The Hindu Editorial VOCAB 24 May 2022
PUMMEL(Verb) : आसानी से हराना
- Meaning: to defeat someone easily at a sport
- अर्थ: किसी खेल में किसी को आसानी से हराना
- Synonyms: bash, batter
- Antonyms: compliment, fail
- Usage: The boxer had pummeled his opponent into submission by the end of the fourth round.
ABOMINATE(Verb) : घृणा करना
- Meaning: to hate something very much
- अर्थ: किसी बात से बहुत अधिक घृणा करना
- Synonyms: abhor, despise
- Antonyms: admire, approve
- Usage: Eventually one has to bring people together and sit down with those whose records one abominates.
SUBJUGATE(Verb) : अधीन करना
- Meaning: to treat yourself, your wishes, or your beliefs as being less important than other people or their wishes or beliefs
- अर्थ: अपने आप को, अपनी इच्छाओं या अपने विश्वासों को अन्य लोगों या उनकी इच्छाओं या विश्वासों से कम महत्वपूर्ण मानने के लिए
- Synonyms: conquer, enslave
- Antonyms: lose, release
- Usage: Reporters must subjugate personal political convictions to their professional commitment to balance.
SPRIGHTLY(Adjective) : प्रमुदित, आनंदपूर्ण
- Meaning: (especially of old people) energetic and in good health
- अर्थ: (विशेषकर वृद्ध लोगों के) ऊर्जावान और अच्छे स्वास्थ्य में
- Synonyms: agile, bouncy
- Antonyms: apathetic, inactive
- Usage: The 14th century saw the beginning of a new literature of travel in sprightly and informing travelogues.
STATUTORY (adjective) : वैधानिक
- Meaning: decided, controlled, or required by law.
- अर्थ: कानून द्वारा तय, नियंत्रित या आवश्यक।
- Synonyms: legitimate, permissible, admissible, allowable.
- Antonyms: unconstitutional, illegal, irrelevant, unofficial.
- Usage: She’s below the statutory age for school attendance.
BACKSTOP (noun) : निवारक उपाय
- Meaning: an emergency precaution or last resort.
- अर्थ: एक आपातकालीन एहतियात या अंतिम उपाय।
- Synonyms: safeguard, preventive measure, insurance.
- Antonyms: constraint, limitation, restriction, sanction.
- Usage: They want the Democrats to act as a backstop for this wild nonsense.
SWATHE (noun) : लिफ़ाफ़ा
- Meaning: a large part of something that includes several different things.
- अर्थ: किसी चीज का एक बड़ा हिस्सा जिसमें कई अलग-अलग चीजें शामिल हों।
- Synonyms: envelope, stretch, area, track.
- Antonyms: brink, border, boundary, margin.
- Usage: These people represent a broad swathe of public opinion.
FARCE (noun) : स्वांग
- Meaning: an absurd event.
- अर्थ: एक बेतुकी घटना।
- Synonyms: travesty, sham, masquerade, charade.
- Antonyms: solemnity, reverence, seriousness, sobriety.
- Usage: We need to get more good referees like him, or the game is going to become a complete farce.
STONEWALL (Verb) : अवरोध करना
- Meaning: delay or obstruct (a request, process, or person) by refusing to answer questions or by being evasive.
- अर्थ: सवालों के जवाब देने से इनकार करके या टालमटोल करके देरी या बाधा (एक अनुरोध, प्रक्रिया, या व्यक्ति)।
- Synonyms: delay, rebuff
- Usage: Picketing protestors were determined to stonewall the peace talks and keep the lockout going.
ARRANT (adjective) : कुख्यात
- Meaning: used to say how bad something is.
- अर्थ: कहते थे कि कोई चीज कितना बुरा है।
- Synonyms: utter, absolute, complete, thorough.
- Antonyms: dubious, questionable, restricted, uncertain.
- Usage: Because of her arrant devotion to her family, she volunteered to go to the labor camp with them.