ECGC PO Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2023 for Online Test (Latest Exam Pattern)


ECGC PO Syllabus 2023

ECGC PO Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2023: The Export Credit Guarantee Corporation (ECGC)) will be conducting the ECGC PO 2023 Written Exam for eligible Indian candidates for filling up the post-Probationary Officer vacancies in the cadre of Executive Officers in ECGC Ltd. The candidates who are aspiring for the post should prepare for the ECGC PO Exam 2023 with an updated ECGC PO Syllabus & Exam Pattern.

The candidates preparing for ECGC PO can get some guidance regarding the ECGC PO Syllabus as lakhs of candidates have applied for the post of PO in ECGC which makes the competition hard and the ECGC PO exam harder to crack.

ECGC PO Syllabus 2023- Overview

Export Credit Guarantee Corporation (ECGC) will released all important details for exam patterns and syllabus for ECGC PO 2023. The ECGC PO full Syllabus for the Written examination is held for a total of five subjects: Reasoning Ability, English Language, Computer Knowledge, General Awareness, and Quantitative Aptitude.

Name of boardExport Credit Guarantee Corporation(ECGC)
Name of examECGC PO
Exam DateTo be Notified
Exam type onlineOnline
Total number of questions200
Total marks200
Duration140 minutes (2 hrs 20 minutes)
Negative Marking1/4 marks
Selection ProcessOnline Exam- Interview

ECGC PO Selection Process 2023

ECGC PO 2023 is a two-stage recruitment process namely: a written exam and an Interview. The stages are the same like any other standard banking exam but the only difference is the exam pattern. Given below is the detailed exam pattern of ECGC PO 2023.

As per the ECGC 2023 notification, the exam will be conducted in two stages.

  • Online Test( Objective & Descriptive)
  • Interview

The candidate must qualify for both stages to get selected.

Also, Check ECGC PO Previous year Question Paper PDF Download

ECGC PO Exam Pattern 2023

  1. ECGC PO 2023 Written Exam will include an Objective Test (Multiple Choice Questions) and Descriptive Paper (Test of English Language).
  2. The Objective Test will include sections: Reasoning Ability, English Language, Computer Knowledge, General Awareness, and Quantitative Aptitude for a total of 200 Marks and 2 hours 20 Minutes (140 Minutes).
  3. While the Descriptive Paper will include Essay Writing and Precis Writing for a total of 40 Marks and 40 Minutes.

(i) Objective Test- Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Name of the TestsNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
Reasoning Ability505040 minutes
English Language404030 minutes
Computer Knowledge202010 minutes
General Awareness404020 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude505040 minutes
Total200200140 minutes

(ii) Descriptive Paper (Test of English Language)

Name of TestNo. of questionsMarksTime allotted
Essay WritingOne out of two given options2040 minutes for both questions together
Precis WritingOne out of two given options20

ECGC PO 2023 Syllabus

ECGC PO Syllabus for Reasoning

1. Data Interpretation

2. Blood Relations

3. Syllogism

4. Coding-Decoding

5. Directions

6. Non-Verbal Series

7. Clocks & Calendars

8. Number Ranking

9. Decision Making

10. Analogy

11. Statements & Arguments

12. Arithmetical Reasoning

13. Alphabet Series

14. Seating Arrangement

15. Puzzles

ECGC PO Syllabus for English Language

1. Reading Comprehension

2. Fillers

3. Cloze test

4. Jumbled Paragraph

5. Tenses

6. Adjectives

7. Adverbs

8. Prepositions

9. Sentence Completion

10. Paragraph Completion

11. Antonym and synonym

12. Grammatical Error based questions

13. One word substitution

ECGC PO Syllabus for Quantitative Aptitude

1. Simplification

2. Ratio and Proportion

3. Problems with H.C.F and L.C.M.

4. Banker’s Discount

5. Partnership

6. Decimal Fraction

7. Pipes and Cistern

8. Problems on Ages

9. Time and Distance

10. Logarithm

11. Allegation or Mixture

12. Probability

13. Average

14. Chain Rule

15. Compound Interest

16. Surds and Indices

17. Height and Distance

18. Boats and Streams

19. Area

20. Time and Work

21. Square Root and Cube Root

22. Simple Interest

23. Numbers

24. Permutation and Combination

25. Volume and Surface Area

26. Data Interpretation and Analysis

ECGC PO Syllabus for Computer Knowledge

1. Basics of Hardware and Software

2. Windows Operating System

3. Internet Terms and Services

4. MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

5. History of Computers

7. Networking and Communication

8. Database Basics

9. Basics of Hacking, Security Tools, and Viruses.

10. Basic Internet Knowledge and Protocol

11. Memory and Storage Device

12. Computer Shortcuts Key

ECGC PO Syllabus for General Awareness

1. Current Affairs of the last six months

2. Current news with special emphasis on the schemes of ECGC

3. History of ECGC

4. Major banking terms related to ECGC

5. Budget 2021

6. Major government schemes introduced by ECGC.

ECGC PO Interview

This is the final stage of the recruitment process and candidates who will get selected in the Written exam will be called for the Interview round. The marks scored in this section are considered for the final selection.

Also, Check Here Important Links:

ECGC PO RecruitmentECGC PO Previous year Question Paper PDF with Solution
ECGC PO SalaryECGC PO Cut off: Check Here Previous Year Cut Off
ECGC PO MOCK TestECGC PO Exam Analysis (Previous year)

FAO on ECGC PO Syllabus 2023

Q1. Is there any sectional timing in ECGC PO 2023?

Ans. Yes, there is a sectional timing in ECGC PO 2023 exam.

Q2. Is there any negative marking for ECGC PO Online Exam?

Ans: Yes! there is a negative marking of 1/4th mark for each incorrect answer.

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