RRB NTPC Exam Analysis 1 Feb 2021: Check Detailed Analysis of Phase 3 (All Shift)


RRB NTPC Exam Analysis 1 Feb 2021:  The RRB NTPC CBT 1 2020 exam conducted by the railway on 1st February in 1st Shift is over. RRB NTPC Shift 1 Exam Analysis is a crucial aspect that aspirants look for after the exam. Many candidates are eyeing the RRB NTPC exam analysis for Shift 1 as it provides an insight into the questions asked in the first shift of the exam. This post contains the subject wise exam Analysis for RRB NTPC 2020 Shift 1 held on 1st February From 10:30 AM to 12 Noon so that all other aspirants can get an overall and clear idea about exam pattern and difficulty level.

The RRB NTPC was an online examination with 3 sections that contains 100 questions for 100 marks, the time duration of the exam is 90 minutes. Negative marking of 1/3 mark for each wrong answer.

Examination SectionNo. of QuestionsDuration
Mathematics3090 Minutes(120 minutes for PwBD candidates)
General Awareness40
General Intelligence & Reasoning30

RRB NTPC Exam Analysis and Good Attempts 1st February Shift 1

As per the review obtained from students, the level of the RRB NTPC exam was easy-moderate. A total of 100 questions were asked to be attempted in 90 minutes.

Examination SectionNo. of QuestionsDuration
Mathematics3090 Minutes(120 minutes for PwBD candidates)
General Awareness40
General Intelligence & Reasoning30

RRB NTPC Section Wise Details Exam Analysis for 1st February Shift 1: 

Here are we are giving you a detailed analysis for RRB NTPC Shift 1 Exam 2020. The exam consists of 3 sections i.e. mathematics. general awareness and general intelligence and reasoning.

RRB NTPC Shift 1 Exam Analysis 2020 for 1st February of General Awareness

SUPER Current Affairs one liner

The general awareness section generally gives a tough time to aspirants. Questions from Current affairs are mainly asked in the exam covering the majority of the portion. Check out the distribution and level of questions asked in this particular section. Some questions asked in today’s RRB NTPC general awareness exam analysis are given below.

  • Who was the Runner up of the men’s Australian Open 2020?
  • What is the full form of LPG?
  • Champaran Satyagrah was held in which year?
  • Dilwara Temple is located in which state?
  • UNO moto 2030?
  • Oldest stock exchange in Asia?
  • World Red cross day is celebrated on which date?
  • Biography of Kalpana Chawla was written by?
  • 1st Women IPS who crossed the south pole?
  • District court comes under?
  • India’s first nuclear test?
  • In which of the following vitamin yeast is present?
  • Diphu Pass is in?
  • Happiness Index started in which year?
  • Which is the largest oil company in India?
  • Which is the largest gas reserve in the world?
  • In which year Internet in India started?
  • DPSP is in which part of the Indian Constitution?
S.NoTopicNo of QuestionsLevel
9.Current Affairs6-7Easy-Moderate

RRB NTPC Mathematics Exam Analysis Shift 1 for 1st February

The mathematics section is generally lengthy comprising questions from arithmetic and advance maths. The level of this section in the exam was easy to moderate and questions were asked from the same topics that were asked in previous shifts. The topic-wise distribution of questions has been provided below.

S.NoTopicNo of QuestionsLevel
1.SI/ CI2–
3.Ratio & Proportion3-4Easy
7.Number System2Easy-Moderate
9.Time and Work3Easy-Moderate
11.Time, Speed and Distance2Easy
13.Profit And Loss2-3
13.DI (Tabular)3-4Moderate

RRB NTPC Exam Analysis 1st February for General Intelligence & Reasoning

The reasoning section tests the thinking abilities of the candidates and comprises a total of 30 questions for 30 marks. The level of reasoning section was easy and questions were asked from the same topics that were asked in previous shifts. The subject-wise distribution of questions asked along with the level has been provided below.

 S.NoTopicNo of QuestionsLevel
2.Sitting arrangement (Circular)4Easy-Moderate
3.Venn Diagram3-4Easy
5.Blood Relation3-4Moderate
6.Statement & Assumptions2Moderate
7.Statement & Conclusion1-2Easy-Moderate
10.Mathematical Operations3-4Moderate
11.Odd one out1-2Easy-Moderate


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