RBI Grade B Syllabus 2024, Check Subject Wise Detailed Syllabus & Exam Pattern


Hello Dear Aspirants,

RBI Grade B Syllabus 2024: The syllabus for RBI Grade B Exam is similar to that of any other bank exam. There are four major sections that a candidate needs to prepare to ace the preliminary exam. These are Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Language and General Awareness. The sections have a wide range of topics on which questions are based.

With the notification for the RBI Grade B exam 2024 expected to be released on 18 July 2024, it is essential for candidates to familiarize themselves with the detailed syllabus to strategize their preparation effectively. The RBI Grade B exam is one of the most prestigious and competitive exams in the banking sector, covering a wide range of topics including Economic and Social Issues, Finance, and Management, along with English language skills. Understanding the syllabus is the first step towards focused and efficient preparation, ensuring candidates cover all necessary topics to maximize their chances of success.

RBI Grade B Revised Syllabus 2024

RBI has released a separate RBI Grade B exam pattern and RBI Grade B syllabus for all posts- General, DEPR & DSIM in the previous year notification. Candidates must look into the change in syllabus and exam pattern and prepare accordingly for RBI Grade B 2024 examination.

Exam Conducting BodyReserve Bank of India
Exam NameRBI Grade B 2024
Mode of ExamOnline
Selection ProcessPhase 1 (Objective) 
Phase 2 (Descriptive)
Phase 3 (Interview)
Negative Marking0.25 marks (in objective type)
Language of PaperEnglish and Hindi 
Official websiterbi.org.in

RBI Grade B Selection Process 2024

The RBI Grade B selection process involves several stages, each designed to test different aspects of a candidate’s knowledge and skills. Each post has its own selection process which is as follows- 

RBI Grade B DR (General)- Prelims, Mains and Interview

RBI Grade B- DEPR- Online/ Written Examination and Interview

RBI Grade B- DSIM- Online/ Written Examination and Interview

RBI Grade B Exam Pattern 2024 for General (DR)

The RBI Grade B Exam Pattern is generally given in the detailed RBI Grade B Notification.  Here the candidates can check the detailed RBI Grade B Exam Pattern for all the stages of the examination. As mentioned above the RBI Grade B Exam has three stages for General (DR). Here is the detailed RBI Grade B Exam Pattern 2024.

RBI Grade B Exam Pattern for Phase 1

Here is the detailed exam pattern for Phase I of RBI Grade B Exam 2024.

  1. The RBI Grade B Phase 1 exam consists of a total of 200 questions, with each question carrying one mark.
  2. The maximum mark possible in the exam is 200 Marks.
  3. Candidates are given a total of 120 minutes or 2 hours to complete the exam.
  4. There is a  negative marking of 0.25 marks for every incorrect answer marked by the candidate.
  5. The exam also has a sectional cut-off for each section of the exam, and candidates will have to clear both sectional cut-offs as well as the overall cut-off to qualify for the next stage.
RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam Pattern 2024
Name Of The SectionNo. Of Questions MarksDuration
English Language303025 Minutes
General Awareness808025 Minutes
Quantitative Aptitude303025 Minutes
Reasoning606045 Minutes
Total200200120 Minutes

Note- The marks scored by candidates in the RBI Grade B Phase 1 exam will not be considered in the final merit list. The merit list will be based on the marks scored by candidates in the Phase 2 exam and the interview round.

RBI Grade B Exam Pattern for Phase 2

1. RBI Grade B Mains exam has total marks of 300. 

2. The mains (Phase-II) examination for RBI Grade B Officers in Gr B (DR)- General is consist of 3 papers (Paper-I +Paper-II +Paper-III). 

3. Candidates are required to appear for all shifts. 

4. Separate Admission Letters will be issued for each shift. 

5. The Phase-II online Examination will be conducted only for the candidates who are shortlisted based on results of Phase-I and based on the cut-off decided by the Board. 

