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Coding Decoding Questions PDF

Coding-Decoding is a type of problem that is often included in logical reasoning sections of competitive exams. These types of questions test a person’s ability to understand and apply a set of rules or a code to translate or decrypt a given message or sequence of letters. Several different types of coding-decoding questions may be used in competitive exams, including:

Type of Coding Decoding Questions Asked in Exam

  1. Letter-to-symbol coding: In this type of question, each letter of the alphabet is replaced by a specific symbol or number. The test-taker must use the code to decipher the message.
  2. Word coding: In this type of question, words are replaced with a code. The test-taker must use the code to decipher the message.
  3. Number coding: In this type of question, numbers are used to represent letters. The test-taker must use the code to decipher the message.
  4. Letter-shift coding: In this type of question, letters are shifted a certain number of places in the alphabet. The test-taker must use the code to decipher the message.
  5. Alphabetical coding: In this type of question, letters are replaced by the next letter in the alphabet. The test-taker must use the code to decipher the message.

To prepare for coding-decoding questions on competitive exams, it is important to practice different types of coding-decoding problems and to pay attention to the specific instructions or rules provided. It is also important to develop your ability to think critically and analytically.

Once aspirants grasp the techniques, they can easily find out the answers for coding and decoding questions within less time. To know the logical techniques candidates must have undergone many practicing sets using coding and decoding questions and answers pdf. Useful for Bank, SSC, Insurance, Railway and other competitive exams.

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Also, Check Coding-Decoding Questions in Hindi

The Approach while attempting any Coding and Decoding Question

There are a few general steps that can be followed when attempting coding and decoding questions:

  1. Read the question carefully and understand the information given, including the type of code used and any specific instructions.
  2. Analyze the code given in the question to identify the pattern or rule used for encoding or decoding. This may involve identifying letters or numbers that have been shifted, substituted, or rearranged.
  3. Use the pattern or rule identified in step 2 to encode or decode the message or information given in the question. This may involve applying the same shift, substitution, or rearrangement to other letters or numbers.
  4. Check your answer against the options provided in the question to ensure that it is a match.
  5. If you are stuck or unable to identify the pattern, try using different methods such as using a different alphabet or using simple mathematical operations.

It’s also important to practice coding and decoding questions regularly to improve your skills and speed in solving them.

Coding Decoding Questions With Answers

Direction (01-05): Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions.

In alphabetical series A-Z each letter except vowels and Z is assigned a different number from 1-10 (for ex- B is coded as 1, C-2…………………… M-10) and again those numbers get repeated(for ex- N-1, P-2……… so on).Also each vowel and Z is assigned a different symbol viz. #, $, %, @, &, *. For ex- “Remain am Brown” is coded as – 4*10@#1 @10 14$81 “You are good” is coded as – 10$% @4* 5$$3 “Zenith in topper” is coded as – &*1#66 #1 6$22*4

1.  What can be the code of ‘Bankers?

  1. a) 1@18*52 b) 1@81*45 c) 1@18*54 d) 1@18*45
  2. e) None of these

The correct option is : D

2.  What can be the code of ‘digital library’?

  1. a) 3#5#6$9 9#41@410 b) 3#5#6@9  9#14@410 c) 3#5#6@9 9#14@401 d) 3#5#6@9 9#14@140 e) None of these

  The correct option is: B

3.  What can be the code of ‘complexity? 

a) 2$1029*96#10 b) 2$1029*9#160 c) 2$1029*9#610 d) 2$1029*9#601 e) None of these

 The correct option is : C

4.  What can be the code of ‘Indian Culture’?

  1. a) #13#@1 2%96%4%  b) #13#@1  2%96%4* c) #13#@1 2$96%4* d) #13#@1 2%95%4 e) None of these

  Correct option is : B

  1. What can be the code of ‘Nationality? 

a) 1@6#$1@9#611 b) 1@6#$1@9#601 c) 1@6#$1@9#160 d) 1@6#$1@9#610 e) None of these

Correct option is : D


Directions (1 to 5): Read the information carefully and answer the questions given below.
In a certain code language,’ speak nicely to all’ is coded as “ka cu ma he”

‘all are like us’ is coded as ” si fo he to”

‘teach us lesson nicely’ is coded as ” po ma fo re”

‘lesson like all humans’ is coded as “he re gu si”

  1. What is the code for ‘are’ in the given language?

A. si

B. to

C. fo

D. Either A or B

E. Can’t be determined

The correct option is: B

  1. What would be the code for “humans teach”?

A. gu fo

B. he fo

C. gu po

D. ma re

E. None of these

The correct option is : C

  1. What would be the code for ‘speak to me’?

A. ma ka go

B. lo ma fo

C. re ma ku

D. cu ma pi

E. ka cu lo

Correct option is: E

  1. What would be the code for ‘nicely’?

A. he

B. ma

C. si

D. fo

E. None of these

Correct option is: B

  1. What would be the code for “lesson”?

A. fo

B. re

C. ma

D. he

E. si

The correct option is: B 


‘speak nicely to all’ ——-> “ka cu ma he”……………….(1)
‘all are like us’    —-> ” si fo he to”…………………………(2)
‘teach us lesson nicely’ —-> ” po ma fo re”……………..(3)
‘lesson like all humans’ ——-> “he re gu si”…………….(4)


