SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 5 January 2024 (All Shifts)


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SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 5 January 2024

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 5 January 2024 All Shifts: State Bank of India has successfully conducted the all Shift of Day 1 of the SBI Clerk 2024 Exam today on 5th January 2024. Lakhs of students have applied for the SBI Clerk Exam. The SBI Clerk Exam 2024 is scheduled to be conducted on the 5th, 6th, 11th & 12th of January 2024 in multiple shifts. That is why it is very important for all the candidates whether they have taken the exam or they are willing to appear in any of the future attempts, to have a look at the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024 for Shift 1.

Also, Check SBI Clerk Exam Analysis (All Days and all Shifts)

SBI Clerk Shift Timings, Reporting Time, and Handwriting Sample Timings

Get to know the SBI Clerk exam time shift 2024 details of reporting time, handwriting sample, exam start timing, and the end timing for each shift in the table provided below.

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Shift Timings 2024: Time Slots

SBI Clerk Prelims Shift Timings 2024 – Check Slot Timings
SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Slots ShiftsSBI Clerk Prelims Reporting Time 2024Handwriting Sample TimeSBI Clerk Prelims Exam Start TimeSBI Clerk Prelims Exam End Time
18 AM08.55 AM to 9.00 AM9 AM10 AM
210.30 AM11.25 AM to 11.30 AM11.30 AM12.30 PM
31 PM01.55 PM to 2 PM2 PM3 PM
403.30 PM04.25 PM to 04.30 PM04.30 PM05.30 PM

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 5 January 2024 (All Shifts)

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 5 January Shift 4: Difficulty Level

As the 4th shift of the SBI Clerk Prelims has been completed on 05 January 2024, candidates must be aware of the difficulty level of the paper. The difficulty level of the paper can sense the performance of the candidates. For a better grasp, we have given the section-wise difficulty level in our SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 5 January Shift 4. Check out the table below for a detailed review.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 5 January Shift 4: Difficulty Level
SectionsDifficulty level
Reasoning AbilityEasy to Moderate
Numerical AbilityEasy to Moderate
English languageEasy to Moderate
OverallEasy to Moderate

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 5 January Shift 4: Good Attempts

The level of the good attempts has been raised as the paper was easily solvable for the students. In this post, we have given section-wise good attempts for all the subjects. Go through the table below to get a reference about the number of good attempts in the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam 2024, 5 January Shift 4.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis Shift 4, 5 January: Good Attempts
SectionQuestionsNo. Of Good Attempts
English language3023-24
Numerical Ability3525-27
Reasoning Ability3527-29

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis Shift 4: Section-Wise Analysis

Candidates were able to solve the three sections easily, and the sections were English Language, Reasoning Ability, and Numerical Ability. In this SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 5 January Shift 4, we have covered all the topics that have come in the exam. This will give students great knowledge about the expected topics. Check out the table below for a better idea.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2024 Shift 4, 5 January: English Language

As per the reviews of the candidates, the level of the English Language section was Easy to Moderate. Most of the topics were covered in the syllabus. Go through the table below to check the topics that came in this section.

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 5 January Shift 4: English Language
TopicsNo. of Questions
Reading Comprehension (Topic- Earth)8
Error Detection4
Single Fillers5
Sentence Improvement3
Para Jumble (Topic- Salary Hike)5
Word Swap5

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2024 Shift 4, 5 January: Numerical Ability

Go through the table below to analyze the topics that have been covered in the Numerical Ability section of the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam 2024, 5 January Shift 4. The overall level of Numerical Ability was Easy to Moderate.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 5 January Shift 4: Numerical Ability
TopicNo. of Questions
Missing Number Series5
Caselet DI5
Tabular Data Interpretation5

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2024 Shift 4, 5 January: Reasoning Ability

Most of the candidates have thought that the Reasoning Ability section would be a bit hard for them to solve. But, to their surprise, they have attempted most of the questions. Here, we have listed the topics that have come in the Reasoning Ability section.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2024 Shift 4, 5 January: Reasoning Ability
TopicsNo. of Questions
Uncertain Number of  Person Seating Arrangement3
Floor and Flat Based Puzzle (4 Floors and 2 Flats)5
Square Based Seating Arrangement (4 In and 4 Out)5
Month Based Puzzle5
Comparison Based Puzzle3
3 Digit Numeric Series5
Simple Coding1
Number Based1
Meaningful Word1