7. The Phase-II examination will be in shifts. Candidates are required to appear for all shifts.

RBI Grade B Phase 2 Exam Pattern
Name Of PaperType Of PaperTimeNo. Of QuestionsMarks
Economic and Social Issues
50% Objective30 Minutes30 Objective Questions50
50% Descriptive90 Minutes4 Descriptive Questions50
English (Writing Skills)
Descriptive90 Minutes3100
General Finance & Management
50% Objective120 Minutes30 Objective Questions50
50% Descriptive 4 Descriptive Questions50

RBI Grade B Syllabus 2024 for DR (General)

RBI Grade B Syllabus for Phase 1 has four subjects. You can access here the section-wise syllabus for RBI Grade B.

  1. English Language
  2. General Awareness
  3. Quantitative Aptitude
  4. Reasoning Ability

RBI Grade B Syllabus 2024: Phase I General (DR)

Here is the detailed RBI Grade B Syllabus for the phase 1 exam.

RBI Grade B Syllabus 2024: Phase I General (DR)
English LanguageReasoning AbilityQuantitative AptitudeGeneral Awareness
Reading ComprehensionPuzzlesData InterpretationIndian Banking Systems
Cloze TestSeating ArrangementsInequalities (Quadratic Equations)Indian Financial Systems
FillersDirection SenseNumber SeriesGovt. Schemes and Policies
Error DetectionBlood RelationApproximation or SimplificationCurrent Affairs
Vocabulary based questionsSyllogismData SufficiencyStatic Awareness
Sentence ImprovementOrder and RankingMiscellaneous Arithmetic ProblemsMonetary Plans
Jumbled ParagraphCoding-DecodingQuantity Comparison (Q1 & Q2)National Institutions
Phrase Replacement/ Phrase CorrectionMachine Input-OutputBanking Terms
Match The ColumnInequalities
Word SwapAlpha-Numeric-Symbol Series
Word RearrangementData Sufficiency
IdiomsLogical Reasoning (Passage Inference, Statement,
Assumption, Conclusion, Argument)
Paragraph /Sentences Restatement
Paragraph Based Questions
Paragraph Fillers

RBI Grade B Syllabus 2024: Phase II General (DR)

In the Phase 2 exam of the RBI Grade B officer, there are 3 Papers viz.

  • Paper I (Economic and Social Issues)
  • Paper II (English Writing Skills)
  • Paper III (General Finance and Management)

We have shared the detailed updated RBI Grade B Syllabus for Phase 2.

RBI Grade B Syllabus 2024: Phase II Paper 1 General (DR)

The detailed topic-wise syllabus for RBI Grade B Phase 2 Paper I for Economic and Social Issues is provided below:

  • Growth and Development â€“ Measurement of growth: National Income and per capita income – Poverty Alleviation and Employment Generation in India – Sustainable Development and Environmental issues.
  • Indian Economy: Economic History of India, Changes in Industrial and Labour Policy, Monetary and Fiscal Policy since reforms of 1991, Priorities and recommendations of Economic Survey and Union Budget – Indian Money and Financial Markets: Linkages with the economy – Role of Indian banks and Reserve Bank in the development process, Public Finance, Political Economy – Industrial Developments in India- Indian Agriculture – Services sector in India.
  • Globalization: Opening up of the Indian Economy, Balance of Payments, Export-Import Policy, International Economic Institutions, IMF and World Bank, WTO, Regional Economic Co-operation; International Economic Issues.
  • Social Structure in India: Multiculturalism – Demographic Trends – Urbanisation and Migration, Gender Issues – Social Justice

RBI Grade B Syllabus 2024: Phase II Paper 2 General(DR)

The RBI Grade B Syllabus 2024 for Phase 2 Paper II will be descriptive. The paper on English shall be framed in a manner to assess the writing skills including expression and understanding of the topic

RBI Grade B Syllabus 2024: Phase II Paper 3 General(DR)

