One Word Substitution PDF Examples, 200+ One Word Substitution


One Word Substitution PDF

One Word Substitution: One-word substitution is the use of a single word to substitute a sentence or wordy phrase. Clarifying the sentence structure is a process. As the phrase suggests, a single-word substitution is a set of words or a whole sentence that is replaced without altering the meaning of the original sentences in any way. Many one-word phrases may be effectively used in the English language to effectively summarize an essay of writing without reducing the significance of the particular context.

One Word Substitution Examples

We have learned One Word Substitution and now move forward to the next step, which is examples of One Word Substitution. 

One Word Substitution 
One Word SubstitutionMeaningUse of Words
AnthropologyThe study of the evolution of mankindShikha loves to study Anthropology as a subject.
LexicographyThe practice of writing dictionariesRohan was an expert in the field of Lexicography.
PsychologyThe study of the human mindKiran studied Psychology in college.
PosthumousPublished after someone’s deathWill there be a posthumous vote?
MintA place where coins are madeThe coins are neither badly minted nor defective.

List of One Word Substitution in English

The following groups include the categories of One Word Substitution in English Grammar:

  • Study-related
  • Expert or People
  • Likes/Dislikes 
  • Religion 
  • Government/Political Systems-related 
  • Killing/Death-related 
  • Work 
  • Sound/Event/Spots 
  • Habits 
  • Action/ Direction
  • Types of Fear
  • Marriages
  • Different Terms

One Word Substitutions Related to the Study

Different types of study are there in One Word Substitution.

One Word Substitution
PhraseOne Word
Printing using a stone or a metal plate with a completely smooth surfaceLithography
Mapping of Earth and its formationGeography
Art related to ornate, good handwritingCalligraphy
Scientific study of bodily diseasesPathology
Study of birdsOrnithology
Study of celestial bodiesAstronomy
Study of collection of coins, tokens, paper money, etc.Numismatics
Study of earth and rocksGeology
Study of election trendsPsephology
Study of flying airplanesAviation
Study of handwritingGraphology
Study of hereditary, genes and variation in living organismsGenetics
Study of human developmentAnthropology
Study of languagesPhilology
Study of living thingsBiology
Study of religionTheology
Study of science of insectsEntomology
Study of sound and sound wavesAcoustics
Study of the influence of planets and stars on human eventsAstrology
Study of the law of the flow of water and other liquidsHydraulics
Study of the relation between the organism and their environmentEcology
Study of various aspects of agingGerontology
The science of time orderChronology
Study of religionTheology
The science of human developmentAnthropology

One Word Substitutions Related to Expert or People

Words are used by experts and people with various qualities, habits, and abilities.

One Word Substitution
PhraseOne Word
One with unlimited powerAutocrat
One who walks on ropesFunambulist
An expert in writing by handChoreographer
The doctor who attends to child deliveryObstetrician
The doctor who attends to corns in the feet and handsChiropodist
The doctor who deals with the female reproductive systemGynecologist
The doctor who specializes in root canal and nerve treatmentEndodontist
The doctor who straightens teethOrthodontist
The doctor who treats bone problemsOrthopedician
The doctor who treats eye diseasesOphthalmologist
The doctor who treats gumsPeriodontist
The doctor who treats heart problemsCardiologist
The doctor who treats skin diseasesDermatologist
One who is all-powerfulOmnipotent
One who is all-knowingOmniscient
One who is present all overOmnipresent
One who can throw his voiceVentriloquist
One who talks while sleepingSomniloquist
One who takes part in dialogue or conversationInterlocutor
One who walks into sleepSomnambulist
One who walks at nightNoctambulist
One who is violently against established beliefs and traditionsIconoclast
One who turns his thoughts inwardsIntrovert
One who turns his thoughts outwardsExtrovert
One who is both inwards and outwards at timesAmbivert
One who demands strict conformity to rulesMartinet
One who believes in ruthless self-aggrandizementEgoist
One who doesn’t consume alcoholTeetotaler
One who exhibits courage or fearlessnessIntrepid
One who easily believes othersCredulous
One who is capable of using both handsAmbidextrous
One who knows a lot about good food and wineConnoisseur
One who is beyond reformIncorrigible
Well known for bad qualitiesNotorious
Perfectly, highly skilled reached the zenith of artConsummate
A shrewish loud-mouthed femaleVirago
One who is extravagantly romantic, chivalrous, and impracticalQuixotic

One Word Substitutions Related to likes and dislikes

Words used for various likes and dislikes.