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis Shift 3, 5 January 2024

SBI Clerk Exam 2024, 5 January 2024, 3rd shift is over now at various exam centers. As the 3rd shift is over now the aspirants of the next shift and next day examination were waiting for the review obtained by the appeared candidates. SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2024 involves a detailed review of the question paper by our experts and candidates. For the convenience of candidates, we are providing the Exam review which includes a number of good attempts, section-wise difficulty level, and the questions asked from different topics in all the given sections.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis Shift 3: Difficulty Level

The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd shifts of the SBI Clerk Exam 2024 are over now. From the earlier shifts, the level of the exam was easy to moderate, here we will discuss the SBI Clerk Shift 3 Exam Analysis 2024. We have distinguished the section-wise difficulty level in the below table. Candidate can check the section-wise difficulty level of SBI Clerk Prelims 3rd shift in the given table below.

SBI Clerk Shift 3 Exam Analysis 2024: Difficulty Level
SectionsDifficulty Level
English LanguageEasy to Moderate
Numerical  AbilityEasy to Moderate
Reasoning AbilityEasy to Moderate
OverallEasy to Moderate

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis Shift 3 Good Attempts

The good attempts show the number of questions and correct answers attempted by the candidates in the examination. Candidates of upcoming shifts are suggested to increase the number of good attempts in their stronger sections to maximize their overall score. The detailed section-wise SBI Clerk Prelims 2024 good attempts are provided in the table below.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis Shift 3: Good Attempts
SectionQuestionsGood Attempts
English Language3022-24
Numerical  Ability3526-28
Reasoning Ability3527-29

SBI Clerk Shift 3 Exam Analysis 2024: Section Wise

Each section i.e. Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, English Language is reviewed separately to provide insights into the distribution of questions and difficulty levels within each section. There were a total number of three sections in the SBI Clerk Prelim Exam 2024 with a sectional time duration of 60 minutes. Here we have provided the complete section-wise SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2024 Shift 3: Reasoning Ability

The reasoning section has 35 questions for 35 marks in the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam 2023-24. The most frequent topics are the highest-scoring ones. Here is the review in tabular format for the topic-wise weightage of questions, candidates can check the table given below.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis Shift 3: Reasoning Ability
TopicsNo. Of Questions
Double Row Seating Arrangement (Total- 10 Persons)5
Box Based (Concept) Puzzle5
Day Based Based Puzzle (Monday to Sunday)5
Word Based Series (3 Letters, 5 Words)5
Chinese Coding Decoding4
Blood Relation3
Number Based1
Meaningful Word1
Pair Formation1

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2024 Shift 3: Numerical Ability

This section i.e. Numerical Ability is a bit calculative and time taking section. A total number of 35 questions were asked in the Numerical Ability section in a sectional time duration of 20 minutes. Candidates can check the number of questions asked from different topics in the table below for SBI Clerk 5 January 3rd shift.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis Shift 3:Numerical  Ability
TopicsNo. Of Questions
Wrong Number Series5
Bar Graph Data Interpretation5

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2024 Shift 3: English Language

The English Language section is often considered a make-or-break segment for many candidates. The difficulty level of Shift 3’s English Language questions ranged from moderate to challenging, testing candidates on grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and more. Here is the distribution of topics asked in today’s examination.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis Shift 3: English Language
TopicsNo. Of Questions
Reading Comprehension (Topic- Yawning)9
Error Detection5
Cloze Test (Research on Water)6
Sentence Arrangement2
Single Fillers5
Phrase Replacement3

SBI Clerk Shift 2 Exam Analysis 2024: Difficulty Level (Shift 2)

The 2nd shift of the SBI Clerk Exam 2024 is over now. Here we have come up with SBI Clerk Shift 2 Exam Analysis, 2024. As per the review obtained by the candidates, the overall difficulty level of the exam was Easy to Moderate. Candidate can check the section-wise difficulty level of SBI Clerk Prelims 2nd shift in the given table below. The English Language section was a bit easy in comparison to 1st shift.

