Table of Contents
IBPS Clerk exam 2018: Topic-wise preparation strategy
IBPS Clerk 2018: This topic-wise list will help you prepare for the preliminary exam. Also, know time management and how to make notes that will help candidates during last days preparation
IBPS Clerk 2018: The IBPS clerk exam is conducted online in two phases. The first phase is the preliminary exam will be held on December 8, 9 and December 15, 16. The second phase is the mains examination that will be conducted once the result of prelims will be out, that is, in January. Candidates need to clear both the phases of the test for final selection.
IBPS Clerk topic-wise: Preparation strategy
English Grammar: Some important question types are as mentioned below
- Error Spotting
Idioms and phrases
Active and passive voice
Arrangement and re-arrangement of sentences
Direct and indirect speech - Vocabulary: Some important question types are as mentioned below-
Cloze Test
Spellings - Reading Comprehension: Some important question types are as mentioned below:
Theme Based
Conclusion Based
Reasoning: Need to be up to date on some of the below-mentioned topics
— Series completion, analogy, direction based/sequence
— Number, ranking, time sequence, coding-decoding, Inequalities
— Syllogism, data sufficiency, Direction sense, seating arrangements puzzles, input-output machines etc.
Numerical Ability section
— Simplification, a problem on ages, percentage
— Average, simple interest/compound interest
— Profit and loss, ratio and proportions
— Data interpretation etc.
Need to be up to date on calculation skills this can be done by learning shortcut methods
— Multiplication tables up to 25
— List of squares and cubes from 1 to 25
— Common percentages and their fractional & decimal equivalents
General tips
- Revision of what you have studied is important as this will help you in making your preparations for final selection.
— Make small notes for yourself to help you with your revision.
— Divide the section on the basis of strong, average and weakest areas.
— Gain 90 per cent accuracy in your strongest areas and then move on to re-examine your weak areas.
— Attempt as many mock tests as you can
— Check the place where you do mistakes and avoid repeating them by recognising your mistake patterns.
Time management:
IBPS exams are about time and accuracy so it is important how you attempt the question paper to ensure accuracy within the limited time frame. It is important to divide the time between sections and in what order questions should be attempted. Normally one should be able to read the entire question paper and attempt all doable questions in one go. The second round should be for tougher questions.
Accuracy: Since the IBPS Clerk examination has negative marking for wrong answers so it is important that you minimise the number of wrong answers and negative marking so that marks per question gets maximised which leads to the increase in accuracy.
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