One Word Substitution
PhraseOne Word
One who is a boot licker, flattererSycophant
One who has a keen interest in food and drinksGourmet
Love for mankindPhilanthropy
Someone who loves collecting booksBibliophile
One who loves and admires the BritishAnglophile
One who loves without seriousnessPhilanderer
Fondness towards womenPhilogyny
One who loves menAndrophile
One who loves wisdom (hence pursues it)Philosopher
One who hates menMisandrist
Madness or obsession with malesAndromania
One who hates womenMisogynist
One who hates mankindMisanthropist
One who loves his countryPatriot
Excessive love for one’s countrySuper patriotism
One who hates marriageMisogamist
One who loves to speakLoquacious
Strong, deep dislikeAntipathy
Simultaneously affected by similar feelingsSympathy
Mentally identifying oneself with another person or a thingEmpathy
Something or someone makes you feel deep sadness or pityPathetic

One Word Substitutions Related to Religion

Words used for practices & beliefs related to religion, marriage, and family.

One Word Substitution
PhraseOne Word
Related to marriageMatrimony
One who believes in the presence of GodTheist
One who doesn’t believe in the presence of GodAtheist
One who believes in the theory of only one GodMonotheist
One who believes in many GodsPolytheist
One who believes that God is the union of all forces of the universePantheist
Religious madnessTheomania
The battle among the GodsTheomachy
Practicing only one marriage (having only one wife)Monogamy
Practicing two marriages (having two wives)Bigamy
The practice of several marriages (having many wives)Polygamy
Self-fertilization especially in plantsAutogamy
Marriage within one’s tribeEndogamy
Marriage outside one’s tribeExogamy
Having several husbandsPolyandry
People who have both male and female sexual organsHermaphrodite
An inheritance from the fatherPatrimony
A name framed after the father’s namePatronymic
A father-like figurePatriarch

One Word Substitutions Related to Government

Words used for various systems of governance.

One Word Substitution
PhraseOne Word
Government by one person (royal)Monarchy
Government by two agenciesDiarchy
Government by a few powerful peopleOligarchy
Government by military classStratocracy
Government by divine guidanceTheocracy
Government by departments of stateBureaucracy
Government by nobilityAristocracy
Government by wealthyPlutocracy
Government by the peopleDemocracy
A system of governing a country suggests a father-child relationPaternalism
Government by one absolutelyAutocracy
Absence of governmentAnarchy
A system ruled or controlled by menPatriarchy
The rule or control of the motherMatriarchy
Self-rule or controlAutonomy

One Word Substitutions Related to Killings and Manias

Words used for various kinds of killings and manias.

One Word Substitution
PhraseOne Word
The killing of one’s husbandMariticide
The killing of parentsParricide
The killing of a whole raceGenocide
The killing of a newborn childInfanticide
The killing of a kingRegicide
The killing of a human beingHomicide
The killing of oneselfSuicide
The killing of a fatherPatricide
The killing of a motherMatricide
The killing of one’s brotherFratricide
The killing of one’s sisterSororicide
The killing of one’s wifeUxoricide
The morbid compulsion to keep on consuming alcoholDipsomania
The morbid compulsion to stealKleptomania
The morbid compulsion to steal booksBibliokleptomania
A morbid compulsion to start a firePyromania
Morbid delusion of power and the importance of godlinessMegalomania
Morbid, uncontrollable desire on the part of a womanNymphomania
Morbid, uncontrollable desire on the part of a manSatyromania
Person with a one-track mindMonomania
The compulsion to tell liesMythomania
Madness with an obsession with somethingMania

One Word Substitutions Related to Work

Words related to speech and written works.

One Word Substitution
PhraseOne Word
A book containing all the published work of an authorOmnibus
A written message from far off placeTelegraph
Informal, less grammatically rigid languageColloquial
Talking around is a method of talking indirectlyCircumlocution
Generous, forgiving talkMagniloquent
Expressive in the use of wordsEloquent
High-sounding, pompous speech or writingGrandiloquent
A signature of a celebrity (signature of oneself)Autograph
Walk beforehand or an introductory statementPreamble
Writing of one’s life storyBiography
Writing of one’s own life storyAutobiography
Written by lightPhotograph
Few words packed with meaning, conciseLaconic
A speech to oneself, aloneSoliloquy

One Word Substitutions Related to Events

Words related to specific types of things, events, and places.