The RBI Grade B Syllabus 2024 for Phase 2 and Paper III includes General Finance and Management. We have shared the detailed topic-wise syllabus for the convenience of the aspirants:

(I) Finance

(a) Financial System

  • Structure and Functions Of Financial Institutions
  • Functions Of Reserve Bank of India
  • Banking System in India – Structure and Developments, Financial Institutions – SIDBI, EXIM Bank, NABARD, NHB, NaBFID etc.
  • Recent Developments in Global Financial System and its impact on Indian Financial System
  • Role Of Information Technology in Banking and Finance
  • Non- Banking System
  • Developments in Digital Payments

(b)Financial Markets

Primary and Secondary Markets (Forex, Money, Bond, Equity, etc.), function, instruments, recent developments.

(c) General Topics

  • Financial Risk Management
  • Basics of Derivatives
  • Global financial markets and International Banking-broad trends and latest developments
  • Financial Inclusion
  • Alternate source of finance, private and social cost-benefit, Public-Private Partnership
  • Corporate Governance in Banking Sector
  • The Union Budget – Concepts, approach and broad trends
  • Basics of Accounting and Financial Statements- Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss, Cash Flow Statements, Ratio Analysis(such as Debt to Equity, Debtor Days, Creditor Days, Inventory Turnover, Return On Assets, Return On Equity, etc. )
  • Inflation: Definition, trends, estimates, consequences, and remedies (control): WPI, CPI -components and trends; striking a balance between inflation and growth through monetary and fiscal policies.

(d) Management:

        Fundamentals of Management & organizational behavior

  •  Introduction to management; Evolution of management thought: Scientific, Administrative, Human relations and Systems approach to management; Management functions and Managerial roles; Nudge theory
  • Meaning & concept of organizational behavior; Personality: meaning, factors affecting personality, Big five model of personality; the concept of reinforcement; Perception: concept, perceptual errors. Motivation: Concept, importance, Content theories (Maslow’s need theory, Alderfers’ ERG theory, McCllelands’ theory of needs, Herzberg’s two-factor theory) & Process theories (Adams equity theory, Vroom’s expectancy theory.
  • Leadership: Concept, Theories (Trait, Behavioural, Contingency, Charismatic, Transactional and Transformational leadership; Emotional Intelligence: Concept, Importance, Dimensions. Analysis of Interpersonal Relationship: Transactional Analysis, Johari window; Conflict: Concepts, Sources, Types, Management of conflict; Organizational Change: Concept Kurt Lewin Theory of Change
  • Organizational Development (OD): Organisational Change, Strategies for Change, Theories of
    Planned Change (Lewin’s change model, Action research model, Positive model).

        Ethics At The Workplace and Corporate Governance

  • Meaning of ethics, why ethical problems occur in business. Theories of ethics: Utilitarianism: weighing social cost and benefits, rights and duties, Justice and fairness, ethics of care, integrating utility, rights, justice & caring, An alternative to moral principles: virtue ethics, teleological theories, egoism theory, relativism theory, Moral issues in business: Ethics in compliance, Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, etc. Ethical principles in Business: Introduction, Organization Structure, and Ethics, Role of Board of Directors, Best Practices in Ethics program, Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct, etc.
  • Corporate Governance: Factors Affecting Corporate Governance; Mechanisms of Corporate Governance
  • Communication: Steps in the Communication Process; Communication Channels; Oral versus Written communication; Verbal versus Nonverbal communication; upward, downward and lateral communication; Barriers to Communication, Role of Information Technology.