From (1) and (2) we get
all —> he ………(5)

From (1) and (3) we get
nicely —–> ma………(6)

From (2) and (4) we get
like ——-> si …………(7)

From (2) and (3) we get
us —–> fo ……..(8)

From (3) and (4) we get
lesson ——-> re…………(9)

From (1), (5) and (6) we get
speak to ——> ka cu

From (2), (5), (7) and (8) we get
are ——> to

From (3), (6), (8) and (9) we get
teach ——> po

From (4), (5), (7) and (9) we get
humans ——–> gu

Coding and decoding – Part II

Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions are given below.

In a certain language,

‘CLIPS REFINE APPRECIATE MASSAGE’ is coded as ‘13#FI 8##S 16I 4###EC’

‘EFFORTS RECRUITMENT MIND SOULFUL’ is coded as ‘7##L 2###I 9IN 14#O’



  1. What is the code for ‘MOISTURISER’?

A. 13#U

B. 5###U

C. 8##U

D. 5###TU

E. None of these

The correct option is: B

  1. ‘ROTATING’ is coded as?

A. 9#AT

B. 9##T

C. 11#AT

D. 11##AT

E. None of these

The correct option is: C

  1. Which of the following word is coded as ‘1##M’?





E. None of these

Correct option is: A

  1. MOVEMENT is coded as?

A. 19I

B. 5#TT

C. 7##EM

D. 8DU

E. None of these

Correct option is: C

  1. EFFORTS is coded as?

A. 7##L

B. 2###I

C. 9IN

D. 14#O

E. None of these

The correct option is: D


The coding language used to code the given sentences should be decoded in three steps.

Step I: The first element of the code is the difference in the alphabetic positions of first and the last alphabets of the word.

Step II: The second element of the code is the symbol on the basis of the number of pairs of same letters in the words.

For 1 pair = #

For 2 pairs = ##

For 3 pairs = ###

Step III: The third element of the code is the middle alphabet/alphabets of the word.

For example,

APPRECIATE is coded as ‘4###EC’

Difference of A and E = 5 – 1= 4

Three pairs (AA, EE, PP) = ###

EC are the middle alphabets.

Directions (6 to 10): Study the following information carefully and answer the

questions given below.

In a certain language,

“Some parts are tough” is coded as “O#5, O&8, A%19, R@5”,

“Search all the persons” is coded as “E#8, H&5, E%19, L@12”,

“Some truths are personal” is coded as “R@5, O#5, R&19, E%12”,

“Always prepare the sandwich” is coded as “H&5, A#8, L@19, R%5,”

Coding decoding part III

Directions (1 – 5): Given below are the codes for the digits/symbols. Study the conditions given below and answer the questions that follow.

(1) If both the left most and the right most elements are symbols, then the codes for the first two elements get interchanged between them and the codes for the last two elements get interchanged between them.
(2) If the left most element is a symbol and the right most element is an even digit then the code for both will be Y.
(3) If the left most element is an odd digit and the right most element is a symbol then the codes of these two elements got interchanged.

(4) If the left most element is an odd digit and the right most element is an even digit then the code for both will be W.
(5) If the left most element in the group is an even digit and the right most element is an odd digit then reverse the order of the code for the group.


The correct option is: B

  1. 3#%7964A. HEFBJGDB. WGJBFEWC. XGJBFEXD. HGJBFEDE. None of these

The correct option is: B


The correct option is: E

  1. 51&269@A. YRKLEFYB. ZRKLEFZC. XRKLEFXD. CRKLEFTE. None of these

The correct option is: D

  1. %8@521*A. AJCTLNRB. NACTLRJC. ZACTLRZD. YACTLRYE. None of these

Correct option is: A

FAQ on Reasoning Coding Decoding Questions PDF

Q. What are coding-decoding questions?

Ans: Coding and Decoding questions, as the name suggests, are questions where candidates have to decode a condition or a code given in the statement and based on it answer the questions.

Q. How do I find coding decoding questions?

Ans: Smart approach to solving ‘Coding-Decoding’ questions
Observe alphabets or numbers given in the question.
Try to find the pattern or sequence it follows. …
Figure out the rule followed by the given arrangement of alphabets/numbers/words.

Q. What is the approach to solve the questions of Coding Decoding section?

Ans: Observe alphabets or numbers given in the code keenly.
Find the sequence it follows whether it is ascending or descending.
Detect the rule in which the alphabets/numbers/words follow.
Fill the appropriate letter/number/word in the blank given.

Thank You For Reading this Coding Decoding Questions PDF, Coding Decoding Questions PDF with answer, Coding Decoding Questions PDF with solution, Coding Decoding Questions PDF for Bank Exam, Coding Decoding Questions PDF for SSC Exam, Coding Decoding Questions PDF for Railway Exam, Coding Decoding Questions PDF with detailed explanation, New pattern Coding Decoding Questions PDF, Reasoning Coding Decoding Questions PDF useful for all competitive exams.

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