The Hindu Editorial VOCAB 28 December 2021
Arraign (VERB) : आरोप लगाना
- Meaning: to call (a defendant) before a court to answer to an indictment
- अर्थ: अभियोग का जवाब देने के लिए अदालत के समक्ष (प्रतिवादी) को बुलाना
- Synonym: appeal, book, cite, summon, accuse, charge, criminate
- Antonym: advocate, champion, defend, excuse, forgive, justify
- Sentence: They wanted to arraign the thief for stealing cars on the same day he was arrested.
HOODWINK(Verb) : आंख में धूल झोंकना
- Meaning: Deceive or trick
- अर्थ: छल
- Synonym: Outwit, fool, swindle
- Antonym: Undeceive, protect
- Usage: Beware of the fake calls that try to hoodwink you into giving your bank details.
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SUCCOUR (Noun) : परेशानी में सहायता
- Meaning: assistance and support in times of hardship and distress.
- अर्थ: कष्ट और संकट के समय सहायता और समर्थन।
- Synonyms: aid, assistance, support, ease
- Usage: Even though Holly is painfully shy, she is never hesitant to offer succor to anyone who is in pain.
SISYPHEAN(Adjective) : व्यर्थ
- Meaning: Referring to a task that can never be finished
- अर्थ: ऐसे कार्य का जिक्र करना जो कभी समाप्त नहीं हो सकता
- Synonym: futile, fruitless
- Antonym: effective, useful
- Usage: It’s a difficult task, maybe even a sisyphean one, but it’s a challenge for someone to do.
FRAUGHT(Adjective) : भरा हुआ
- Meaning: Filled with or attended with
- अर्थ: से भरा हुआ या साथ उपस्थित
- Synonym: charged, laden
- Antonym: empty, devoid
- Usage: Her birthday was fraught with awkward moments when her family saw her blue hairs.
GRANULAR (adjective) : बारीक
- Meaning: Resembling or consisting of small grains or particles.
- अर्थ: छोटे अनाज या कणों से मिलकर बनता है।
- Synonyms: powdery, grainy, gritty, sandy.
- Antonyms: soft, fine, smooth, glossy.
- Example: In the dry state, granular soil particles can be easily separated and identified.
REDACT (verb) : संपादित करना
- Meaning: edit (text) for publication.
- अर्थ : प्रकाशन के लिए संपादन (पाठ)।
- Synonyms: correct, rectify, repair, fix.
- Antonyms: befoul, deteriorate, diminish, hinder.
- Example: Some of the conclusions in the report have been redacted.
HONE (Verb) : पैना करना, प्रखर करना
- Meaning: to make sharp or sharper
- अर्थ : तीव्र या तेज करना
- Synonyms: edge, grind, sharpen, stone
- Antonyms: blunt, dull
- Example: honed the knifeʼs blade to razor-like sharpness.
EXORBITANT(Adjective) : अत्यधिक
- Meaning: (of prices and demands) much too large
- अर्थ: (कीमतों और माँगों में) बहुत बड़ा
- Synonyms: enormous, outrageous
- Antonyms: cheap, good
- Example: The interest charged on most credit cards is exorbitant.
CONTRAVENTION (noun) : उल्लंघन
- Meaning: An action which offends against a law, treaty, or other ruling.
- अर्थ: एक कार्रवाई जो एक कानून, संधि या अन्य शासन के खिलाफ होती है।
- Synonyms: breach, violation, infringement, transgression.
- Antonyms: compliance, conformity, obedience, adoption.
- Example: These powers must be exercised on consideration of the likelihood of damage or distress caused by the contravention of the Act.