SBI Clerk Shift 2 Exam Analysis 2024: Difficulty Level
SectionsDifficulty Level
English LanguageEasy to Moderate
Numerical  AbilityEasy to Moderate
Reasoning AbilityEasy to Moderate
OverallEasy to Moderate

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis Shift 2 Good Attempts

The overall good attempts are considered based on the difficulty level of the examination and the average number of questions attempted by the students in the examination. The detailed section-wise SBI Clerk Prelims 2024 good attempts are provided in the table below.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis Shift 2: Good Attempts
SectionQuestionsGood Attempts
English Language3023-24
Numerical  Ability3526-28
Reasoning Ability3526-29

SBI Clerk Shift 2 Exam Analysis 2024: Section Wise

There were a total number of three sections in the SBI Clerk Prelim Exam 2024 with a sectional time duration of 60 minutes. Here we have provided the complete section-wise SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2024 Shift 2: Reasoning Ability

According to the candidates’ review, the overall difficulty level of the reasoning ability section in the 2nd shift was Easy to Moderate. The reasoning section has questions on topics like Inequality, Blood Relation, Syllogism, Seating arrangements, etc. To get topic-wise weightage of questions, candidates can check the table given below.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis Shift 2: Reasoning Ability
TopicsNo. Of Questions
Linear Row Seating Arrangement5
Square Based Seating Arrangement5
Box Based Puzzle (8 Boxes)5
Uncertain Number of Persons4
3 Digit Based Series5
Blood Relation3
Word Based1
Pair Formation1

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2024 Shift 2: Numerical Ability

The overall level of Numerical  Ability was Easy to Moderate. A total number of 35 questions were asked in the Numerical  Ability section in a sectional time duration of 20 minutes. Candidates can check the number of questions asked from different topics in the table below.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis Shift 2: Numerical  Ability
TopicsNo. Of Questions
Missing Number Series5
Line Graph Data Interpretation5

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2024 Shift 2: English Language

Candidates who have appeared in the 2nd shift of SBI Clerk Prelims 2024 found the difficulty level of the English Language section as Easy to Moderate. Candidates can check the complete topic-wise analysis in the given table.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis Shift 2: English Language
TopicsNo. Of Questions
Reading Comprehension (Topic- Fishery)10
Error Detection5
Cloze Test5
Sentence Rearrangement5
Word Swap5

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 5th January: Difficulty Level (Shift 1)

The difficulty level of the SBI Clerk 2024 Prelims Exam held on 5th January 2024 is discussed in table below which mentions the section-wise and overall difficulty level of the questions.

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024: Difficulty Level
S.No.SectionQuestionDurationDifficulty Level
1English3020 minutesEasy
2Quantitative Aptitude3520 minutesEasy
3Reasoning3520 minutesEasy
Overall/Total10060 minutesEasy

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2024: Good Attempts

The number of good attempts mainly depends on the difficulty level of the Exam. As per feedback from the candidates who appeared in the Exam, the average and safe number of good attempts is given in the table below.

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024: Good Attempts
S.No.SectionQuestionDurationGood Attempts
1English3020 minutes21-23
2Quantitative Aptitude3520 minutes27-29
3Reasoning3520 minutes28-30
Overall/Total10060 minutes76-82

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 5th January Shift 1 Sectional Review

The SBI Clerk Prelims Exam consists of 3 sections: Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Language. The total mark for the Prelims Exam is 100 and there is a negative marking is 0.25 mark for each wrong answer marked by the candidates. The total duration of the Exam is 60 minutes. In the sections below, we have discussed the review for all the 3 sections.

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024: Reasoning

The topics included in the Reasoning section of the Prelims Exam are Syllogism, Puzzles, Sitting Arrangement, Blood Relations, Coding-Decoding, Alphanumeric series, etc. The topics asked in the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam held on 5th January 2024 in shift 1 are given below.

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024: Reasoning
TopicsNumber of QuestionsDifficulty Level
Puzzles and Seating Arrangement18Easy to Moderate
Alpha-Numeric Series (Mixed)05Easy to Moderate
Chinese Coding05Easy
Blood Relation03Easy
Pair Formation (Number Based)01Easy
Meaningful Word01Easy

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024: Quantitative Aptitude

The Quantitative section of the Prelims Exam consists of topics like DI, Quadratic Equations, Missing Numbers, Simplification, Approximation, and so on. Each question carries 1 mark and there is a negative marking of 0.25 mark for each wrong answer. Check the questions asked in the Exam here.

