SBI Clerk Prelim Exam Analysis 13 July 2021 All Shift (Check Here)


SBI Clerk Prelim Exam Analysis 13 July 2021 All Shift: (IBPS) Institute of Banking Selection Personnel will conduct the State Bank of India (SBI Clerk) exam on 10, 11, 12, 13 July 2021.

The exam will be conducted in multiple shifts in computer-based mode. Once the exam is conducted, candidates can check the exam analysis provided here. The SBI Clerk exam analysis will help you understand the type of questions asked, difficulty level, topic-wise weightage of marks, and a number of good attempts for various shifts.

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis for 13th July 2021: Shift 4

For the 2nd shift, we provide the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis for 13th July 2021. In this, you can check the overall good attempts, section-wise good attempts, and exam difficulty levels.

SectionNo. of questionsGood attempts
English Language23-26Easy-Moderate
Reasoning Ability25-28Easy-Moderate
Numerical Ability23-26Easy-Moderate

SBI Clerk Prelims Analysis for 13th July 2021: 4th Shift (English)

TopicNumber of Questions
Reading Comprehension10
Error Spotting5
Sentence Rearrangement5
Phrase Replacement5

SBI Clerk Prelims Analysis for 13th July 2021: 4th Shift (Quantitative Aptitude)

TopicNumber of Questions
Wrong Number5
Quantity 1 & Quantity 22
Data Interpretation (Table)5
Application Sums13

SBI Clerk Prelims Analysis for 13th July 2021: 4th Shift (Reasoning Ability)

TopicNumber of Questions
Chinese Coding5
Direction Sense4
Box Based Puzzle(8 boxes)5
Day Based Puzzle5
Parallel 2 rows facing each other5
Comparison Puzzle(score-based)3

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis for 13th July 2021: Shift 3

For the 3rd shift, we provide the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis for 13th July 2021. In this, you can check the overall good attempts, section-wise good attempts, and exam difficulty levels.

SectionNo. of questionsGood attemptsDifficulty Level
English Language3023-25Easy
Reasoning Ability3529-32Easy
Numerical Ability3523-25Easy-Moderate
Total10080 – 85Easy

SBI Clerk Prelims Analysis for 13th July 2021: 3rd Shift (English)

TopicNumber of Questions
Reading Comprehension8-10
Error Spotting5
Para Jumble5
Cloze Test2-3
Fill ups05
Spelling Error5

SBI Clerk Prelims Analysis for 13th July 2021: 3rd Shift (Quantitative Aptitude)

TopicNumber of Questions
Quadratic Equations5
Data Interpretation(Tabular)7-8
Application Sums7-8

SBI Clerk Prelims Analysis for 13th July 2021: 3rd Shift (Reasoning Ability)

TopicNumber of Questions
Blood Relation3
Chinese Coding5
Floor & Flat Based Puzzle5
Comparison Puzzle3
Linear Seating Arrangement(8 Persons)5
Month Date Puzzle5
Alphanumeric Series5

SBI Clerk Prelim Exam Analysis 13 July 2021 Shift 2

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2021 Shift 2, 13 July: Difficulty Level

The SBI Clerk Exam analysis 2021 shift 2 on 13th July 2021, is over now and after the review of the students and experts, we will be looking at the SBI Clerk prelims exam analysis 2021. Before the detailed analysis let us look at the Difficulty Level of the SBI Clerk Prelims Examination.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2021: Difficulty Level
English LanguageEasy to Moderate
Reasoning AbilityEasy
Quantitative AptitudeEasy to Moderate
OverallEasy to Moderate

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2021 13th July: Good Attempts

Good attempts of the SBI Clerk 2021 exam depends on the difficulty level, number of questions, number of vacancies, etc. In the table mentioned below we have provided the average good marks or attempts for each sections of SBI Clerk exam analysis 2021 :

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2021: Good Attempts
SectionsGood AttemptsDuration
English Language23-2520 minutes
Reasoning Ability25-2820 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude24-2520 minutes
Overall72-781 hour

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2021: Section-Wise

The level of each section was different, so it very important to check the SBI Clerk prelims exam analysis 2021 section-wise for each section.

