The Hindu Editorial VOCAB 5 April 2022
Perjury (Noun) – झूठा साक्ष्य
Meaning: the offense of willfully telling an untruth or making a misrepresentation under oath.
अर्थ: शपथ के तहत जानबूझकर असत्य बताने या गलत बयानी करने का अपराध।
Synonym: violation of an oath, giving false evidence/testimony, bearing false witness/testimony, forswearing oneself, making false statements, willful falsehood
Usage: The mother who lied about her son’s whereabouts will soon face trial for perjury.
Plagiarize (Verb) – साहित्यिक चोरी करना
Meaning: take (the work or an idea of someone else) and pass it off as one’s own.
अर्थ: किसी और के काम (किसी विचार या विचार) को लेना और उसे स्वयं के रूप में बंद करना।
Synonym: infringe the copyright of, pirate, steal, poach, borrow,
Usage: Professional writers who plagiarize can be taken to court and ordered to pay damages.
Chronic (Adjective) – स्थायी
Meaning: continuing or occurring again and again for a long time, happening or existing frequently or most of the time, always or often doing something specified
अर्थ: लंबे समय तक बार-बार जारी रहना या घटित होना, लगातार या अधिकतर समय, हमेशा या अक्सर कुछ किया जाना
Synonym: natural; persistent, regular,
Antonym: unaccustomed, unused; intermittent, occasional
Usage: He suffers from chronic arthritis.
Adjudicate (Verb) – निर्णय करना
Meaning: to make an official decision about who is right in a dispute
अर्थ: किसी विवाद में कौन सही है, इस बारे में आधिकारिक निर्णय लेना
Synonym: adjudge, judge, arbitrate, decide, determine
Usage: You should never adjudicate a major decision when you are under the influence of alcohol.
Punctilious (Adjective) – समयनिष्ठ (पाबंद)
Meaning: showing great attention to detail or correct behavior.
अर्थ: विस्तार या सही व्यवहार पर बहुत ध्यान देना।
Synonym: meticulous, conscientious, careful, diligent, attentive,
Antonym: careless, easy-going, slapdash
Usage: While I enjoy cleanliness, I am not so punctilious that I get upset about a little dust on my furniture.
De facto (Adverb , Adjective) : वास्तव में
Meaning: in fact, whether by right or not. (Adverb)
अर्थ: वास्तव में, सही से या नहीं। (क्रिया विशेषण)
Synonyms: actually, in fact, in reality, in effect
Antonyms: de jure, non-realistic, allegedly, hypothetically
Usage in a Sentence: With the death of his father, he became the de facto head of the family.
Theological (adjective) : आध्यात्मविद्या सम्बन्धी
Meaning: relating to the study of the nature of God and religious belief
अर्थ: ईश्वर के स्वरूप और धार्मिक विश्वास के अध्ययन से संबंधित है
Synonyms: religious, scriptural, doctrinal
Antonyms: atheism, blasphemy, godlessness
Usage in a sentence: So if you like, a theological religious foundation was being laid for social action
ABLUTION (Noun): स्नान
Meaning: a cleansing with water or other liquid, especially as a religious ritual.
अर्थ: पानी या अन्य तरल के साथ सफाई, विशेष रूप से एक धार्मिक अनुष्ठान के रूप में।
Synonyms: purification, cleansing
Antonyms: impure
Example: While the bandaging no longer takes place, the ritual ablutions are still performed.
Clinch (Verb, Noun): पकड़
Meaning: confirm or settle (a contract or bargain).
अर्थ: पुष्टि या समझौता (एक अनुबंध या सौदा)।
Synonyms: grip, clasp, settle
Antonyms: unlock, release
Usage in a sentence: They are hoping to clinch a major deal to supply computers to the army.
Ambivalent (Adjective ): द्वैधवृत्तिक
Meaning: having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.
अर्थ: किसी चीज या किसी के बारे में मिश्रित भावनाएं या विरोधाभासी विचार रखना।
Synonyms: uncertain, undecided, unsure, unsettled
Antonyms: certain, sure, conclusive, decided
Usage in a sentence: The Australian private sector is increasingly bullish about the technology’s future, despite its government’s generally ambivalent attitude toward climate change.