपूर्ण आदान-प्रदान।
Synonym: wisecracks, crosstalk, wordplay, ribbing.
Antonym: flattery, praise, work
Sentence: If the banter between the award presenters is not exciting, no one will watch the show.

EERILY (adverb) : भयपूर्वक
Meaning: in a strange and frightening manner.
अर्थ: विचित्र और भयावह तरीके से।
Synonyms: hauntingly, creepily, scarily, spookily.
Antonyms: dulcetly, pleasingly, pleasantly, agreeably.
Usage: In front of him stood a masked man clutching a knife in one hand, grinning eerily at him.

MIRACULOUS (Adjective) : चमत्कारपूर्ण
Meaning: of the nature of a miracle or having the power to work miracles.
अर्थ: चमत्कार की प्रकृति या चमत्कार काम करने की शक्ति होना।
Synonyms: supernatural, preternatural, superhuman, inexplicable, unaccountable
Antonyms: average, believable, credible, common
Example: It was a miraculous talk with a stranger that stopped Jim from ending his life.

OBSCENE: निर्लज्ज
Meaning: offending against moral principles; repugnant.
अर्थ: नैतिक सिद्धांतों के खिलाफ अपमानजनक; प्रतिकूल।
Synonyms: shocking, scandalous, vile, foul, atrocious, outrageous
Antonyms: clean, decent, gentle, magnificent
Example: The salaries some company directors earn are obscene.


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