English Language

10 questions were asked from Reading Comprehension which was based on Nelson Mandela story.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2021- English Language
TopicsNo. of QuestionsLevel
Reading Comprehension10Easy to Moderate
Error Detection5Easy
Para Jumbled5Easy to Moderate
Overall30Easy to Moderate

Reasoning Ability

The reasoning ability section of the SBI Clerk Prelims 2021 exam was Easy. — questions were asked from seating arrangement and puzzle. Reasoning section was doable and the most favourite section in 2nd shift. 

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2021- Reasoning Ability
TopicsNo. of QuestionsLevel
Month Based Puzzle5Easy to Moderate
Square Seating Arrangement5Easy to Moderate
Floor and Flat Based Puzzle5Easy to Moderate
Chinese Coding-Decoding5Easy
Number Series4Easy
Direction and Distance3Easy
Word Formation1Easy

Quantitative Aptitude

The quantitative aptitude section of the SBI Clerk Prelims exam 2021 was Moderate. 5 questions were asked from data interpretation.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2021- Quantitative Aptitude
TopicsNo. of QuestionsLevel
Data Interpretation5Easy to Moderate
Missing Number Series5Easy
Q1 and Q22Easy to Moderate
Arithmetic11Easy to Moderate
Overall35Easy to Moderate

SBI Clerk Prelim Exam Analysis 13 July 2021 Shift 1

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2021 Shift 1, 13th July: Difficulty Level

The SBI Clerk Exam analysis 2021 shift 1 on 13th July 2021, is over now and after the review of the students and experts, we will be looking at the SBI Clerk prelims exam analysis 2021. Before the detailed analysis let us look at the Difficulty Level of the SBI Clerk Prelims Examination.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2021: Difficulty Level
English LanguageEasy to Moderate
Reasoning AbilityModerate
Quantitative AptitudeEasy to Moderate
OverallEasy to Moderate

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2021 13th July: Good Attempts

Good attempts of the SBI Clerk 2021 exam depends on the difficulty level, number of questions, number of vacancies, etc. In the table mentioned below we have provided the average good marks or attempts for each section of SBI Clerk exam analysis 2021 :

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2021: Good Attempts
SectionsGood AttemptsDuration
English Language23-2620 minutes
Reasoning Ability21-2420 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude23-2620 minutes
Overall67-761 hour

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2021: Section-Wise Analysis

The level of each section was different, so it very important to check the SBI Clerk prelims exam analysis 2021 section-wise for each section.

English Language

10 questions were asked from Reading Comprehension was based on Impact of Pandemic on Mental Health. 2 vocabulary words were asked i.e. Accord and Function.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2021- English Language
TopicsNo. of QuestionsLevel
Reading Comprehension10Easy to Moderate
Cloze Test4Easy to Moderate
Error Detection6Easy
Para Jumbled (International Atomic Energy)5Easy to Moderate
Overall30Easy to Moderate

Reasoning Ability

The reasoning ability section of the SBI Clerk Prelims 2021 exam was Moderate. 20 questions were asked from seating arrangement and puzzle and the seating arrangement and puzzle section was time consuming.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2021- Reasoning Ability
TopicsNo. of QuestionsLevel
Square Seating Arrangement5Moderate
Circular Seating Arrangement5Moderate
Day Based Puzzle5Moderate
Box Based Puzzle5Moderate
Coding-Decoding4Easy to Moderate
Blood Relation3Easy
Mixed Series4Easy

Quantitative Aptitude

The quantitative aptitude section of the SBI Clerk Prelims exam 2021 was Moderate. 10 questions were asked from data interpretation.

SBI Clerk Exam Analysis 2021- Quantitative Aptitude
TopicsNo. of QuestionsLevel
Caselet Data Interpretation5Easy to Moderate
Line Graph Data Interpretation5Easy to Moderate
Wrong Number Series5Easy
Arithmetic10Easy to Moderate
Overall35Easy to Moderate


SBI Clerk Important Link

SBI Clerk Notification 2021SBI Clerk SyllabusSBI Clerk Exam Date
SBI Clerk Admit CardSBI Clerk Cut-offsSBI Clerk Study Material
SBI Clerk Exam Day Guideline 2021SBI Clerk SalarySBI Clerk Result


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