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024: Quantitative Aptitude
TopicsNumber of QuestionsDifficulty Level
Data Interpretation05Easy
Number Series (Wrong)05Easy
Simplification15Easy to Moderate

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024: English

The English section in the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam consists of 30 questions of 1 mark each and likewise reasoning and quantitative aptitude, there is a negative marking of 0.25 marks. The topics from which the questions have been asked in the exam are mentioned below.

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024: English
TopicsNumber of QuestionsDifficulty Level
Reading Comprehension10Easy to Moderate
Sentence Rearrangement05Easy
Cloze Test05Easy

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Pattern 2024

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Pattern 2024 is comprised of three subjects i.e., Reasoning Ability, Numerical Ability, and English Language. The Preliminary Examination consists of an Objective Test for 100 marks. This test is of 1-hour duration consisting of 3 Sections (with separate timings for each section) as follows:

SBI Clerk Exam Pattern 2024 For Prelims
S. No.Name of Tests (Objective)No. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
1English Language303020 minutes
2Numerical Ability353520 minutes
3Reasoning Ability353520 minutes
Total1001001 Hour

SBI Clerk Prelims Previous Year Exam Analysis:

SBI Clerk Prelims Previous Year Exam Analysis Check here below

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022 Shft 3: Difficulty Level

The 3rd shift of the SBI Clerk exam 2022 is over now therefore we have come up with SBI Clerk Exam Analysis shift 3, 2022. As per our analysis, the overall difficulty level of the exam was Easy to Moderate. Candidate can check the section-wise difficulty level of SBI Clerk Prelims 3rd shift in the given table below.

SectionsDifficulty Level
Reasoning AbilityEasy to Moderate
Quantitative AptitudeEasy to Moderate
English LanguageEasy to Moderate
OverallEasy to Moderate

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022: Good Attempts

The overall good attempts are considered on the basis of the difficulty level of the examination and the average number of questions attempted by the students in the examination. The detailed section-wise SBI Clerk Prelims 2022 good attempts are provided in the given table below.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022: Good Attempts
SectionGood Attempts
Reasoning Ability27-29
Quantitative Aptitude24-26
English Language23-26

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022: Section Wise

There were a total number of three sections in the SBI Clerk Prelim Exam 2022 with a sectional time duration of 60 minutes. Here we have provided the complete section-wise SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2022.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022: Reasoning Ability

As per the feedback of students the overall difficulty level of the reasoning ability section in the 3rd shift was Easy to Moderate. The reasoning section has questions on topics like Inequality, Direct & Distance, syllogism, Blood Relation, etc. To get topic-wise weightage of questions, candidates can check the table given below.

TopicsNo. Of Questions
Linear Row Seating Arrangement3
Square Based Seating Arrangement5
Box Based Puzzle (8 Boxes)5
Month Based Puzzle5
Alphanumeric Series4
Blood Relation3
Coding Decoding1
Direction & Distance1
Pair Formation1

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022: Quantitative Aptitude

The overall level of Quantitative Aptitude was Easy to Moderate. A total number of 35 questions were asked in the Quantitative Aptitude section in a sectional time duration of 20 minutes. Candidates can check the number of questions asked from different topics in the given table below.

TopicsNo. Of Questions
Missing Number Series5
Bar Graph Data Interpretation5
Caselet DI5

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022: English Language

Candidates who have appeared in the 3rd shift of SBI Clerk Prelims 2022 found the difficulty level of the English Language section as Easy to Moderate. Reading comprehension was asked with the theme of ‘Agency’. Candidates can check the complete topic-wise analysis in the given table.

TopicsNo. Of Questions
Reading Comprehension10
Error Detection6
Word Swap5
Para Jumble5

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis, 2nd Shift, 25th Nov 2022

Our team of Dream Big Institution has reviewed directly from the aspirants who are coming out of the 02nd Shift exam hall of SBI Clerk Exam 2022. The overall difficulty level of SBI Clerk Prelims 2nd Shift Exam held today on 25th November 2022 was of Easy Level. Here we have mentioned the section-wise and overall good attempts, difficulty level, and the important topics that were asked.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 25 Nov 2022- Good Attempts

As reviewed by the aspirants, the level of the SBI Clerk 2022 Prelims exam in Shift 2 was Easy and overall good attempts could range between 68-74. Check the good attempts as per the analysis conducted by our faculty.

