Memory Based Questions Asked in IBPS RRB PO Prelims 2022


Memory Based Questions Asked in IBPS RRB PO Prelims 2022: Dear Aspirants, Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has conducted Online Prelims Examination for IBPS RRB Officer Scale 1 Prelims Examination which was held on 20 August 2022. Candidates who were about to give their exam may be searching for the Memory Based Questions asked in IBPS RRB PO Prelims 2022. Here we have given the IBPS RRB Officer Scale 1 Pre Memory Based Questions. Kindly make use of it and share it with all your friends.

Memory Based Questions Asked in IBPS RRB PO Prelims 2022 The Institute of banking personnel selection has scheduled theIBPS RRB PO 2022 Prelims exam on 20th & 21st of August 2022. Aspirants will be eager to practice with the IBPS RRB PO Prelims Memory Based Question Paper 2022 PDF Download. For your convenience, we have provided the IBPS RRB PO Prelims Memory Based Paper 2022 PDF Download Check IBPS RRB PO Prelims Exam Analysis 20 August 2022 (All Shift)

IBPS RRB PO Prelims Memory Based Paper 2022 (20th August 2022) – Questions Asked

Find the wrong term in the given series:

Que: 118, 151, 217, 316, 445, 613, 811

The pattern of the series is the difference of 33, 66, 99, 132, 165, 198.

Ans: 445

Que: 18, 21, 23, 28, 35, 46, 59

The pattern of the series is the difference of Prime numbers 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13.

Ans: 21

Que: 8, 72, 121, 157, 182, 196, 207

The pattern of the series is the difference of 8^2, 7^2, 6^2, 5^2, 4^2, and 3^2.

Ans: 196

Que: 2, 3, 8, 27, 112, 560, 3396

The pattern of the series is *1+1, *2+2, *3+3, *4+4, *5+5, *6+6.

Ans: 560

Que: 451, 502, 550, 604, 655, 706, 757

The pattern of the series is difference of 51.

Ans: 550

The other questions asked will be updated soon.

Memory Based Questions Asked in IBPS RRB PO Prelims 2020

Reasoning Questions:

For 12th September 1st Shift, the reasoning section consists of 10 puzzle questions and 5 seating arrangement questions. Coding-Decoding & In-Equality questions come around 5 nos each, Direction sense is about 3, and the remaining 7 questions come under the miscellaneous. The details are given below.

  • Box based puzzle
  • Square Based Puzzle (8 people, 4 corner – outside & 4 middle – inside)
  • Random arrangement based puzzled, the salary of 6 persons were given
  • Floor Based Puzzle (8 Floor, 8 People)
  • Parallel Seating Arrangement (5 each side, North-South)
  • Uncertain Number of People

Coding Decoding


Quadratic Equations: 

1). x2+9x+20=0


Ans: y>x

2). x2-11x+30=0


Ans: x>y

3). x2+13x+40=0


Ans: x<=y

4). x2-20x+91=0


Ans: x>y

5). x2-x-12=0


Ans: CND

Number Series:

1). 20, 12, 14, 23, 48, ?

Logic: *0.5+2, *1+2, *1.5+2..

Ans: 122

2). 19, 20, 43, 129, ?, 2605

Logic: *1+1, *2+2, *3+3..

Ans: 520

3). 2033, ?, 2054, 2075, 2103, 2138

Logic: +7, +14, +21..

Ans: 2040

4). 520, 532, 508, 544, ?, 556

Logic: +12, -24, +36..

Ans: 496

5). 302, 142, 62, ?, 2, -8

Logic: Ã·2-9, ÷2-9, ÷2-9..

Ans: 22

Arithmetic Problems:

  1. A person travels 124 km at an average speed of 77 km/hr. If he travels 60 km at the speed of 75 km/hr, then at what speed does he cover the rest of the distance?

Ans- 80

2. A and b together can complete the work in 6 days and A alone can work in 9 days. In how many days can B complete the ⅜ work?

IBPS RRB PO Prelims Questions – Shift 2 (12th September)

Quantitative Aptitude Questions


1) Quantity 1

Sum = ?

Time = 2 years

Rate = 12% S.I.

If the Simple Interest is = 1200, then find Principle= ?

2) Quantity 1

SP= 450

Profit % = 20%

Find Principle = ?

Quantity 2

SP= 84

Profit%= 20%

Find CP = ?

