The Hindu Editorial VOCAB 18 June 2022 (Improve Your Vocabulary


The Hindu Editorial VOCAB 18 June 2022

ECHELON (noun): उपाधि स्तर

  • Meaning: a level or rank in an organization, a profession, or society.
  • अर्थ : एक संगठन, एक पेशे या समाज में एक स्तर या रैंक।
  • Synonyms: status, rank, grade, stratum.
  • Antonyms:  slope, unemployment, unsettle.
  • Example: The prominent college ranks among the top echelon of schools in the nation.

EXIGENT (Adjective) : जरूरी, अत्यावश्यक 

  • Meaning: pressing; demanding.
  • अर्थ : अत्यावश्यक, माँग करना
  • Synonyms: urgent, crucial
  • Antonyms: unpressured, facile
  • Example: I try not to be exigent with my students, but as a teacher I have to press them to get their work done.

EULOGIZE(Verb): स्तुति करना

  • Meaning: to praise someone or something in a speech or piece of writing
  • अर्थ : भाषण या लेखन के किसी अंश में किसी की प्रशंसा करना
  • Synonyms: applaud, commend
  • Antonyms: blame, criticize
  • Example: Critics everywhere have eulogized her new novel.

DIMINUTION (Noun) : अवनति

  • Meaning: a reduction in the size, extent, or importance of something.
  • अर्थ: किसी चीज के आकार, सीमा या महत्व में कमी।
  • Synonyms: curtailment,  contraction, constriction, restriction, limitation
  • Antonyms: increase, expansion, growth
  • Sentence:  The diminution of cafeteria monitors has resulted in an increase in food fights at the high school.

RELENT (verb) : नरम पड़ना

  • Meaning: to cease resistance (as to another’s arguments, demands, or control).
  • अर्थ: प्रतिरोध को रोकना (दूसरे के तर्क, मांग या नियंत्रण के अनुसार)।
  • Synonyms: concede, give in, submit, succumb.
  • Antonyms: combat, confront, counter, defy.
  • Sentence: Because my mother is very angry, she won’t relent on my severe punishment.

Malapert (adjective)  : गुस्ताख़

  • Meaning: boldly disrespectful; impudent.
  • अर्थ: साहसपूर्वक अनादर।
  • Synonym: impertinent, cheeky, rude, brazen.
  • Antonyms: courteous, humble, modest, polite.
  • Sentence: In a fury, she said that he was too malapert to give her such an answer, and affirmed that both he and they should repent it.

Taciturn(Adjective) : अल्पभाषी

  • Meaning: tending to be quiet, not speaking frequently.
  • अर्थ: शांत रहना, बार-बार नहीं बोलना।
  • Synonym: closemouthed, laconic, untalkative, uncommunicative, reticent, reserved.
  • Antonym: chatty, garrulous, blabby, talkative, loquacious
  • Sentence: He is somewhat taciturn young man.

STASH (Verb) : छिपाने की जगह

  • Meaning: store (something) safely in a hidden or secret place.
  • अर्थ: एक छिपी या गुप्त जगह में सुरक्षित रूप से (कुछ) स्टोर करें।
  • Synonyms: bury, conceal, disguise, smuggle
  • Antonyms: expose, reveal
  • Example: Stash old plastic or paper shopping bags near the rubbish or garbage bin and then you can re-cycle them as bin liners.

SUBTERRANEAN (adjective) : भूमिगत

  • Meaning: secret; concealed.
  • अर्थ:  गुप्त।
  • Synonyms: covert, subversive, sunken, private.
  • Antonyms: aboveground, surface, open, palpable.
  • Example: The robbers are digging a subterranean path that will allow them to enter the bank from underneath the vault’s floor.

Knackered(Adjective) : थका हुआ

  • Meaning: Feeling very tires
  • अर्थ: बहुत थकान महसूस करना
  • Synonym: worn out, weary
  • Antonym: Working and fixed
  • Usage: Reema is feeling knackered after working all day long in the seminar.

INIMICAL (Adjective) : विरोधी

  • Meaning: unfriendly; hostile.
  • अर्थ: अमित्र; शत्रुतापूर्ण।
  • Synonyms: hostile, unfriendly, antagonistic, ill-disposed, unkind
  • Antonyms: friendly, warm
  • Example: It may have become inimical to our happiness.
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