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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 20 June 2020 For Bank SSC Insurance & Other Exams
Important of The Hindu Editorial With Vocabulary: In this competitive, ‘Vocabulary’ assumes an essential job in each test. A few banking and Government tests are round the corner like IBPS PO, Clerk, IBPS RRB, CGL, CHSL, State Level tests, Other Exams, and so forth. gives you 10 new words From The Hindu Editorial on the regular schedule which will profit you in up and coming assessments.
The Hindu Editorial vocabulary incorporates the word with the significance, equivalent words, antonyms alongside the model given in “THE HINDU” Editorial pages. As we as a whole Know in English area the vocabulary originates from THE HINDU Newspapers in the most bank and aggressive tests and it is extremely fundamental to peruse and recollections vocab from The Hindu Vocab day by day. You can test your vocabulary and assess yourself as to your separate tests. gives you The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary on a Regular Basis to upgrade Your vocab power and causes you in your readiness for Govt work. You can likewise download Pdf of Hindu Vocab so you can clear your questions before a test.
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 20 June 2020
1) Expedite (Verb) – शीघ्र कार्रवाई करना
Meaning: make (an action or process) happen sooner or be accomplished more quickly.
Synonyms: speed up, accelerate, hurry
Antonyms: delay, hinder
Usage: “he promised to expedite economic reforms”
2) Stringent (Adjective) – कड़ी से कड़ी
Meaning: strict, precise, and exacting.
Synonyms: firm, rigid, rigorous
Antonyms: lenient, flexible
Usage: “stringent guidelines on air pollution”
3) Substantial (Adjective) – सारभूत
Meaning: of considerable importance, size, or worth.
Synonyms: considerable, real, material
Antonyms: insubstantial, worthless
Usage: “a substantial amount of cash”
4) Disruption (Noun) – गड़बड़ी, अशांति
Meaning: disturbance or problems which interrupt an event, activity, or process.
Synonyms: disturbance, disordering, disarrangement
Antonyms: calm, method, order
Usage: “the scheme was planned to minimize disruption”
5) Thaw (Verb) – पिघलना
Meaning: become liquid or soft as a result of warming up.
Synonyms: defrost
Antonyms: freeze
Usage: “the river thawed and barges of food began to reach the capital”
6) Blitz (Noun) – बम बरसाना
Meaning: an intensive or sudden military attack.
Synonyms: battery, bombing, the onslaught
Antonyms: let-up
Usage: “a heavy artillery blitz”
7) Endeavor (Verb) – प्रयास करना
Meaning: try hard to do or achieve something.
Synonyms: try, attempt, venture
Antonyms: abstention, destruction, ease
Usage: “he is endeavoring to help the Third World”
8) Fraught (Adjective) – चिंतित, परेशान
Meaning: causing or affected by anxiety or stress.
Synonyms: anxious, worried, upset
Antonyms: calm
Usage:” there was a fraught silence”
9) Amenable (Adjective) – आज्ञाकारी, परिचित
Meaning: open and responsive to suggestion; easily persuaded or controlled.
Synonyms: compliant, acquiescent, biddable
Antonyms: uncooperative
Usage: “parents who have amenable children”
10) Hostage (Noun) – बन्धक व्यक्ति
Meaning: a person seized or held as security for the fulfillment of a condition.
Synonyms: captive, prisoner, detainee
Antonyms: captor, independent, escapee
Usage: “they were held hostage by armed rebels”
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