Must-Do 50 Percentage Questions PDF For All Competitive Exams

percentage Questions PDF
percentage Questions PDF

Dear Aspirants,

Percentage Questions PDF: Percentage is the important topic asked in Quant Section. Under this topic, questions of 5 to 7 marks are usually asked in the Bank Exam. Percentage Questions are useful for Bank | SSC | Railway & Other Competitive Exam

Percentage Questions PDF (Overview)

Article NamePercentage Questions PDF 2020
CategoryStudy Material
CoversPercentage Concept, Questions, Tricks, Formula
Total Questions1000+
Useful ForBank| Insurance| SSC| Railway & other Competitive Exams & Interview
Compiled ByDream Big Institution

Percentage Questions PDF Download

Dear candidates, the competitive exam is coming very soon, here we have given the list of Expected Percentage Questions PDF. Candidates who are preparing for SSC, Railway, Entrance Exam, and other Bank Exam can use it.

What is Percentage?

Percentage describes how many parts out of 100 parts of a particular thing. When we say percentage, we are actually saying “Percentage” which means ‘per hundred’ or ‘for every hundred’.

Understanding Percentage will help us with other Mathematical Concepts like Profit & Loss, Simple Interest, Compound Interest, and Data Interpretation where Percentage Questions are based on Concept. Therefore, once you have acquired the Percentage Concept, you can easily solve problems with other mathematical concepts.

List of Formula to Calculate Percentage

Percentage Formula related in Maths is given here. Click now to know the formula to calculate percentage with solved questions PDF.

1) Percentage formula

Percentage = (Value ⁄ Total Value) × 100

2) Discount Formula

Discount = List Price – Selling Price


Selling Price = List Price − Discount

List Price = Selling Price + Discount

3) Discount Percentage Formula

Rate of Discount = Discount % = Discount / List Price × 100

Selling Price = List Price (100 − discount % /100)

List Price = Selling Price (100/100 – discount %)

4) Percentage Increase Formula

Percentage Increase= Increased Value / OriginalValue×100

5) Profit Formula

Formula for Profit PercentageProfit Percent Formula = Profit×100C.P.
Gross Profit FormulaGross Profit = Revenue – Cost of Goods Sold
Profit Margin FormulaProfit Margin = TotalIncomeNetSales×100
Gross Profit Margin FormulaGross Profit Margin = GrossProfitNetSales×100

6) Percentage Error Formula

Percentage Error = (Approximate Value – Exact Value / Exact Value × 100)

7) Percentage change formula

Percentage Change = New Value – Old Value / Old Value × 100

8) Percentage Decrease Formula

Percentage Decrease = Decrease in value / Original value × 100

9) Percentile Formula

Percentile = (Number of Values Below “x” / Total Number of Values) × 100

Also, get other formulas related to Math’s by visiting Dream Big Institution


Click Here – Short Trick & Formulae To Cover Whole Quant Syllabus in a Week

Short cut tricks to Solve Percentage Questions

We can use the tricks given below to calculate the percentage.

x% of y = y% of x

Example- Prove that 20% of 40 is equal to 20% of 40.

Solution – 40 = 20% of 2

40% of 20 = 2

Hence they are equal i.e. y of x% = x of y% is correct.

Memorize some fractional values and percentage values

  • 1/2 = 50%
  • 1/3 = 33.33%
  • ¼ = 25%
  • 1/5 = 20%
  • 1/6 =16.66%
  • 1/7 = 14.28%
  • 1/8 = 12.5%
  • 1/9 = 11.11%
  • 1/10 = 10%
  • 1/11 =9.09 %
  • 1/12 = 8.33%
  • 1/13 = 7.69%
  • 1/14 = 7%
  • 1/15 = 6.66%
  • 1/16 = 6.25%
  • 1/17 = 5.88%
  • 1/18 =5.55%
  • 1/19 = 5.26%
  • 1/20= 5%
  • 5%= 1/20 = 0.05
  • 10% =1/10 =0.1
  • 15% =3/20
  • 20% = 1/5
  • 25% = ¼
  • 30% =3/10
  • 40% =2/5
  • 50% =1/2
  • 55%=11/20
  • 60% = 3/5
  • 70% = 7/10
  • 75% = 3/4
  • 80% = 4/5
  • 90% = 9/10
  • 100%=1
  • 6 ¼ % = 1/6
  • 12 ½ % = 1/8
  • 16 2/3 % = 1/6
  • 33 1/3 % = 1/3
  • 66 2/3 % =2/3
  • 125% =5/4
  • 150% = 3/2

Benefits of Solving This Percentage Questions PDF

  • Weak in Percentage Concepts? For now, you can read this article and understand Basic Concepts.
  • Below, we have provided the Percentage Questions PDF notes. Therefore, we provide you the best way to solve problems even in severe situations.
  • Before attempting any competitive exams like candidates, Bank, Insurance, SSC, Railway, Entrance Exam, you should practice more on Percentage Questions to solve the problems in a simpler way.
  • Focus on Tips Tricks and Shortcuts included in the content.
  • It can use the time to solve your questions. What we learn is not enough.
  • Therefore, you need to think practically to achieve perfection in Concept.