One Word Substitution
PhraseOne Word
A place for the sun to enter where one can sunbathSolarium
A glass container in which fish and other water animals can be keptAquarium
A place for feet or speaker’s platformPodium
The part of a theater where people who are watching and listening sitAuditorium
An optical device for projecting various celestial images and effects    Planetarium
An establishment for the treatment of the chronically illSanatorium
A place where objects are exhibitedMuseum
Trees whose leaves fall every autumnDeciduous
That which falls upon, befalls, and happensIncident
That which falls to someone or somethingAccident
That which falls on the Western countriesOccidental
The school or college one attendsAlma Mater
A self-moving vehicleAutomobile
A machine that functions by itselfAutomatic
A baby carriagePerambulator
A carriage for sick peopleAmbulance

One Word Substitutions Related to Habits

Words used for various kinds of food eaters and eating habits.

One Word Substitution
PhraseOne Word
Living on allOmnivorous
Living on fruitsFrugivorous
One who eats only fruitsFruitarian
One who eats no animal fleshVegetarian
One who feeds on human fleshCannibal
One who enjoys food with sensual pleasureGourmand
One whose eating habits are repulsiveGlutton
Living on fleshCarnivorous
Living on grassHerbivorous
Living on fishPiscivorous
One who eats all kinds of foodOmnivorous

One Word Substitutions Related to Action and Direction

Words related to certain actions, times, and directions.

One Word Substitution
PhraseOne Word
A backward look or a view into the pastRetrospect
A forward look or a view into the futureProspect
Examine one’s motives or look inwardIntrospect
To examine carefullyInspect
A doubtful look or examination of one’s motivesSuspect
Careful, cautious watch on the surroundingsCircumspect
To walk aimlesslyAmble
When two things befall togetherCoincident
A thing occurring again and again for a long timeChronic
Someone or something is out of timeAnachronism
To send out of one’s native countryExpatriate
To walk around a place, especially in a ritual fashionCircumambulate
A highly accurate timepieceChronometer
Make it happen at the same timeSynchronize
An instrument which records short intervals of timeChronograph
Capable of moving in all directionsOmnidirectional

One Word Substitution Related to Types of Fear

One Word Substitution related to Types of Fear from different things.

One Word Substitution
One Word SubstitutionPhrases
EcophobiaFear of home surroundings
ZoophobiaFear of animals
ClaustrophobiaFear of closed space
HydrophobiaFear of Water
BibliophobiaFear of books
XenophobiaFear or dislike of foreigners
NecrophobiaFear of dead body
AerophobiaFear of height
OphiophobiaFear of snakes
SyngenesophobiaFear of relatives
NomophobiaFear of being without your mobile phone

One Word Substitution Related to Marriage

One Word Substitution Related to Marriage, babies

One Word Substitution
One Word SubstitutionPhrases
MatrimonyRelated to marriage
SologamyMarriage with self
MonogamyPracticing only one marriage (having only one wife)
BigamyPracticing two marriages (having two wives)
PolygamyThe practice of several marriages (having many wives)
AutogamySelf-fertilization, especially in plants
EndogamyMarriage within one’s tribe
ExogamyMarriage outside one’s tribe
PolyandryHaving several husbands

One Word Substitution Related to Terms

One Word Substitution related to Terms A to Z.

One Word Substitution
One Word SubstitutionPhrase
AeonIndefinite period
AestheticsAppreciation of beauty, by a set of principles.
BlizzardSpartan snowstorms with uncontrollable winds 
BohemianAn eccentric manner of living
BonfireHuge fire for celebration
BonsaiDwarfed varieties of trees and shrubs in pots
BonfireHuge fire for celebration 
BonsaiDwarfed varieties of trees and shrubs in pots 
HinterlandThe remote regions of a country which are far away from the rivers
ImbroglioComplex situation or a mix-up
RejuvenateMake someone feel young
RemissNot showing enough care and attention
KennelA Shelter for a Dog
LairWhere wild animals live: 
MintA place where coins are made
MundaneOrdinary and Dull
PosthumousPublished after someone’s death
PedagogyThe profession of teaching or the approach or style of teaching
RegaliaThe symbols of royalty 
ThearchyA political system solely based on the government of men by God
OathA person promises to tell the truth in court
NascentBeginning to exist and evolve
VirtueEthically good behavior one has
SatireHumor that describes the weaknesses
VeerChanging the direction of one’s path suddenly
SavorEnjoy something for an extended time

One Word Substitution for Government Exams

Words can be substituted with one word to convey the message more clearly. It also makes the words shorter. In “one word substitution,” the words are logically related to one another to create an overall structure of language. 