Number Series (missing)

  1. 1000, 100, 20, __, 8, 6.4,  10.24(ans)       Logic:-     /10, /5, /2.5, /1.25, /0.025
  2. 2, 6, 33, 49, 174,  210(ans) Logic:- difference of 4, 27, 16, 125, 36 (Square-cube alternate)
  3. 14, 8, 9, 14.5, 30,  76
  4. 77, 85, 69, 101, 37,  165   Logic:- +8, -16,  +32, -64, +128
  5. 20, 29, 54, 103, 184, 305 


1)      24.002 * 14.005 – 7.995 * 5.964=x

2)      257.12+ 187.99x = 49.982 +30.99

3)      15.332 â€“ 12.942 + 22.062 -35.65= x

4)    √784.01 * 7.142 + 351.99 * 24.98%

Reasoning Questions:

For 12th September 2nd Shift, the reasoning section consists of 3 puzzles & 1 seating arrangement problems with a set of 5 questions each. There were 5 questions each of In-Equality, Syllogism & Coding-Decoding. Direction sense is about 3, and the remaining 2 questions come under the miscellaneous. The details are given below.

questions and other details to be updated soon.

IBPS RRB PO Prelims Questions – Shift 3 (12th September)

Quantitative Aptitude Questions

  1. A invests 18000, B invests 12000 from start, C joins after 2 month. Total profit = 85000 after one year, C’s share 35500. Find the investment by C?
  2. Equal amount is two schemes, 1st 14% for 3 years, 2nd 12% for 2 years and interest difference 684.
  3. A is 3 times more efficient than B, first A work for 8 days and then B works for 3 days. 50% work is completed, then find the time taken by B to complete the work?
  4. 7 red balls and 9 green balls, one ball is drawn at random. find the probability that it is not green? 

IBPS RRB PO Prelims Questions – Shift 4 (12th September)

Quantitative Aptitude Questions

1)  A and b together can complete the work in 6 days and A alone can work in 9 days. In how many days can B complete the â…œ work?    Ans- 27/4

2) Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 24 mins and 36 minutes. Another pipe C can empty the filled tank in 18 mins. All three pipes A, B, C  are alternately open for 1 min each in an empty tank such that pipe A is open first then pipe B and then C. In what time will the tank be filled?          Ans- 203 mins



QUESTIONS BASED ON THE DI – If the 30% of the members participated in the event from the sports club B played badminton and the rest played hockey, cricket, and football in the ratio 2:4:3, then the number of members, who played football is

A.380        B.420    C.460   D.480   E.500 

Reasoning Questions:

A certain number of people are sitting in the row facing the north direction. Four people sit between P & Q . S sits 2nd to the left of Q . number of person sit between  Q &S is same as between R & Q. six persons sit between R and V. V sits 3rd from one extreme. S sits to the left of V. Only one person sits between T&W , who sits 2nd to the left of V. There are as many people sitting to the right of V as sitting to the left of P.

QUESTIONS BASED ON THE PUZZLE- what is the position of Q with respect to P?, 

What is the maximum number of people sitting in the row? etc

IBPS RRB PO Prelims Questions – Shift 1 (13th September)

Quantitative Aptitude Questions

Quadratic Equations(Same pattern Questions were Asked)

  • x²+13x+40=0, y²+7y+10=0
  • x²-20x+91=0, y²+16y+68=0
  • 4x²-8x-1=0,  2y²-7y+10=0
  • x²+3x-28=0, 8y²-y-9=0


  1. 19  20  45 129 520 2605
  2.  8 8 40 360 4675 79560
  3. 12 26 44 64 84 107
  4. 125 63 64 130 524 4200 67214
  5. 325 362 401 442 484 530.

Reasoning Questions:

questions and other details to be updated soon.

IBPS RRB PO Memory Based Paper 2022: FAQs

  1. Q. What is the total number of vacancies for IBPS RRB PO recruitment 2022?

    A. The total number of vacancies for IBPS RRB PO 2022 recruitment is 2759.

  2. Q. What are the exam dates for IBPS RRB PO Prelims 2022?

    A. The exam dates for IBPS RRB PO Prelims 2022 are the 20th & 21st of August 2022.

  3. Q: What are the advantages of practicing with the IBPS RRB PO prelims memory-based paper 2022 pdf download?

    A. You can improve your speed, accuracy, and question selection skills. Also, you can ignore your exam fear.

  4. Q:Is there Any Negative Marking in IBPS RRB PO 2022 Exam?

    A. Yes, there is a negative marking for wrong answers in both pre and mains exam. 1/4 of the total marks will be deducted for the question marked wrong by the candidate.

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