SectionGood AttemptsDifficulty level
English Language 24-26 Easy
Quantitative Aptitude 24-27 Easy to Moderate
Reasoning Ability 28-30 Easy
Overall Good Attempts68-74 Easy

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022 – Reasoning Ability

The reasoning ability section of the SBI Clerk 2022 prelims exam was easy. The SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022, 25th November Shift 2 is detailed below with the help of tables.

  • Designation Based – 5 Question
  • Parallel Row Sitting- 5 Question
  • Floor Based – 5 Question
TopicQuestions AskedDifficulty Level
Puzzle & Seating Arrangement15Easy
Direction & Distance03Moderate
Blood Relation03Easy
Pair Formation01Moderate
No. Based (3 digits)05Moderate
Meaningful Word01Easy

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022 – English Language

The English section of the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam 2022 was easy as per the SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022, Shift-2. These 30 questions are from various topics that include Reading Comprehension and general English like antonyms and synonyms. Below we have detailed the questions asked from every section of the English Language.

  • RC Based on Farming
  • Rich (Antonyms)
TopicQuestions AskedDifficulty Level
Reading Comprehension09Easy to moderate
Error Detection05Easy
Word Swap04Easy
Cloze Test06Easy
Phase Replacement03Easy

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022 – Quantitative Aptitude

The numerical ability section of the SBI Clerk Exam 2022, Shift-2 was Easy. The topic-wise number of questions asked has been mentioned below.

TopicQuestions AskedDifficulty Level
Line Graph DI05 Easy
Simplification12 Easy
Missing No Series05Easy
Arithmetic10 Moderate
Total35 Easy

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis Shift-1 25 November 2022- Good Attempts

The table below has detailed the total number of good attempts and overall difficulty level according to the responses given by various candidates and the ease as per the SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022 by our team.

SectionGood AttemptsDifficulty level
English Language 24-26 Easy
Quantitative Aptitude 24-27 Easy to Moderate
Reasoning Ability 28-30 Easy
Overall Good Attempts70-76 Easy

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022 – Reasoning Ability

The reasoning ability section of the SBI Clerk 2022 prelims exam was easy. The SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022, 25th November Shift 1 is detailed below with the help of tables.

  • Certain no Based (16 Person)- 5 Question
  • Circular Based (8 Person)- 5 Question
  • Box Based (7 Boxes)- 5 Question
  • Flat & Floor- 5 Question
TopicQuestions AskedDifficulty Level
Puzzle & Seating Arrangement20Easy
Alphabetical Series04Moderate
Blood Relation03Easy
Pair Formation01Moderate
No. Based01Moderate
Meaningful Word01Easy

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022 – English Language

The English section of the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam 2022 was easy as per the SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022, Shift-1. These 30 questions are from various topics that include Reading Comprehension and general English like antonyms and synonyms. Below we have detailed the questions asked from every section of the English Language.

  • RC Based on Study on Birds
  • Error detection was based on old format
TopicQuestions AskedDifficulty Level
Reading Comprehension09Easy to moderate
Error Detection04Easy
Fill in Blanks06Easy
Cloze Test (Single Filler)04Easy

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2022 – Quantitative Aptitude

The numerical ability section of the SBI Clerk Exam 2022, Shift-1 was Easy. The topic-wise number of questions asked has been mentioned below.

TopicQuestions AskedDifficulty Level
Tabular DI06 Easy
Simplification10 Easy
Quadratic Series02Easy
Arithmetic12 Moderate
Total35 Easy


Q. Where can I get an accurate SBI Clerk Exam Analysis of 5 January 2024, Shift 1?

Ans. At Dream Big Institution, you can get the exact SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2024.

Q. What are the sections asked in SBI Clerk Syllabus 2024?

Ans: The sections like English Language, Numerical Ability and Reasoning Ability are asked in SBI Clerk Syllabus 2024.

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