RBI Grade B Exam Pattern 2024 for DEPR

  1. The process for selecting candidates for RBI Grade B (DR)- DEPR involves an Online/Written Examination and an Interview.
  2. In Phase I, Paper I is Objective Type (on Economics), while Paper II is Descriptive Type (on English). In Phase II, Paper I & Paper II are Descriptive Type (on Economics).
  3. Candidates must score the minimum aggregate marks in Paper I, II of Phase I, in order to be shortlisted for Paper II Exam.
  4. The final selection will be based on the candidate’s performance in Phase I, II, and the Interview round. The Interview round will carry 75 marks.
RBI Grade B Exam Pattern For DEPR
Phase Name Of PaperDurationMaximum Marks
Phase IPaper – I Descriptive Type (on Economics)
(Question paper displayed on a computer, answers
to be written on paper)Paper – II Descriptive Type (on Economics)
(Question paper displayed on computer, answers
to be written on paper)
120 Minutes100
120 Minutes100
Phase IIPaper – I Descriptive Type (on Economics)
(Question paper displayed on a computer, answers
to be written on paper)Paper – II Descriptive Type (on Economics)
(Question paper displayed on a computer, answers
to be written on paper)
120 Minutes100
120 Minutes100

RBI Grade B Syllabus for DEPR

The syllabus for RBI Grade B (DR) DEPR is as per the specialization. The syllabus pertains to core economics and is generally similar to the syllabus for a Master’s Degree in economics.

Phase – I: Paper I Objective Type (on Economics)

(1) Microeconomics (Theories of consumer’s demand; Production; Market Structures and Pricing; Distribution; and Welfare Economics)
(2) Macro Economics (Theories of Employment, Output and Inflation; Monetary Economics; ISLM Model; Schools of Economic Thought)
(3) International Economics (Theories of International Trade; Balance of Payments; Exchange Rate Models)
(4) Theories of Economic Growth and Development (Classical neo-classical approaches to economic growth and major theories of economic development)
(5) Public Finance (Theories of taxation and public expenditure and Public Debt Management)
(6) Environmental Economics (Green GDP, Environmental Valuation, Environmental policy instruments)
(7) Quantitative Methods in Economics (Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Economics, Ordinary Least Square Regression)
(8) Current developments in Indian Economy (Growth, inflation, poverty, unemployment, financial sector developments, external sector developments, fiscal developments, agriculture, industry, infrastructure, and services)

Phase – I: Paper II Descriptive Type (on English)

The English paper will be designed to evaluate the candidate’s writing abilities, including their expression and comprehension of the given topic.

Phase – II: Paper – I Descriptive Type (on Economics)

Microeconomic Module
• Consumer Theory: Cardinal and Marginal Utility Analysis, Consumer Surplus, Indifference Curve Analysis, Price, Income and Substitution Effects, Game Theory
• Production Theory: Forms of Production function; Laws of Returns to Scale; Partial Equilibrium Vs General Equilibrium Analysis
• Market Theory: Pricing under different market structures

  • Distribution Theories: Ricardo, Marx, Kalecki and Kaldor

• Welfare Economics: Pareto Optimality, Schools of Welfare Thought including Arrow, Coase and Sen
Macroeconomic Module
• National Income Accounting: Various methods for measurement of National Income
• Theory of employment and Output: Classical and Neo-classical approaches, Keynesian theory of Employment and output, Post-Keynesian developments, Business Cycles
• Inflation: Types of Inflation, Philip’s curve, Taylor’s Rule, Lucas Critique
• Money and Banking: Quantity theory of Money, Neutrality of money, IS – LM Model and AD-AS Models, Money Multiplier, Monetary Policy – Scope, Objectives and instruments, Inflation targeting
• Theories of Economic Growth and Development: Theories of growth, Classical and neoclassical approaches, Theories of Economic Development
• International trade and Balance of payments: Theories of international trade, Determination of exchange rates, Impossible Trinity
• Public Finance: Theories of taxation, Theories of public expenditure, Theories of public debt management

Phase – II – Paper-II Descriptive Type (on Economics)

Module on Quantitative Methods in Economics
• Mathematical Methods in Economics: Differentiation and Integration, Optimisation, Sets, Matrices, Linear algebra and Linear programming
• Statistical Methods in Economics: Measures of central tendency and dispersions, Probability, Time series, Index numbers.
• Econometrics and advanced Applications: Regression analysis, Panel data econometrics, Time Series econometrics, Basics of Bayesian Econometrics, Basic application of Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning

Module on Indian Economy – Policy and Trends
• Fiscal policy in India: Evolution, scope and limitations, current trends
• Monetary Policy in India: Evolution, Functions of the Reserve Bank of India, MonetaryFiscal coordination, Inflation targeting, Operating framework of Monetary Policy, Current trends
• Banking and financial sector development in India: Banks and other constituents of Indian financial markets and related developments, Current trends
• Inflation in India: Trends and drivers
• External sector developments in India: Exchange rate management, external debt, Balance of payments, Current trends

RBI Grade B Exam Pattern For DSIM

  1. The process for selecting candidates for RBI Grade B (DR)- DSIM involves an Online/Written Examination and an Interview.
  2. The Examination consists of three papers. Paper I is Objective Type (on Statistics), while Paper II and III are descriptive type.
  3. Candidates must score the minimum aggregate marks in Paper I as prescribed, in order to be shortlisted for Paper II/III based on their Paper I scores.
  4. The final selection will be based on the candidate’s performance in Paper I, II & III, and the Interview round. The Interview round will be carried for 75 marks.
RBI Grade B Exam Pattern 2024 for DSIM
Phase IPaper-I Statistics (Objective Type)120 minutes100
Phase IIPaper-III English – Descriptive
(To be typed with help of a keyboard)
180 minutes100
Paper-III English – Descriptive
(To be typed with help of keyboard)
90 minutes100

RBI Grade B Syllabus for DSIM

Here, we have discussed the RBI Grade B Syllabus for DSIM for all the three papers.


Questions would cover Probability: Definition of Probability, Standard distribution, Large and small sample theory, Analysis of Variance, Estimation, Testing of Hypotheses, Multivariate analysis and Stochastic Processes.


Questions would cover (i) Probability and Sampling, (ii) Linear Models and Economic Statistics, (iii) Statistical Inference: Estimation, Testing of hypothesis and Non-parametric Test, (iv) Stochastic Processes, (v) Multivariate analysis, (vi) Econometrics and time series, (vii) Statistical computing; and (viii) Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Techniques.

Candidates will have ample options to answer the mandatory number of questions from a minimum of three out of the eight groups mentioned above.

Paper-III: English

The English paper will be designed to evaluate the candidate’s writing abilities, including their expression and comprehension of the given topic.

RBI Grade B Interview

The Interview will be of 75 marks for each post. Candidates will be shortlisted for the interview, based on an aggregate of marks obtained in Phase-II (Paper-I +Paper-II +Paper-III). The minimum aggregate cut off marks for being shortlisted for an Interview will be decided by the Board in relation to the number of vacancies. Roll No. of the candidates shortlisted for interview will be published on the RBI website at the appropriate time and interview call letters will be sent on registered email ID. Candidates may opt for an interview either in Hindi or English. Final Selection will be through merit list which will be prepared by adding marks secured by candidates in Phase-II examination and interview.

Besides the preliminary exam and the mains exam, an interview process is also conducted for candidates who qualify for the first two phases of the RBI Grade B Officer Exam.

The final merit list is made on the basis of marks obtained by a candidate in his/ her main exam and interview process.


Q. Is there a negative marking in RBI Grade B?

Ans: Yes, there is a negative marking in objective-type questions of 1/4 of the marks assigned to that question.

Q 1. How many stages are there in RBI Grade B?

Ans: There are only three stages in the RBI Grade B examination process namely- Phase I, Phase II, and Interview

Q. What is the mode of RBI Grade B Exam?

Ans: Online Mode

Q. How many sections are there in RBI Grade B Phase I?

Ans. There are four sections in the RBI Grade B Phase I exam for General (DR) posts and for DSIM and DEPR posts there is only one section

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