SBI Clerk EWS Certificate 2021 Guideline Changed: Check here Revised


SBI Clerk EWS Certificate 2021: Important Notice for EWS Candidates

SBI Clerk EWS Certificate 2021: Refer to advertisement No. CRPD/CR/2021-22/09 dated 27.04.2021 for the post of Junior Associates (Customer Support & Sales). The guidelines for the production of “Income and Asset Certificate” by EWS candidates (as mentioned in Point No v of Important Note of Page 2) has been revised as under:

The EWS candidates are required to produce for verification, the ‘Income & Assets Certificate’ for the relevant financial year as per the extant DoPT guidelines, on the date of document verification, which shall be intimated to the provisionally selected candidates by the Bank. Hence, the ‘Income & Assets Certificate’ for the relevant financial year can be obtained by the candidate on or before the date of document verification. No request for extension of time for the production of ‘Income & Assets Certificate’ beyond the said date shall be entertained and if a candidate fails to produce the ‘Income & Assets Certificate’ on the date of document verification, he/she will not be considered for appointment in the Bank for the post of Junior Associates (Customer Support & Sales).

Further, the last date for filing an online application and payment of fees has been extended up to 20.05.2021.

Click Here to Check SBI Clerk EWS Guideline Revised 2021

SBI Clerk 2021: Important Information

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