SSC MTS Syllabus 2023 and Exam Pattern PDF, Subject wise MTS Syllabus Link


SSC MTS Syllabus 2023

SSC MTS Syllabus 2023: As you know, SSC MTS 2023 Paper-1 exam is scheduled Was held on April 2023, therefore the candidates interested in this recruitment drive must begin with their preparation for the upcoming exam. In this article, we are covering the SSC MTS Syllabus and Exam Pattern for the year 2023 Exam in detail.

The SSC MTS Syllabus consists of 4 sections including Reasoning Ability, Numerical Aptitude, English Language, and General Awareness. This article includes SSC MTS Syllabus sections along with the no. of questions expected from each topic, the weightage of these questions, and how to approach them which has been explained in detail on this Post.

SSC MTS Syllabus 2023 Overview

In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the SSC MTS Syllabus 2023, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the corresponding exam format. The following section provides an overview of the SSC MTS Syllabus 2023. If you are actively preparing for the SSC MTS Exam, I recommend thoroughly reading this article and structuring your preparation strategy accordingly.

SSC MTS Syllabus 2023 Overview
Conducting BodyStaff Selection Commission (SSC)
Exam NameSSC MTS 2023
SSC MTS Exam Date 20231st to 29th September 2023
Selection ProcessComputer Based TestPhysical Efficiency Test (PET)/ Physical Standard Test (PST) (only for the post of Havaldar)
No. of Questions90
Max. Marks270
Negative MarkingSession 1- No negative markingSession 2- 1 mark

SSC MTS Selection Process 2023

This year SSC has changed the SSC MTS Selection Process. According to the revised selection process, the selection of candidates will be done on the basis of Paper 1 only followed by PET/PST and Document Verification.

  • CBE
  • PET/PST (only for the post of Havaldar)
  • Document Verification

In this article, we are providing the SSC MTS Syllabus 2023, so that you can prepare accordingly and score well. The complete syllabus including the topics asked in the MTS exam has been provided here.

SSC MTS 2023: Paper 1 Exam Pattern

  • The SSC MTS Exam Paper 1 is scheduled in April 2023. This year SSC has revised the SSC MTS Exam Pattern 2023. As per the revised exam pattern, a Computer-Based Examination will be conducted which is divided into 2 Sessions: Session-I and Session-II. It is mandatory to attempt both the Sessions.  Not attempting any session will disqualify the candidate.
  • Paper- I will be objective type (Multiple Choice Questions).
  • There will be no negative marking in Session-I. In Session-II, there will be negative marking of one mark for each wrong answer.
  • The normalization of marks will be done.
  • The questions will be set in English, Hindi and other 13 languages.
SubjectNo. Of QuestionsMarksDuration
Session 1
Numerical and Mathematical Ability206045 minutes
Reasoning Ability and Problem-Solving2060
Session 2
General Awareness257545 minutes
English Language and Comprehension2575

SSC MTS Syllabus 2023 for Paper 1

This year, there will be a new format for the SSC MTS 2023 Exam, conducted by the commission. The exam will now only consist of a Computer-Based Examination (CBE) and there will be no Tier-2 Exam. Additionally, there have been changes made to the SSC MTS Syllabus for the CBE, which is now divided into two sessions. 

The Staff Selection Commission is organising a competitive exam to hire candidates for the position of Multi-Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff, categorised as a Group ‘C’ Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial post under Pay Level-1 as per the 7th Pay Commission’s Pay Matrix. This recruitment is for various Ministries/Departments/Offices of the Indian Government, as well as Constitutional Bodies/Statutory Bodies/Tribunals, and more information about the SSC MTS Syllabus 2023 can be found in this article. 

SSC MTS Reasoning Syllabus 2023

Applicants can access the SSC MTS Syllabus 2023 pertaining to General Intelligence and Reasoning from the provided chart. It encompasses common subject areas frequently encountered in SSC examinations. Review the table underneath to align your preparation with the specified topics. This syllabus aligns with the guidelines set forth by SSC.

SSC MTS Syllabus 2023 for General Intelligence and Reasoning
1Number & Alphabetical Series
4Odd one Out
6Directions Sense
8Non-verbal: Paper Folding & Cutting, Mirror Image, Embedded or Completing the Image, Counting Figure
9Blood Relation
11Mathematical Calculations
12Words order according to the dictionary

SSC MTS Syllabus 2023 for Numerical Aptitude

Applicants can locate the SSC MTS Syllabus 2023 pertaining to Numerical Aptitude in the provided table underneath.

SSC MTS Syllabus 2023 for Numerical Aptitude
1Number System/HCF/LCM
2Percentage, Average
3Time and Work
4Profit and Loss
5Ratio, Mixture & Allegation
6Speed, Time and Distance
7Compound Interest and Simple Interest

SSC MTS English Syllabus 2023

Prospective examinees can locate the English syllabus for SSC MTS 2023 in the provided table. The examination will encompass fundamental aspects of English language including grammar, vocabulary, idioms, phrases, fill in the blanks, comprehension, and more. For a more comprehensive understanding of the topics, please consult the table.

SSC MTS Syllabus 2023 for English
1Spot the Error
2Fill in the Blanks
5Spelling/detecting mis-spelled words
6Idioms and Phrases
7One Word Substitution
8Improvement of Sentence
9Comprehension Passage

SSC MTS General Awareness Syllabus 2023

The SSC MTS Syllabus 2023 for General Awareness is available in the provided table. This section covers inquiries about current events and our understanding of their significance.

SSC MTS Syllabus 2023 for General Awareness
1Indian Constitution
2Award Winning Books
3History and Culture
4Awards and Honors
5Economy and Polity
6Current Affairs, Science Inventions & Discoveries
7Important Financial

Physical Standard Test for SSC Havaldar Posts

The criteria for PST for the Havaldar position in CBIC and CBN, outlined in the SSC MTS Notification 2023, are as stated below:

Physical Standard Test for SSC Havaldar Posts
Height157.5 cms (relaxable by 5 Cms in the case of Garhwalis, Assamese, Gorkhas and members of Scheduled Tribes)152 cms(relaxable by 2.5 Cms in the case of Garhwalis, Assamese, Gorkhas and members of Schedule Tribes)
Chest76 cms (unexpanded)Minimum expansion: 5 cms—
Weight—48 kg(relaxable by 2 Kg in the case of Garhwalis, Assamese, Gorkhas and members of Schedule Tribes)

Check Category Wise Details

SSC MTS NotificationSSC MTS SyllabusSSC MTS Exam Date
SSC MTS Admit CardSSC MTS Cut-offsSSC MTS Answer Key
SSC MTS Previous Year PapersSSC MTS SalarySSC MTS Result

SSC MTS Syllabus 2023: FAQs

Q.How many sections are there in SSC MTS Paper 1?

Ans: There are 4 sections divided in two Sessions in the SSC MTS Paper 1

Q.Is there any negative marking in SSC MTS paper 1?

Ans: There will be no negative marking in Session-I. There will be a negative marking of one mark for each wrong answer in Session II.

Q. What is the total number of questions that will be asked in MTS Paper-1?

Ans. A total of 100 questions will be asked in SSC MTS 2023 Paper-1 exam.

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