Now is the time to compete for competitive exams, therefore, candidates have been suggested to prepare for the Percentage Questions PDF given below.

Previous Year Asked Percentage Questions

Q. What percent of a day in 6 hours?
Ans: A) 25%

Q. Out of 500 students of a school 35% of students play football, 25% play cricket, and 20% neither play football nor cricket. How many students play football and cricket?
Answer -A) 200
Explanation :

Football = n(A) = (35/100)×500 = 175
Cricket = n(B) = (25/100)×500 = 125
neither play football nor cricket = ( 20/100)× 500 = 100
both football and cricket = n(A U B) = 175 + 125 -100 = 200

Q. One type of liquid contains 20% water and the second type of liquid contains 35% water. A glass filled with 8 parts of the first liquid and 5 parts of the second liquid. The water percentage in the new mixture is
E)None of these
Answer -B) 25.76%
Explanation :

[(20×8)+(35×5)] / (8+5) = 335/13 = 25.76%

Q. In a School, 40% of the students are female and thus the no of boys exceeds the no of girls by 40. Find the total no of students.
Answer C) 200
Explanation :

60x -40x = 40
X = 40/20 = 2
100*2 = 200

Q. In an alloy, there is 15% of brass, to get 90 kg of brass, how much alloy is needed?
a) 400 kg
b) 500 kg
c) 600 kg
d) 700
Answer – c) 600 kg

Let X kg of alloy is needed. So, 15/100 of X = 90. So X =600 kg

Q. 40% of the students like Mathematics, 50% like English, and 10% like both Mathematics and English. What % of the students like neither English nor Mathematics?
A) 25%
B) 10%
C) 20%
D) 60%
E) 80%
Answer – C) 20%

n(M or E) = n(M) + n(E) – n(M and E)
n(M or E) = 4010 = 80
so % of the students who like neither English nor Mathematics = 100 – 80 = 20%

Q. A solution contains 10% of salt by weight. On evaporation, 15 litre of water evaporates and now concentration of salt becomes 20 per cent. Find the initial quantity of solution
a) 20ltr
b) 30ltr
c) 40ltr
d) 50ltr
e) None of these
Answer – b) 30ltr
Explanation :

Let initial quantity is x liter
final, salt = (x/10)/ (x – 15) = 20/100

Q. A vendor sells 50 per cent of the apples he had and throws away 20 per cent of the remainder. The next day he sells 60 per cent of the remainder and throws away the rest. What percent of his apples does the vendor throw?
a) 20%
b) 22%
c) 24%
d) 26%
e) None of these
Answer – d) 26%
Explanation :

Let total apples be 100
first day he throws = 5020/100 = 10 apples next day he throws = 4040/100 = 16 apples
so total = 26

Q. The population of a village has increased annually at a rate of 20%. If at the end of 3 years it is 21600, the population at the beginning of the first year?
a) 10000
b) 12500
c) 15000
d) 17500
e) None of these
Answer – b) 12500
Explanation :

21600 = P*(1 + 20/100)^3

FAQ – Percentage Questions PDF

  1. How do you solve a percent question?

    Ans- Finding 100% of a number: Remember that 100% means the whole thing, so 100% of any number
    Finding 50% of a number: Remember that 50% means half, so to find 50% of a number, just divide it by 2
    Finding 25% of a number: Remember that 25% equals 1/4, so to find 25% of a number, divide it by 4

  2. What is Percentage?

    Ans- Percentage describes how many parts out of 100 parts of a particular thing. When we say percentage, we are actually saying “Percentage” which means ‘per hundred’ or ‘for every hundred’.

  3. How find the percentage of a number?

    Ans- You divide your percentage by 100. So, 50% would be 50 divided by 100 or . 50.

  4. What is percentage and its formula?

    Ans- Percentage describes how many parts out of 100 parts of a particular thing. When we say percentage, we are actually saying “Percentage” which means ‘per hundred’ or ‘for every hundred’. Percentage formula is Percentage = (Value ⁄ Total Value) × 100


So, we hope that with lots of practice, these steps can help the Aspirants during their Competitive exam preparation to build the Knowledge that is required to solve Percentage Questions PDF during the Competitive exams.

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