It is commonly asked in examinations such as SSC CGL, NDA, IBPS, UPSC, MBA, bank, and insurance exams. Students who are proficient in One Word Substitution are better able to write reports and essays. 

One Word Substitution Questions

1. Extreme old age at which a man acts foolishly

  1. Imbecility
  2. Senility
  3. Dotage
  4. Superannuation

Answer: Option C

2. That which cannot be corrected

  1. Unintelligible
  2. Indelible
  3. Illegible
  4. Incorrigible

Answer: Option D

3. The study of ancient societies

  1. Anthropology
  2. Archaeology
  3. History
  4. Ethnology

Answer: Option B

4. Someone with strong mental abilities and logical thinking

  1. Expert
  2. Intellectual
  3. Snob
  4. Literate

Answer: Option B

5. A person who insists on something

  1. Disciplinarian
  2. Stickler
  3. Instantaneous
  4. Boaster

Answer: Option B

6. A state where the few control the majority

  1. Monarchy
  2. Oligarchy
  3. Plutocracy
  4. Autocracy

Answer: Option B

7. A writing style that displays the author’s expertise

  1. Pedantic
  2. Verbose
  3. Pompous
  4. Ornate

Answer: Option A

8. A list of the items or topics to be discussed during a meeting

  1. Schedule
  2. Timetable
  3. Agenda
  4. Plan

Answer: Option

9. Leave or remove from a harmful area.

  1. Evade
  2. Evacuate
  3. Avoid
  4. Exterminate

Answer: Option B

10. A prima facie case is such

  1. As it seems at first sight
  2. As it appears at first sight,
  3. As it appears in the end
  4. As it seems to the court, following many hearings

Answer: Option A

  1. A person posing as someone they are not
  1. Magician
  2. Rogue
  3. Liar
  4. Imposter

Answer: Option D

  1. Someone has a strong command of foreign languages
  1. Linguist
  2. Grammarian
  3. Polyglot
  4. Bilingual

Answer: Option A

  1. Someone who doubts the true nature and kindness of people
  1. Egoist
  2. Fatalist
  3. Stoic
  4. Cynic

Answer: Option D

  1. One who possesses many talents
  1. Versatile
  2. Nubile
  3. Exceptional
  4. Gifted

Answer: Option A

  1. Words inscribed on the tomb
  1. Epitome
  2. Epistle
  3. Epilogue
  4. Epitaph

Answer: Option D

  1. One who eats everything
  1. Omnivorous
  2. Omniscient
  3. Irresistible
  4. Insolvent

Answer: Option A

  1. A malafide case is one
  1. Which is undertaken in good faith
  2. Which is undertaken in bad faith
  3. Which is undertaken after a long delay
  4. Which is not undertaken at all

Answer: Option B

  1. The custom or practice of having more than one husband at the same time
  1. Polygyny
  2. Polyphony
  3. Polyandry
  4. Polychromy

Answer: Option C

  1. Tending to move away from the center or axis
  1. Centrifugal
  2. Centripetal
  3. Axiomatic
  4. Awry

Answer: Option A

  1. Teetotaller means
  1. One who abstains from theft
  2. One who abstains from meat
  3. One who abstains from taking wine
  4. One who abstains from malice

Answer: Option C

One Word Substitution FAQs

Q1 – What does it mean to substitute a word?

Ans – Word substitution is the process of shortening, condensing, and making a statement or phrase more understandable by substituting a specific word for a wordy one. By doing this, the word and the phrase become identical and have the same meaning.

Q2 – What types of one-word substitutions are there?

Ans – “Generic terms, government/systems, profession/research, venue/spots, murder/death, group/collection, people/person, sound” are some examples of the categories for one-word substitution. Moreover, it plays an essential and beneficial function in English which helps to make languages terse and figurative.

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